Friday, August 31, 2007


Oh yeah this is fabulous. Nothing makes things more joyful and wonderful than the idea of getting a shot at something that much fun.

Okay you can talk about things that are nice and good. Which is fine, but boring. Good is okay, just not that exciting.

Sorry, it just isn't the same to me. Nope, if I can't have both the fun and the sleazy it just doesn't work for me.

I realize that is just being selfish. And to which I say, so what? Yeah, that's right. What is the big deal here?

I mean let's be fair about this. Why should dude like me bother acting all silly and noble when I'm not and don't want to be?

Yeah, after all, what would that matter? Come on why should I be silly about this? Is this going to improve anything if I lie?

Well maybe. I might look better in the eyes of some. But heck, what is the good of that? I can't think of any.

And frankly if I do manage to lie about it, is that going to help? Not from where I'm sitting.

So I will tolerate all those little required times of, man I got to be a geek to get the votes. And then when nobody is looking, it is off to place for better fun.

Oh I will give all those stupid words that say, hey I'm a supporter of family values. I am really you know.

I supported them for all who truly have families and need that kind of illusion of happiness. But otherwise, for get it.

At least in terms of how I spend my free time. After the PTA meeting and all that crap it is fun time.

And you go ahead and do all the dull crap you call life. I'll even join you if you like. Tell you decide to nod off from boredom.

Then I'll leave you with the crying babies, wife who has her hair in curlers and a dog who things pissing on your leg is a sign of affection. While you're dosing I'll be off to sanity where I'm having a good time.

Oh I might even think about you along the way. But no guarantees. I might be too busy to think that far ahead.

Thursday, August 30, 2007


Okay I want people to remember here that playgrounds do have swings! So you should equate swinging with fun.

I know that is my definition, but it sure works for me. And let me tell you I work very hard looking for playgrounds.

And why not? I mean we are talking a very basic need here. The need to have fun. Anybody want tell me that is a bad thing?

If you do, please stop reading since you are obviously beyond help. I will give you my sympathy for your cursed condition. For you are truly a creature to be pitied. Okay, I will also be dancing up and down since you are also out of contention for my own playground needs. Yippee for me.

Honestly, would you expect me to be otherwise? Because I don't think I have ever pretended that I was not looking out for me first. Oh I imagine some would think this is something other than a noble point of view.

To which I reply, so what? Hey, is it in anyway going to improve my life by being noble? Will I get some benefit from it?

Not in my opinion. I'm sorry, but it doesn't work that way. Not from where I am sitting. Nope, you can forget that idea.

Which is why when you down to what counts, why wouldn't I be more focused on the idea of having a good time than looking good. Looking good doesn't really end up feeling good.

That is the Limburger philosophy you understand. Which I will always feel that it will be my priority.

Hey, at least I feel I'm being honest here. And that is important to me. Because I have to live with that choice and not everyone else.

Alas that is the way life really works. Not perhaps in you way of thinking, but it is so for me.

Having said that I am most grateful for the times I am able to actually apply such thoughts in my head. Ah, it feels so good too.

As for everyone else, well happy days may be your blessing. You might be happy doing nothing, but playing in some playground where it is really dull.

Have a good time. I'll be the one off partying and smiling a lot. What can I say, it works for me. Most things do.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007


There are drains that are important in life and others that are not. One can appreciate how it is essential to have something like drains for the rain and in the house plumbing. That always is a good thing.

But the kind of drain we don't need is the one that involved people. By that I mean someone who is so adept and draining your energy. They just have this incredible power to suck you dry.

It really is something you can hardly smile about. Unless you enjoy being left feeling like some limp dishrag. I don't. And I can't imagine that ever becoming my priority either.

Getting the people around me to appreciate that fact can be challenging. It is sad, but honestly I have concluded that sane people are an illusion.

They are some fantasy created by writers who are themselves insane, but managed to invent such fiction. They do so I figure at the benefit to the all the peddlers of drugs that we have to take for depression.

Now that is a really great game plan from my point of view. Really just leaves me smiling to imagine.

Honestly, think of it. They get us all convince were are jerks if we aren't sane. When it fact nobody is.

So we sit around depressed and thinking our lives are worthless. Which they really are, but that isn't the point.

Well not the really important one. It is only a point to the people who keep thinking it needs to be a point.

As for me, I just accept the whole thing is hopeless. So why worried about it. And naturally since I don't let myself to get nuts over it I don't need the medications as much.

I do need the company of somebody to help me take my mind off the insanity though. Just a few friendly faces willing to let me savor some peace from all the draining.

And there are fortunately those around who are willing to understand this need. So we have those special times where I enjoy being drained in more positive ways.

As for the rest of us, well I hope you find some nice solutions to your drain needs. Just don't call me if you haven't found any.

I will probably be busy if you ever try calling. I might even listen to the message eventually, but no promises.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007


These sure at not a good thing in most cases. I'm telling you I'm not crazy about them. Unless for some reason it is like a thing I savor if it is a stain of red ink on somebody's checkbook or wallet.

Now that I can get so happy about. Even more so if I had a part with it. Oh yeah, that will make me smile.

And it is generally not the kind of thing that leads to the other person smiling. Unless it is from the fact that they have horde of cash they are hiding somewhere.

But you can be sure they won't be willing to admit that. More like they will sit back and look very calm and content. That is the first clue they are hiding something from my point of view.

However, enough of such touching thoughts. Yep, you can be sure that isn't the kind of thing that happens all that often.

Instead, the stains generally are the type that suck. For the person you understand, not for somebody else.

I don't know, but I just find a certain satisfaction when somebody who claims to be spotless has some really huge stain on them. Oh yeah now that is fun you can be sure.

Mainly I guess because I savor the ability to point out those stains. They really are wonderful to expose.

The big challenge is not letting your own stains get exposed. Now you can be sure this can be very tricky too.

Honesty, it is such a challenge to tell on the other person without getting reamed yourself. Because the moment you then you can expect them to want to do the same to you.

This is so much of a game I guess. Making sure you can explain your spots while not letting the other person be able to explain theirs.

In the course of a day this little stains come up enough times to merit attention. Not that everyone will agree.

Okay so the challenge is sometimes to find a nice stain remover. That can be costly. Especially if you have to remove the stain without anyone knowing about it.

Well, I intended to explore this in other ways. A little extra effort and making more stains for somebody else helps.

If that doesn't work, then lies are always a great form of stain.

Monday, August 27, 2007


Oh how I wish this took place all the time. But we can't always have this. And it really isn't so much problem for me. It is al the people who work for me.

They get so trapped by this mood of being pissed off because they don't have it better. Now I ask you is that really my fault?

Honestly am I to blame for the fact that people are stuck in some bad situation. I'm not God you know?

But if you look at the way some react you would think I was supposed to be. I mean they get so bent out of shape by the fact that I can't in some way make their lives perfect.

Now I ask you is that fair, really? I never even promised I would try to make life perfect for them.

So I wish they would stop moping around and sneering at me like this is all my fault. Okay so I'm better off. Tough!

Yeah, you read that right. Tough. I really don't feel a need to listen to their whining. Now don't get me wrong here. I'm not totally heartless either.

It is just that the envy these people have is the result of their problems. And not because I caused them.

After all where is it written that we all we'll become rich and famous? I don't remember reading that anywhere.

And most of the time people do seem to appreciate that to some degree. Just never quite to the degree that is helpful.

But that's okay. I do try to listen. Well okay, I do it while wearing sunglasses so they don't know I'm napping, but I think it is the thought that counts.

The hard part is avoiding snoring. That is a major drawback to getting them to think I really listening.

I sort of learned that the hard way. Nothing ruins you charade quicker than having them hear that snoring.

In any case, I'm going to work hard to improve on such things. Not by actually doing anything helpful you understand. Just by thinking about it.

That is the big key to not feeling so guilty. Lying to yourself really makes it so much easier. And when you can do that you just end up feeling so blessed. My employees still feel like crap. But I feel better.

Sunday, August 26, 2007


This is a far question. Just the need to know if life is quite as much of a desert as we expect.

Now there are times when we just get totally stupid in our vision. We can look out at the world and see nothing, but hopelessness. That is of course said and stupid. Not they way we need it to be.

And that is when we need help. A chance to in some way move back to seeing the flowers once more.

Yeah, come on, we need a chance to find the gardens and smell the flowers for a change. They are out there.

It might be hard to appreciate if you are sittings some swamp in the middle of a bunch of slime. But they do seem to find it necessary when in that situation to only see the desert.

I guess I can't blame them for that feeling. I just don't prefer to focus on that option. I just think you need to give yourself a chance to look for the flowers.

Now for me those are about looking for those precious petals that will make you feel so darn good. Yeah, the ones that will truly make you feel good all over

I know that isn't the type of garden some are looking for. Well actually I think it is the kind every one is looking for. I'm just not convinced they all are willing to admit it. Instead they get hung up on this thing about pretending like that kind of gardening doesn't apply to them.

Liars! Oh yeah, you are darn right I'm going to call them that. Because any time you are breathing you got an itch.

And let me tell you I'm not in any way going to pretend that I don't love to scratch. But with me I always find a way to be sure I get some satisfaction.

There are plenty who don't. And that's fine with me. Because the fewer than do means the more that I don't have to compete with.

Which makes me happy since that way I have no problem finding some nice young gal who will be sympathetic with my need. That really can be a challenge if I let it be.

But in the meantime while I mill around in quest of a few well deserved smiles that I will not forget my fellow man. I'll all remember then each time I find a helpful gal.

By making sure I steer them elsewhere. Oh yeah, got to do that. Have to be sure they never get near my diversion. I figure that would be the case of my surviving and that is fair to me.

Saturday, August 25, 2007


This is so many times to me something that never happens. Not the way we would like. It is rare for a person to stand up and say, "It is my fault."

Oh they might be willing to say, "I did it," but then always have an excuse. Not necessarily a good one, but an excuse just the same.

In essence they are not really taking blame. They are still saying it is not my fault. That just is how it ends up from my point of view.

See it is a matter as I view if of whether you really want to say it is your fault or just say, hey, I got stuck with the blame, because. There is a big difference when you think about it.

Which most don't. That's right they really don't. The way I figure it this isn't much of the type of thing people actually are inclined to do.

I think the main reason is because it is too depressing. Yeah really who wants to admit to being an idiot?

I know that come what may, I don't want to sit there and have to paint on my head, I'm stupid and proud of it. No, no, no, no, no!

And frankly I don't think anybody else does either. Blame has this annoying element though of hinting that is exactly who we are.

Not that it matters. Well in terms of how others are going to perceive it. I think most of us have pretty much the same reaction.

When somebody starts talking out of both sides of their mouths and rambles a lot, my reaction is generally, okay, this person is lying big time. I can't help it, that is how I handle it.

Is this a good thing? Well maybe not in some ways, but then who says we are always smart in that sense?

Honestly, what fun would life be like if we couldn't make crap up? We just have so much joy derived from being creative.

And I applaud the industry some have for such inventive manners. That is so inspiring. Mainly because it encourages me that I'm not alone in being a spineless wimp.

The more like me out there that can find who deal with things the way I do the happier I am. Just gives me a reason to smile.

And that I will always find.

Friday, August 24, 2007


Oh yes this is important. Yep, we all need those moments when somebody says to us we are cool.

Now needing them and finding them are never the same thing. You can spend all day hinting about this to some people and they will never get it.

Why? I think it is because nobody wants to be first. Kind of like, well yeah, this is great, but when you do it, then I will. At least it seems that way to me.

And I have to admit I feel that way to a degree. Only I sure don't want to dole out all that thank you stuff and how you are so great and get nothing in return.

Which is the source for a lot of frustration at times. I have definitely not enjoyed this experience.

This is not without being intended as a voice of complaint either. Well perhaps to a degree. Alright, yeah, I'm pissed about. Yeah, you are darn right.

I don't like this double standard. Meaning where I as Mayor have to spend all my time massaging somebody's ego and then they don't even say thank. Nope not a single word of gratitude.

Is this really the way it is supposed to work? Not to me. It isn't a rule you understand. Nobody sits down and specifically has this rule book for credit that keeps score.

But the game is supposed to work on a certain set of unspoken rules. Basically, I take the time to tell you how great you are then you will do the same for me.

Does this happen? Nope. Not even close. There are too many stupid jerks who just want you to tell them they are gods.

And if you do they just get worse and never better. That never makes things improve. But if you say don't bother, oh man you are in big trouble.

Because they will really act like jerks then. Now that not worth the headaches from my point of view.

If you have ever had one of my employees moping around your office you would understand. Honestly, you might as well let them take out a gun and shoot you. It would hurt less.

Nope, they won't be that thoughtful. They will just sit back and beat you to death with their guilt trip.

I of all people ought to have this as no problem, but I end up being bugged by it. So I give them credit and I hate it, but it at least shuts them up.

Thursday, August 23, 2007


Ah, yes, the joy of grinning. That pure satisfaction from doing it right. And knowing you have every reason to celebrate the process and rewards.

Which may or may not be the way you actually experience things. There is a difference between say having a reason to smile and being able to enjoy it.

Why is there a difference? Mainly because there are those who would interfere with the process.

Yep, there are always going to be the ones who drive you nuts with distractions. They are dull by nature you understand. People who truly can not in anyway be capable of savoring what is good as a rule.

So they will instead fine a reason to keep you from doing the same. And darn it all if some divine force doesn't seem to be capable of inspiring their behavior. Oh yeah, you can almost can't on them finding some means to drive you nuts that will truly work.

I always hate that part. I wish there was a good solution, but there never seems to be one. It just keeps driving us nuts with more opportunities to see to it that we get sucked dry of any chance to actually smile.

And from my view it is our divine right to smile sometimes. Okay, I didn't get a ruling from the Lord on that one.

But I have a feeling there is not going to be any complaint just the same. I just have this idea that when it comes to smiles there is not crime or sin taking place so go for it.

Now what I don't understand since it isn't illegal and all the bible thumpers are trying to keep you from doing bad things then obviously this whole thing ought to make them happy. Yeah, why not?

Well shoot this could be so much fun if you think about it. Yeah, they could make it all about thou shalt.

We could sit there in such agony of being forced to be happy. They could pass out all those little inspiration tracts that say, you will be happy!

I could handle that kind of situation, couldn't you? I could be so happy with that option just by itself.

However, I suppose it will never be quite as much fun as always making us feel depressed does it? I have a little trouble thinking this option will get them excited.

Wish it could. Oh man how much more fun this would be if we were forced to be happy all the time.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007


Now I can get to the very heart of the whole issue of what is really important. Yep, that is what I said, what is really important.

I realized that might not be true for some, but it is for me. Once again I am in position where I must define the world according to how my eyes perceive it.

But then why wouldn't I? In fact don't most people do that on some level? Exactly my point.

And in this case when you get passed all the clap trap about whatever is the prevailing feel good stuff some like to call reality, you get to the actual facts. In this case that translates into my view as a lot of pseudo baloney.

Now there is a nice word for you. A simple expression of saying what we prefer to say makes us feel good, but in reality it only sounds great.

Sort of like if you were wanting to impress you would watch public television. Then after the company was gone you would go back to watching crap again.

Yeah, see there is the supposed good we all would like to be true because it well, sounds good. Then there is reality. That is the part where our honestly resides.

Only it is so hard to admit we love crap that much. Yep, it might be fun, it might be crude, but dang it all, we're addicted.

Now unlike some people I just don't feel like making this game more than a game. And even though I am a devout liar it does not mean I have to be less than honest about lying.

Okay that might sound weird to some, but not to me. I really don't care to invest myself in more lies than are necessary to keep myself able to get what I want.

That is the part that matters with this thing called fine. I just prefer to be honest about it. Which is probably the most ironic element. So many would prefer to pretend. And that is not too surprising.

But the way I see it you need to truly get to the core of what will give you a reason to smile. There are a lot of things that don't require truth you understand.

We can manage to get through life just find without it. And so many do. As for me, well I do succeed in ignoring it at times.

But then that is just a fun way of being sure I don't get too bored. Life does have a tendency to do that at times.

Unless you are like me and savor it in some other way.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007


Dandy is never quite the same as good. We sort of understand this to some degree. Dandy is rather a feeling I guess. And more than a little vague I would imagine.

Which is okay you understand. What is important is one keep it connected between the idea of fine and dandy. For the two do go together.

And as long as you remember it then you will do great. Dandy is good. Dandy is wonderful. It is when everything is okay.

See this is the difference between dandy and good. With good it has to follow some rule of good as somebody determined. That can suck.

Whereas with dandy, well it doesn't depend on somebody else's definition. Why? Because it is a mood and thought about life that works for you. And I love it.

Only wish I could get that option with every dandy though. See there are some times it just don't work out that way. Honestly, it never quite is what we want it to be.

Now there are probably some who would not presume to accept that this even matters, but not me. I'm totally persuaded this works.

In terms of how I choose to embrace life. Yep, how it works for me. You can bet that is something I count as important.

Others might not, but I do. Which is part of what I'm trying to convey with this posting. Basically, the value of appreciating all the little elements of life that truly matter.

See sometimes we ignore what counts. We fail to see those spots between the lines that matter to everyone.

Hopefully, by my posting this then we can always find a nice little detail each time one is prone to get grumpy over all the facts we don't like to think about. Ah yes, it is so valuable.

One truly can feel so good when this happens. A chance to celebrate such wonderful and touching elements.

Now maybe you don't accept that. But then you probably aren't getting enough of your dandy then. Hardly my problem.

So you can go ahead and make fun if you want. As for me, I'm going to have my fine and dandy and that is good enough for me.

Now if by chance you want a few lessons, cool, I'll be glad to offer a few ideas for the right price, fine and dandy.

Monday, August 20, 2007


Ah now this is a wonderful thing. For something to be both fine as in wonderful and good also.

The fine part isn't too tough to understand. It is the good part that gets fuzzy. I mean really fuzzy. Because my idea of good is not that same as somebody else.

Which is like way too many things in life. I'm not saying that is a good thing, just a reality. Doesn't mean I enjoy it unless it works for my advantage.

But so far that is a crap shoot. And I'm prepared for that reality. Didn't say I like it, just that it does work that way.

So the main thing for me is concentrating on the fine part. You know I might not be able to always be sure on how much it will be good, but I'm imagine I can get a handle on the fine part.

Yep, that is never easy. I just focus extra hard to be sure I see it become a reality. Well sounds good anyway.

Two things always improve it though. One is to be sure I take time to say lie to myself enough. Oh yeah you say it enough times and it works great.

And if by chance that fails to give you a smile then the other option I prefer is lots of booze. Okay, I know that might seem like a stupid reason, but hey, it sure beats feeling sorry for yourself.

Course when possible I also enjoy the company of a nice lady or two. That helps to make things better also.

At least I do enjoy when I have all the options I prefer available to me. Just makes me feel so much more free.

Ironically, I do feel it would be great if I always had all the options I wanted, but that doesn't happen. I do work on it though.

And the great times are when I get the fine I want when I want it. And that makes it sooo good.

Yep, I savor those blessings. Really makes me so happy. And it all gives me reason to smile.

Well for a while at least. Then comes the times when I can sit back and savor the moment. Those you can always talk about though.

But we do enjoy them just the same.

Sunday, August 19, 2007


Ah, this is a wonderful feeling. To walk away from some situation with a nice smile. That can be hard to achieve a times.

But it sure is wonderful when it happens. And trust me I savor every time I can accomplish this.

Normally, these do have to be planned out. Just a fact of life. Revenge my be the Lord's department, but honestly he has his own time table and it isn't the same as mine.

Not wanting to encroach on the Lord's turf here, but you know, I got to admit that it might work for some, but doesn't for me. Basically the deal is that there are times when I just need that satisfaction of seeing some jerk get what he deserves.

The thing is, I'm not looking here for thunderbolts or the person to get a visit from the grim reaper. I'm not that blood thirsty.

See to me I leave that kind of revenge to God. He can zap people at his leisure and how he wants. That is his department.

But the think is why can't I dole out a little grief? Nothing permanent, just something to make the person deserving of being miserable for a while.

At least in my view that would be an okay thing. And it does give me some satisfaction on an admittedly less than noble level.

You know doing it creatively really does give me joy. Like having a no parking tow away zone sign put up after a guy I hate parks somewhere.

People normally don't pay attention to such things anyway, so they can't complain that they missed it. And naturally, I'm hardly going to volunteer the fact.

But knowing the person is going to have to go down to the tow yard and pay a forward in fees does make me so happy. You can be sure of that.

In little ways. Ah that is the joy of my life. I just love the little things. Those are enough revenge for me.

Now there are a lot of things that fall under that category though. You have to admit that you can't do it with everything.

Wish I could. That would be such a blessing. But alas I settle for those small steps towards smiles.

Really does warm me so much to be able to do this. A nice little past time that doesn't leave me with anything, but a few joys when I see those people biting their steering wheels.

Saturday, August 18, 2007


Now there is no more ideal situation for a con man or someone who makes living peddle dreams as reality than to create a hunger. One that can only be satisfied when the person buys what you are selling. You just can't put a price tag on such joy for a guy like me.

For this to take place generally requires a set of special circumstances. And dumb luck never hurts either.

The problem is for you to get a situation like means somebody has to have a need they must satisfy no matter what. Everyone has needs. But most are not of the nature you go crazy if you don't get what you want.

Oh you might get grumpy and pissed off, but you'll live. What we are talking about here is a case of industrial strength gotta have it. Oh yeah this is when you got it real bad.

Well those kinds of opportunities just don't come up as often as one would wish. In fact they are way too rare from my point of view.

Which is why on the rare opportunity where you find this type of situation take place it nearly brings tears to one's eyes. The very chance to score one for my zipper, er a metaphor you understand, it really does make me feel so good inside.

Now what makes this type of situation real? Normally it happens the most when a person's situation changes.

They have to be put into a crisis that truly threatens their existence. Then they will be ready to ask for help. And the bigger the crisis the bigger the way they will beg for more.

I know that is taking advantage of someone. To which I plead guilty. Yep, you can be sure I will be more than happy to help the person bend over while I shove a little grief their way. Okay sneer if you want, but trust me, I don't a have a problem doing this in any way.

Why? Fair question and the answer is simple. Because basically I know I can count on somebody else I know doing the same thing.

Yep, to live with sharks you have to expect they will act like sharks. So whenever possible you make sure you are the first to feast.

Some call that survival of the fitness, but I don't think so. It is survival of the sneaky. Yep, the one who doesn't give a darn about the rules, just having fun.

And let me tell you that is not the way I care to view things. So I'll keep up the begging for more occasions whenever possible.

As for the rest, well guess it will depend on how you like to fish, as a shark or bait.

Friday, August 17, 2007


Oh man this sure sucks. I'm telling you spending time where you end up having no choice but to yawn is not my idea of a good time.

And I will never ever complain if I don't have to go through that again. I've had enough exposure to dull for a life time.

Which doesn't mean much when you live in the city that practically has a monopoly on the market for boredom. We could almost call it an industry.

Not that it would be that successful. Most places aren't interested in importing dullness. But if they ever do, we are ready! And then some too!

In the meantime, I do have to battle that problem. That means way too many trips to places so infectious with yawns.

Really is disgusting how blessed we are. I wish god had blessed us more in other ways instead.

But he seemed to feel it was more of a blessing to shine the beacon of dull over our lives. And I'm still struggling to find the gold with that one.

I keep looking. I just haven't yet found any. I've found lots of other crap. None worth talking about though.

Wish there were. It might make the rest of the times more tolerable. But where I live the only way you might accomplish that would be a personality transplant.

Even if that was possible, I doubt it would possible to find enough for a whole city. I'm not that insane enough to think we could achieve that option.

So it means being stuck with all the dullness seeping through the city. It comes in such horribly huge tidal waves of unbelievable monotony.

One can sort of find the occasional raft upon which to float during such storms. I find several places most tolerable oasis of smiles in the middle of these situations.

If only I could avoid the icebergs. Those are the schedule meetings with people having all the personality of a mannequin. Now that would be a plus.

But there is no requirement that a voter have a personality. I'm lucky if they actually have a brain.

So I tolerate the madness. Feeling so happy when I manage to sneak away to some fantasy island.
They do exist you know. For the right price.

Thursday, August 16, 2007


Wouldn't it be wonderful if we never had to have any of the cares in life that give us headaches? Okay, I know that falls under the, "not in this life time" category, but it still is on my wish list.

Naturally it does cover a whole lot of different elements. Some things more realistic than others, but you can be sure anything I can drop off the list that causes worry really does top my list.

Those are the things we just can't in any way look as tolerable if we have the option of forgetting them. And let me tell you forget them I would.

While this doesn't in any way mean I get that choice, it doesn't mean I can't still work towards that option. What a joy it would be too.

A chance to in some way savor the precious time of complete peace. Naturally, this is not a place I would expect to find easy.

Normally, the way I see it, there is only so much peace energy in the world. Really is not the easiest thing to obtain. Just a thing we truly do crave. And can anyone blame us?

Now see this is the biggest problem. For it means we will no doubt fight the issue of not getting it without taking it away from somebody else.

It is a bit ironic I suppose. You can't have peace without fighting for it. We can out peace each other like trying to one up each other.

Kind of defeats the peace aspects. However, it would be nice in one way. We could just smile at the way it would work.

Imagine armies of soldiers holding white flags marching off to surrender to each other. Each demanding to sign a treaty first.

And then the problem of everyone surrendering would be that no one would in any way end up finding the means to be a prisoner. Who would watch over the prisons? That's a scary possibility.

Oh well I have a feeling that isn't going to be a big problem any time soon. Not unless the world suddenly goes completely crazy.

Well the going crazy part is not hard to understand. I mean it is already there for the most part. Just not this kind of crazy.

This would to me fall under the category of twilight zone insanity. And I have seen enough of life to know that isn't hard to take place. Hopefully, if this does take place, I won't happen to be here for it.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007


Well one thing we can savor is knowing when two of something it better than one. Not have to understand. Two can give you the double the pleasure. At least that is the theory.

And I can certainly admit there are a few things I would say fit this thought. Just not all of them.

I guess my latest postings have been rather obsessed as of recently with contrasts. Probably because they are the thing that most often seem to make me totally insane.

See for a guy like me, having it all isn't a theory, it is an addiction. I know it is silly to think in those terms by some people's point of view, but not mine.

I guess that is because I honestly am in a position to kid myself into thinking I can have it all with the right kind of effort. Has it ever actually happened?

Not really, but it doesn't mean I can't keep hoping. And you can be sure that I do. I do it all the time. In fact I spend all my time thinking along those lines it seems.

And pairs naturally fall under that same category. Wanting it all really works for me. There are a whole lot of them I don't mind if I have two of something.

Oh yeah, two bank vaults of money would not upset me. Having two salaries wouldn't upset me either.

And there are actually a host of things not related to money that I would get jazzed over. Believe it or not that would be true. It might be hard to accept that I might have some passion in life for more than wine, women and song. Money is required for all of those you understand.

Just that I am human and that means I have other needs that what some might think. For example, I would enjoy twice the peace as I have now.

Honestly, it would be the best of pleasure if I could have more times when I am not facing some crisis. You can be sure I would savor it completely.

Just one of those little details that you just have to savor when the time comes. But I am working on it.

Beyond that, I think it would be great to say have twice as much time. Now the peace part is doable. The time part is fantasy.

Which doesn't mean that it is a bad thing. Just harder to turn into a reality. Oh yeah, this is my kind of fun. Dreaming and hoping it turns into fact with the right kind of effort. What can I say, it works for me.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007


Well, there are all kinds of definitions of this. Essentially, I think the most apparent one is when you are delivered or sheltered from some kind of harm. Yep, that is a really beneficial thing.

All of which is presuming you want to be saved. Now that is the part that is rather vague. In order to truly be saved in any way you need to first know you need such saving.

Otherwise you might be less than thrilled by any attempts to actually give you some form of saving. Which does seem to be a problem at times in our world.

See government is suppose to be in the saving business. Only this is a two edged sword when you consider it.

After all, when the government elects to do some saving they will not stop at saving what you want being saved. Nope, the boys running the big show plan on doing things right.

Which means you will get a ton of rules, inspectors and people to inspect the inspectors. When they get all done you can also count on higher taxes to pay for it all.

Isn't that special? I think it really does just totally inspire when you think of it. In so many wonderfully fabulous ways.

Yep. give them credit, when it comes to saving people, they will make sure it is done right and regularly. And so much so that you will just be totally grateful for all the misery they give you while helping!

Now that is a joy to behold. Nothing to make you happier that a chance to feel like crap and pay for the privilege.

In any case I do saver the joy of those special times to see the system work in a way that saves somebody or something. It is always nice when that happens.

Pity it doesn't happen as often as I would like. But then what can I say, life is so full of wonderful surprises.

As a Mayor naturally I do support the system. Mainly because as long as the big boys are dumping grief on people in ways to help them, they won't notice my efforts.

Oh yeah, I'll do all I can to support that option. People get so busy griping about the ways the big boys treat them they never notice my little efforts.

But then, I'm not the one that is really trying to save anyone. I just pretend that I am so it sounds great.

Oh well, we will see how much saving happens, when I give my next costs for saving in the form of new taxes.


Always good to have more than one of some things. Not everything though. Having spare sickness will never be popular.

It would be nice to have things like a spare body, but other than in sci fi movies you don't get a chance at those. Which is less than a joy in terms of hopes we don't get to realize.

Aside that issue and fantasy, one can't help wondering about the blessing life would possess if we actually had less insecurity to face. Which is really the primary focus from my view on the issues of spares.

But it is too bad we can't just have some place to shop for the spares of our choices. I mean so many things in life don't seem to work right. So if they break down and you can get them repair correctly, wouldn't it be nice if you could find a nice spare?

Let's take what to me is the most likely place where you could need a spare. That to me would be with a spouse. Yeah, that is what I said.

Okay, let's be honest here, marriages just don't work right sometimes. They just plain suck.

The prince charming or angel you thought you were marrying turned out to be less than a dream. Only it is too late now, you can't get out of the situation.

But why can't you get a spare spouse if the one you have is flat? Seems fair to me. I mean really why not?

Hey, those things happen. Something went wrong and the relationship wasn't quite what you hope. It just plain sucks.

So why not have a spare spouse you can rely upon? I knew there are other terms for that, but honestly the problem is that we don't call them spares.

But what if we could? Wouldn't that make life so much less complicated? I think so. Not that I get a vote in your choices.

I'm just trying to be accommodating on this thing to all those people who need spares. I bet if I was to take a poll it would work great.

Providing you had people who were honest. That might be tough to accomplish with some folks.

But that's okay. We won't be concerned with them. They are in my opinion just a tad tragic.

For the rest of us, we'll go in quest of the perfect spare. I won't waste time with dimensions.

Monday, August 13, 2007


There are those times when one needs a substitute in life. It can happen any time what we expect or have as a necessity isn't available.

What is sad is how often in order to try and get these little goodies we have to deal with some institution that seems to devout itself to making us miserable. Which is such a tragedy given the fact that they are dealing with something of anxiety to a person.

It is like they devote themselves to figuring out some clever way of adding to your grieve. Is there an upside to this that I don't know?

I haven't thought of any. And that is part of what really bugs me about why some clowns with the power to do something helpful work so hard at being jerks.

Okay as a small city government I will admit that I do have my share of times that we add a little aggravation to life. And I hate to take the easy way out on this, but honestly, the truth is with government you do have the problem of it being an issue of what works for the public.

This is one of those majority things. And anytime you have a situation where too many minds make the rules, you get abuse and neglect of the common man.

Hey, this is not a rule you understand, just a fact of life I'm stating. I do the best I can to embrace this as reality, but what am I suppose to do? This can get real ugly when you are talking about people who don't like this reality.

Honestly, I didn't create the system you understand. I just enforce them. And so don't blame me for it sucking.

In any case, this to me is a flaw in the red tape nature of the beast. You just can't kill the darn thing.

So it sucks. That doesn't justify the stupidity some people invest in other ways. No it doesn't!

Try to get some jerk in customer service at the cable company to accept that. It doesn't work.

No, they don't even want to talk about anything except you being willing to order more of their services. Like I am thrilled to do that.

Oh well, I have long since abandoned any expectation this will improve. I have naturally focused on ways of getting even.

This happens whenever one of those customer service jerks come in to ask ME for a favor with our city. You know where that ends.

Sunday, August 12, 2007


Oh yeah this is a big problem. Empty is seldom a plus. Out of gas, out of money, they are not news items of boasting. Not to me.

And as far as I feel not being full in those areas is definitely a cause for concern. I mean NOT having stuff you are suppose to have is never a point of smiles.

Now if you happen to be you know a person who panics over silly emptiness that is different. There are way too many like that.

They fuss over the stupidest things. Honestly why stress out over things like your stupid stapler is out of staplers.

Now really just because you don't have any staples in your desk drawer is that a reason to freak out? I mean do you have to act like it is the end of the world?

Well is it? Not to me. And frankly not to anyone that I know who is remotely sane. That just doesn't work with the same degree of being important as say when you are out of money or time.

But for these folks they are as big a problem. And it can be so much worse too. I mean if these people have too many empties in one day, oh my god they will nearly die.

Such as when we are out of copier paper and say coffee. Now one of those problems is not the end of the world, but both, oh man it is the end of the world.

Which doesn't not make the world a happy place for the rest of us either. I'm telling you I can live with that agony. And you can be sure that I will do what I can to avoid it too.

I might do better at that if I didn't have so many working for me with such a distorted view of empty. Honestly I have no empty in the one thing I would rather be empty.

That is one thing I do have as a lament. How come I have to be so blessed with such insane people?

Well, I have to confess I would much prefer to avoid such options, but that doesn't happen. Nope, no matter how much I might dream otherwise, I know I'm cursed with such choices.

I do try to look upon it more positive. I figure if I am enduing such options then perhaps it is making life easier for others.

I'm not crazy about that option, but I guess I can savor the moment and feel good I'm helping somebody else. Sounds good I guess. Maybe not in a way that makes me smile, but in a way that I have learned to accept. That is sort of like you know. in the same category as doing to the dentist.

Saturday, August 11, 2007


Oh yeah this is a wonderful feeling. Totally erroneous you understand, but a wonderful feeling just the same.

I do appreciate how it would be a choice for some to presume that such view of one's abilities would be a good thing. But regardless of how we choose to view it, reality is the pits in that regard.

Which is why some people probably feel compelled to seduce themselves with this illusion of perfection. Those are the ones who would sit and declare, "I don't make any mistakes."

That is one of those big red flags a person waves, which says, "hey I can't accept myself as I am." Those people really are sad.

And knowing they have such a view means you can deal with them on an honest level. Really is tough, but there are times it is not a choice.

In any event I guess the thing that I feel annoyed about is how I have to get stuck with a duality of existence. On the personal side I know I'm not perfect. I accept it and do what I can to cope.

However as a Mayor, I can't afford to admit being wrong. No, that will never work. Being never wrong is really a big deal.

So the way I get around it is by the use of all kinds of very long winded excuses. A whole lot of mind dribble that is nonsense, but works so well.

It can be rather draining at times. I will admit that. It is so darn hard coming up with all those excuses and make them be seem believable.

That can totally wear me out. Honestly, it is so hard to remember what I made up the last time.

I have even taken time to be sure I try to write all those lies down somewhere so I don't make the mistake of contradicting myself. And that can be so hard to do when you are out somewhere rambling to somebody.

A tape recorder does help. But then the challenge is to be sure you don't forget the batteries in the recorder.

Nothing can cancel your benefit if you forget to check the batteries regularly. Finding it out after the fact is not a good thing.

But those are the little things that often do get remembered so vividly after the fact, just not in a good way.


Well that's what we are always told isn't it? We are told to be realistic. Sort of like when somebody tells us to be reasonable.

Essentially, these about us conforming to somebody else's views of either issue. It is never about them conforming to our views. Nope, that would never work.

Might be fun if it did. I wouldn't complain that's for sure. It could be so thrilling to have somebody come up to me and say, "hey, you are so realistic." Well I can dream at least.

Meanwhile, what can I say, this is one of my personal ambitions. I want a world that makes sense.

Okay, I'm stupid, I admit that. It is wrong and insane to presume you can expect reality to be realistic. I mean in terms of things actually being the way one wants them to be.

Now that would really work for me. I would truly savor the moments when one could find happiness among the lunacy. Where life really did make sense in a realistic way.

But I have a feeling that isn't going to happen any time soon. Okay that isn't going to happen ever.

Doesn't mean that I can't wish it were otherwise. And writing about it is sort of my way of just keeping the hope alive.

Which is better than letting it die! Some have tried that, but honestly the funeral are the pits. No refreshments!

A bit of side humor to give this posting the almost respect it sort of deserves. Well kind of at least.

In any case, I am prepared to be realistic. Just as soon as everyone else does the same. I haven't seen any evidence of it though.

Not from my point of view. What I have witness is more people wanting to move into my neighborhood.

It is the one where I have a nice little slice of heaven, my way. Cable, booze and internet, some phone numbers to call to get lucky. Not realistic in terms of the future, but what the heck, it works for me.

And a whole lot of others as far as I can tell too. They are parked out in the grass, taking a number on who is going to be next to join me.

If they gripe about what order they are in, I just tell them to be realistic. That generally shuts them up and then we split a beer to celebrate a better form of sanity.

Friday, August 10, 2007


Right is opposed to either wrong or left. And let me till you if you are not right there are times when you better be sure you leave. Yeah, being totally wrong can shout stupid way too loud.

And naturally the wise option is to be sure you are never other than right. This is very tricky you understand.

Honestly, that implies being perfect and that just don't happen very often. Not sure one can even be perfect occasionally. I would go for it though.

The important thing is not that you ARE perfect. What is really important is that you don't appear WRONG.

There is a difference you understand. One is a guaranteed disaster. No matter how hard you try you can not maintain perfection.

But you can avoid being wrong. How you might ask? Very simple you never admit to being wrong. Deny, deny, deny you silly!

Of that you can be sure it is the most valuable thing you can accept. Oh this can be a challenge.

That is why the first rule is that you never ever admit you are responsible for anything. This is the most critical part.

Very simply you always line up a sufficient set of fall guys and scapegoats to get the blame when things go wrongs. Committees are also a wonderful diversion.

Oh how wonderful it is when you can say, "hey it wasn't my fault!" Oh how that drips so eloquently off the tongue.

Does for me at least. And with that little option the key to the door of never being wrong can be open. Oh yeah it will really work so well.

However for those poor individuals without the capacity to feel such options available the next option is never say anything where there are witnesses. Don't write it down and above all, never ever claim you said it no matter what happens.

Now that will truly spare you a lot of grief later. Trust me, the few times you have to admit to being wrong the better it is.

Unless you are a first class glutton for abuse. Then you can savor all the pain you want, just not with me offering any help!

A word to the wise guys should be sufficient.

Thursday, August 09, 2007


Well for me there is no moment more wonderful than when I can know I've made a sale. Actually, I'm not even one who makes a living by selling.

I suppose you could say I do sell indirectly. I sell confidence in the democratic system. And let me tell you than can be a tough sale at times.

That is the, you understand, my primary occupation. However, beyond that point, I have to sell myself.

Which has more than one level. First I have to sell my image to the public. I have to package my image in a way that makes it look appealing to voters. All very predictable and phony you understand. Nobody wants to vote for a jerk. You may be one, but they don't want to know about that person.

They want the knight in shining armor. The hero and courageous noble person who is going to replace their own lack of courage.

But in reality that is all my mask. And I do the selling very well from my point of view. Worked very good since I keep getting reelected.

However, that isn't the real me. That person would not get elected. Which I'm smart enough to appreciate.

This is all the predictable you understand. The nuts and bolts of political reality. And I'm darn proud of my ability to survive in that climate.

Beyond that element there is the real sales I do. That of selling my services, so some might say my soul, to the highest bidder. Very essential if one expects to do more than live on my salary.

And let me tell you, that I have to do. I honestly love that element in my thoughts. A perfect opportunity to be able to dream and see the future in a climate of anticipation.

All of which is my way and saying, "come and get it." Yep, Mayor Rash is open for business and ready to offer some real bargains.

It just depends on what you are in the market to purchase. I am confident that I can offer you a wide variety of special products you can't get everywhere.

Price is negotiable. Not really cheap you understand. That would never do. I do have a price tag.

In any case, one can feel free to come by and visit when I have my open house to check out the merchandise. It truly does come with some great attachments, including a chance to have the rules written your way.

Wednesday, August 08, 2007


Well this can be a good thing and one you can talk about, depending on the type you are referring too. Although even if you are talking about the kind where you seeing a shrink it doesn't have to be sad or embarrassing.

It sort of depends on how you care to express it. After all there is nothing wrong with admitting you need help. And some will applaud you for having the courage to admit you had a problem.

The main catch is that you have to make it seem that you have change, even if in real life you haven't. That is the key to success in that regard.

Otherwise you won't get a single soul to be impressed with it. They'll just figure you are a loser and not worth encouraging.

But on the other hand if you do this correctly, then you go it made. People will go out of there way to be sympathetic.

Now the made key again is making sure people think you actually have change and naturally that you honestly did get some help. The trick is when you really didn't get help, but need to make them think you did.

Really, that is so important. See I have found it to be a wonderful gimmick for getting sympathy with certain ladies.

That really is a big selling point to me. Which is why I have the benefit of some fake business cards with the names of phony therapist on it.

Just flashing that card opens some nice doors with the right person. And after a couple of drinks, man is it great.

They will believe almost anything when I peddle it right. Then they sympathy card really works.

If that kicks in oh man you can bet I do get the hugs and all the more stuff I crave. Just works wonders at times.

Which is the main benefit to me. And later I can always claim I can't meet again when I manage to say I'm in more intense therapy sessions.

Yeah, I know it sucks to some degree, but what the heck, it is the best type of therapy for me. At least it is cheap by the usual costs.

Now that makes it all so perfect. Well in regards to what works for me. But then most things work for me. Isn't that wonderful? Okay, you don't have to answer that, but it still makes me smile.

Tuesday, August 07, 2007


Love those commercials. Trying to demonstrate the idea of how your brain suffers from doing stupid things.

Admittedly it is a lesson we never learn very easy. Oh I guess you could say we are really good at being stupid. And why mess with such success?

Seems to me to be the prevailing sentiment. Otherwise why would we be so good at doing dumb things?

And from what I've seen we all manage to savor a whole lot of moments when we keep adding to this practice.

But in the middle of all this insanity, somehow we expect things with our leaders to be sane when we aren't. Which only makes sense since that is consistent with our stupidity.

Honestly can we actually expect otherwise at times? Personally, I don't think so. I just am happy to go along with this kind of lunacy.

However, I can't admit that as a Mayor. People would get very upset is I was to get up and say, come on let's be stupid together.

We could even make it a law. Even a holiday would be a good thing. National It's okay to be stupid today day. I like the sound of that.

Heck we could even make up banners and button for the event. And make it so no question, no matter how stupid would be a problem.

Then we could have picnic and parades where we celebrate the gift of uniqueness. That's a very politically correct word for being dumb.

Ah, I see this as a true future blessing to society. One in which we can all be proud. Oh yeah, now isn't that the joy we all really want.

A special time of pure honesty. A chance for us all to be honesty about being idiots. I think this is a time that truly had the potential to be so touching.

Ah, it just warms me so to even think about it. Imagine the streets full of people with buttons and flags waving all having big smiles from being free to be stupid.

This could be the beginning of something truly worthwhile. A new future for mankind where hope shines so bright.

And that is going to be such a blessing. Ah, it will be the joy of the future. A time when we all can be morons for a day and never feel guilty again. Who could ask for more than that? Don't answer that!

Monday, August 06, 2007


Love those commercials. Trying to demonstrate the idea of how your brain suffers from doing stupid things.

Admittedly it is a lesson we never learn very easy. Oh I guess you could say we are really good at being stupid. And why mess with such success?

Seems to me to be the prevailing sentiment. Otherwise why would we be so good at doing dumb things?

And from what I've seen we all manage to savor a whole lot of moments when we keep adding to this practice.

But in the middle of all this insanity, somehow we expect things with our leaders to be sane when we aren't. Which only makes sense since that is consistent with our stupidity.

Honestly can we actually expect otherwise at times? Personally, I don't think so. I just am happy to go along with this kind of lunacy.

However, I can't admit that as a Mayor. People would get very upset is I was to get up and say, come on let's be stupid together.

We could even make it a law. Even a holiday would be a good thing. National It's okay to be stupid today day. I like the sound of that.

Heck we could even make up banners and button for the event. And make it so no question, no matter how stupid would be a problem.

Then we could have picnic and parades where we celebrate the gift of uniqueness. That's a very politically correct word for being dumb.

Ah, I see this as a true future blessing to society. One in which we can all be proud. Oh yeah, now isn't that the joy we all really want.

A special time of pure honesty. A chance for us all to be honesty about being idiots. I think this is a time that truly had the potential to be so touching.

Ah, it just warms me so to even think about it. Imagine the streets full of people with buttons and flags waving all having big smiles from being free to be stupid.

This could be the beginning of something truly worthwhile. A new future for mankind where hope shines so bright.

And that is going to be such a blessing. Ah, it will be the joy of the future. A time when we all can be morons for a day and never feel guilty again. Who could ask for more than that? Don't answer that!

Sunday, August 05, 2007


This is a nice feeling isn't it? Somebody taking the time to be sure you know they are glad you came back.

Providing it is a place you want to return. Now if you are talking like the emergency ward at the hospital, well you might not find that a thrill.

Likewise, god forbid, you should have it said to you by say a prison guard. Not a memory I would care to experience.

At least not in a way that would stir fond thoughts. But then I can't speak for anyone else. There might be those who find it entertaining.

However, for the rest of us who are not wishing to book a room in the gray bar hotel being welcomed back only is a good thing WHEN it is a good place. Plain and simple isn't it.

Now there are the times, other than the welcome back places you might want to go that you get stuck visiting. And as a Mayor I do get my share.

I try to cope with this insanity naturally. When I have to say attend some meeting of a group of concerned citizens that are up in arms over stupid things I do have to admit to being less that excited.

Oh they are really so happy to tell me welcome back. Not quite in a way that I look forward to and celebrate.

But then that is part of the life of a Mayor that I get to live. Which is also why I have a Vice Mayor.

Now true, Millard is something less than abounding in brilliance. And he doesn't exactly convey the type of confidence I like to communicate either.

However, I do the best I can with it just the same. And there are times when it really works great.

As long as I qualify his visit with some comments to prepare those he visits with his reason for being there. It is amazing how you can justify being a moron with the right kind of lies.

Alas what can I say? I do savor the nice times when I have the chance to know these folks got their chance say welcome back, but not to me.

I just don't feel missing out on anything good by not attending and all you can eat Macaroni and Cheese feast. Sorry, but I can live with that sacrifice. Well not that I consider it a sacrifice.

Saturday, August 04, 2007


Ah, it feels so good to get to the end of this particular serious on things that must be in one way or another. There are so many of these in live it seems.

Not necessarily by choice, but they're there just the same. Wish life didn't afford us such occasions, but that is not the option.

I'm sitting this particular weekend afternoon with a nice so be it hangover. Getting to drunk on the fantasy of thinking my time off will be heaven and then it turns at best into purgatory.

Somehow in the middle of all of it you look out at the world and say, so be it. Mainly out of resignation. Not maybe joy, but as a way of coping and feeling okay about life sucking.

It is a time for coffee and dessert. And an occasion when indulgence is mandated. Really necessary in order to not get depressed over the realities of life.

Those really do get to you if you let them. Which I still prefer to avoid whenever possible.

There is just something appealing about finding some nice way to savor the moment that will get your mind off the brewing disdain of some really bad situation. I love when I can sneak out and find that way to find some missing smiles.

Really does make for a great day. Or at least a few that will give you reason to forget your unhappiness.

Now that really is such a thrill isn't it? Okay, it is for me. Honestly, that is one thing I do like when I can accomplish it.

Perhaps the down side is trying to do so by a means that will grace you without a need to ruin somebody else's day. I don't really worry about it that much, but avoiding the grief really helps.

So I play the game. I call it that in order to enjoy when I win. That happens when manage to forget the time of my so be it having a reason to give me sadness.

Which really is the most important ingredient. Really that makes so much more sense in my view than anything else.

But that is me. Which is so be it that I can live with. Not that it matters to others, but you know if you can't please yourself, what good is it?

Meanwhile, I'm off to search for the perfect so be it distraction. Might take all night, but I'll try.

Friday, August 03, 2007


Ah, now this is the issue that really is critical in this let it be so thing. Mainly the letting part. I think the rest is sort of conditional on that choice.

Mainly, because if you can't have the letting part the rest just won't work very well. At least in my way of thinking it matters.

So in some ways if you have cross over that bridge of let you will never take it any other level either. Sort of fact of life.

Not that you can convince everyone of that. There are plenty who want the it be so without the letting part.

Why? Simple, because it is much easier to think it be so when you don't have to risk anything.

Yep, that is the trick to the let part. You might risk your butt in the process. And a lot prefer to avoid that option.

As for, the simplest option is making sure somebody else faces the risk. Ah, now that really is worth considering.

See with me I'm all courage as long as I know you are the one who is going to be take the fall if something goes wrong. Just swells my jelly fish spine with joy.

It takes so little to do that. Just the thought makes me feel better. There is nothing to shore up the old self esteem that the idea of being courageous when you aren't.

Which is how I view it in terms of you know finding some sucker to take the rap when I get the inspiration to try. Just makes me drool to imagine it

But if it will manage to get the let part to kick in, that works for me. I'm just so thrilled with the idea.

Sometimes it takes some effort naturally. There are some people who really are not as dumb as I hope.

That is really disappointing when you have your hopes up of incriminating somebody and you find out they actually have a working brain. Just so heartbreaking.

But that is okay. Those times when the let really is possible more than makes up for it. Honestly, just one incident of being able to wipe your brow so you manage to get some other clown get the rap makes it all perfect.

Does for me naturally. Not for everyone else unfortunately. That is the part we just can't always savor the way I would like.

Thursday, August 02, 2007


Come on now, you can do it. Just let me hear it. I know you can tell me it is real. I have a feeling you are just waiting for the right moment.

And hopefully that will come soon enough. Just have to wait for the right situation to evolve. Yeah, so becomes so important when it is as something to do with it.

Course just saying something is so doesn't have much to do with it actually being that way. Wish it did.

Just makes it fun to some degree. And you can bet that works for me. Oh yeah, but time. I love when that is the way I need it to be. Really does make my day.

I just keep totally hoping it will always work that way. Really can make the whole world difference in so many ways.

But alas, I digress to some degree I imagine. Part of my option when things suck. I digress. Which amounts to rambling and that is a good thing.

Not everyone sees thing that way though. Some would really not be happy with such an option.

That is their problem from my point of view. I just prefer to accept that is better when I can pretty much do things as I wish they were for reality.

However, it can be very difficult at times. There are the occasions when I have to embrace life as other than my ambitions.

Hey, can I have at least a smidgen of sympathy in that regard? Come on give ma break if you don't mind.

I'm a hard working Mayor, just with the occasional modest need for some diversion. Is that too much to ask?

I hope not. But I get the impression some might presume so. Just not me. Nope. I really am a simple guy at heart.

The problem is that it doesn't prevent me from wanting things. That is the say it so part that really matters to me the most.

Oh yeah, I really feel that maters to a big deal. Just hard to always have people get excited about appreciating how I have a right to such things.

Might be easier if they did have more time invested it things that gave them a sense of say it so too. Only as long as it doesn't interfere with my choice. Now that wouldn't work for me.

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Time to come

Ah, now this is definitely a good thing. When you can sit down and savor the time of knowing things will be correct. Even better when they are the way you expect too.

Now that is a reason to celebrate. Honestly, you can be sure that really does give a person a reason to be happy.

Mainly because it happens so rarely. I just get too many occasions when my dreams don't come true or what should be so isn't.

Oh you can be I sure do have plenty of times when I can certainly imagine life going by my standards. Now that would be wonderful.

Alas, life doesn't work that way I'm afraid. We just have to face the times when it is not be it so.

Not that we have to like it. Nor do we have to feel excited by the reality. Just be willing to embrace that if we want it to be decent we do have to work at it.

That's right we need to be willing to actually work at IT! The optimum word being it of course.

And that is naturally the most important element. Just the joy of imagining it working is what counts.

Which is probably the closest we will come to having it actually be it so the way we like it. Not that I'm willing to give up though.

I am a devout believer in the concept of continuing to search for options to help make the possible be more than a dream. And that is really what helps to get me through the time s when the spooks of no way haunt my brain.

Ah, it is to be such a thrill to imagine letting my dreams fly across the present and then turn into a precious moment of reality. Just gives me so many shivers to imagine.

But then life does have those times when you have to deal with such options. Said as they are, we do manage them.

For myself, the best option is to rise above the reality and set my mind on what if. I might not be able to make it happen, but I sure can fake it.

And let me tell you that is definitely a pleasure. A time when you can sit back and reap the fabulous joys of being happy in your own mind.

Best place to dwell when you have nowhere else better to go. And that really is what makes it all worth while. To me at least.