Saturday, August 25, 2007


This is so many times to me something that never happens. Not the way we would like. It is rare for a person to stand up and say, "It is my fault."

Oh they might be willing to say, "I did it," but then always have an excuse. Not necessarily a good one, but an excuse just the same.

In essence they are not really taking blame. They are still saying it is not my fault. That just is how it ends up from my point of view.

See it is a matter as I view if of whether you really want to say it is your fault or just say, hey, I got stuck with the blame, because. There is a big difference when you think about it.

Which most don't. That's right they really don't. The way I figure it this isn't much of the type of thing people actually are inclined to do.

I think the main reason is because it is too depressing. Yeah really who wants to admit to being an idiot?

I know that come what may, I don't want to sit there and have to paint on my head, I'm stupid and proud of it. No, no, no, no, no!

And frankly I don't think anybody else does either. Blame has this annoying element though of hinting that is exactly who we are.

Not that it matters. Well in terms of how others are going to perceive it. I think most of us have pretty much the same reaction.

When somebody starts talking out of both sides of their mouths and rambles a lot, my reaction is generally, okay, this person is lying big time. I can't help it, that is how I handle it.

Is this a good thing? Well maybe not in some ways, but then who says we are always smart in that sense?

Honestly, what fun would life be like if we couldn't make crap up? We just have so much joy derived from being creative.

And I applaud the industry some have for such inventive manners. That is so inspiring. Mainly because it encourages me that I'm not alone in being a spineless wimp.

The more like me out there that can find who deal with things the way I do the happier I am. Just gives me a reason to smile.

And that I will always find.


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