Sunday, August 05, 2007


This is a nice feeling isn't it? Somebody taking the time to be sure you know they are glad you came back.

Providing it is a place you want to return. Now if you are talking like the emergency ward at the hospital, well you might not find that a thrill.

Likewise, god forbid, you should have it said to you by say a prison guard. Not a memory I would care to experience.

At least not in a way that would stir fond thoughts. But then I can't speak for anyone else. There might be those who find it entertaining.

However, for the rest of us who are not wishing to book a room in the gray bar hotel being welcomed back only is a good thing WHEN it is a good place. Plain and simple isn't it.

Now there are the times, other than the welcome back places you might want to go that you get stuck visiting. And as a Mayor I do get my share.

I try to cope with this insanity naturally. When I have to say attend some meeting of a group of concerned citizens that are up in arms over stupid things I do have to admit to being less that excited.

Oh they are really so happy to tell me welcome back. Not quite in a way that I look forward to and celebrate.

But then that is part of the life of a Mayor that I get to live. Which is also why I have a Vice Mayor.

Now true, Millard is something less than abounding in brilliance. And he doesn't exactly convey the type of confidence I like to communicate either.

However, I do the best I can with it just the same. And there are times when it really works great.

As long as I qualify his visit with some comments to prepare those he visits with his reason for being there. It is amazing how you can justify being a moron with the right kind of lies.

Alas what can I say? I do savor the nice times when I have the chance to know these folks got their chance say welcome back, but not to me.

I just don't feel missing out on anything good by not attending and all you can eat Macaroni and Cheese feast. Sorry, but I can live with that sacrifice. Well not that I consider it a sacrifice.


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