Wednesday, August 08, 2007


Well this can be a good thing and one you can talk about, depending on the type you are referring too. Although even if you are talking about the kind where you seeing a shrink it doesn't have to be sad or embarrassing.

It sort of depends on how you care to express it. After all there is nothing wrong with admitting you need help. And some will applaud you for having the courage to admit you had a problem.

The main catch is that you have to make it seem that you have change, even if in real life you haven't. That is the key to success in that regard.

Otherwise you won't get a single soul to be impressed with it. They'll just figure you are a loser and not worth encouraging.

But on the other hand if you do this correctly, then you go it made. People will go out of there way to be sympathetic.

Now the made key again is making sure people think you actually have change and naturally that you honestly did get some help. The trick is when you really didn't get help, but need to make them think you did.

Really, that is so important. See I have found it to be a wonderful gimmick for getting sympathy with certain ladies.

That really is a big selling point to me. Which is why I have the benefit of some fake business cards with the names of phony therapist on it.

Just flashing that card opens some nice doors with the right person. And after a couple of drinks, man is it great.

They will believe almost anything when I peddle it right. Then they sympathy card really works.

If that kicks in oh man you can bet I do get the hugs and all the more stuff I crave. Just works wonders at times.

Which is the main benefit to me. And later I can always claim I can't meet again when I manage to say I'm in more intense therapy sessions.

Yeah, I know it sucks to some degree, but what the heck, it is the best type of therapy for me. At least it is cheap by the usual costs.

Now that makes it all so perfect. Well in regards to what works for me. But then most things work for me. Isn't that wonderful? Okay, you don't have to answer that, but it still makes me smile.


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