Sunday, August 19, 2007


Ah, this is a wonderful feeling. To walk away from some situation with a nice smile. That can be hard to achieve a times.

But it sure is wonderful when it happens. And trust me I savor every time I can accomplish this.

Normally, these do have to be planned out. Just a fact of life. Revenge my be the Lord's department, but honestly he has his own time table and it isn't the same as mine.

Not wanting to encroach on the Lord's turf here, but you know, I got to admit that it might work for some, but doesn't for me. Basically the deal is that there are times when I just need that satisfaction of seeing some jerk get what he deserves.

The thing is, I'm not looking here for thunderbolts or the person to get a visit from the grim reaper. I'm not that blood thirsty.

See to me I leave that kind of revenge to God. He can zap people at his leisure and how he wants. That is his department.

But the think is why can't I dole out a little grief? Nothing permanent, just something to make the person deserving of being miserable for a while.

At least in my view that would be an okay thing. And it does give me some satisfaction on an admittedly less than noble level.

You know doing it creatively really does give me joy. Like having a no parking tow away zone sign put up after a guy I hate parks somewhere.

People normally don't pay attention to such things anyway, so they can't complain that they missed it. And naturally, I'm hardly going to volunteer the fact.

But knowing the person is going to have to go down to the tow yard and pay a forward in fees does make me so happy. You can be sure of that.

In little ways. Ah that is the joy of my life. I just love the little things. Those are enough revenge for me.

Now there are a lot of things that fall under that category though. You have to admit that you can't do it with everything.

Wish I could. That would be such a blessing. But alas I settle for those small steps towards smiles.

Really does warm me so much to be able to do this. A nice little past time that doesn't leave me with anything, but a few joys when I see those people biting their steering wheels.


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