Friday, August 03, 2007


Ah, now this is the issue that really is critical in this let it be so thing. Mainly the letting part. I think the rest is sort of conditional on that choice.

Mainly, because if you can't have the letting part the rest just won't work very well. At least in my way of thinking it matters.

So in some ways if you have cross over that bridge of let you will never take it any other level either. Sort of fact of life.

Not that you can convince everyone of that. There are plenty who want the it be so without the letting part.

Why? Simple, because it is much easier to think it be so when you don't have to risk anything.

Yep, that is the trick to the let part. You might risk your butt in the process. And a lot prefer to avoid that option.

As for, the simplest option is making sure somebody else faces the risk. Ah, now that really is worth considering.

See with me I'm all courage as long as I know you are the one who is going to be take the fall if something goes wrong. Just swells my jelly fish spine with joy.

It takes so little to do that. Just the thought makes me feel better. There is nothing to shore up the old self esteem that the idea of being courageous when you aren't.

Which is how I view it in terms of you know finding some sucker to take the rap when I get the inspiration to try. Just makes me drool to imagine it

But if it will manage to get the let part to kick in, that works for me. I'm just so thrilled with the idea.

Sometimes it takes some effort naturally. There are some people who really are not as dumb as I hope.

That is really disappointing when you have your hopes up of incriminating somebody and you find out they actually have a working brain. Just so heartbreaking.

But that is okay. Those times when the let really is possible more than makes up for it. Honestly, just one incident of being able to wipe your brow so you manage to get some other clown get the rap makes it all perfect.

Does for me naturally. Not for everyone else unfortunately. That is the part we just can't always savor the way I would like.


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