Tuesday, August 28, 2007


These sure at not a good thing in most cases. I'm telling you I'm not crazy about them. Unless for some reason it is like a thing I savor if it is a stain of red ink on somebody's checkbook or wallet.

Now that I can get so happy about. Even more so if I had a part with it. Oh yeah, that will make me smile.

And it is generally not the kind of thing that leads to the other person smiling. Unless it is from the fact that they have horde of cash they are hiding somewhere.

But you can be sure they won't be willing to admit that. More like they will sit back and look very calm and content. That is the first clue they are hiding something from my point of view.

However, enough of such touching thoughts. Yep, you can be sure that isn't the kind of thing that happens all that often.

Instead, the stains generally are the type that suck. For the person you understand, not for somebody else.

I don't know, but I just find a certain satisfaction when somebody who claims to be spotless has some really huge stain on them. Oh yeah now that is fun you can be sure.

Mainly I guess because I savor the ability to point out those stains. They really are wonderful to expose.

The big challenge is not letting your own stains get exposed. Now you can be sure this can be very tricky too.

Honesty, it is such a challenge to tell on the other person without getting reamed yourself. Because the moment you then you can expect them to want to do the same to you.

This is so much of a game I guess. Making sure you can explain your spots while not letting the other person be able to explain theirs.

In the course of a day this little stains come up enough times to merit attention. Not that everyone will agree.

Okay so the challenge is sometimes to find a nice stain remover. That can be costly. Especially if you have to remove the stain without anyone knowing about it.

Well, I intended to explore this in other ways. A little extra effort and making more stains for somebody else helps.

If that doesn't work, then lies are always a great form of stain.


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