Thursday, August 23, 2007


Ah, yes, the joy of grinning. That pure satisfaction from doing it right. And knowing you have every reason to celebrate the process and rewards.

Which may or may not be the way you actually experience things. There is a difference between say having a reason to smile and being able to enjoy it.

Why is there a difference? Mainly because there are those who would interfere with the process.

Yep, there are always going to be the ones who drive you nuts with distractions. They are dull by nature you understand. People who truly can not in anyway be capable of savoring what is good as a rule.

So they will instead fine a reason to keep you from doing the same. And darn it all if some divine force doesn't seem to be capable of inspiring their behavior. Oh yeah, you can almost can't on them finding some means to drive you nuts that will truly work.

I always hate that part. I wish there was a good solution, but there never seems to be one. It just keeps driving us nuts with more opportunities to see to it that we get sucked dry of any chance to actually smile.

And from my view it is our divine right to smile sometimes. Okay, I didn't get a ruling from the Lord on that one.

But I have a feeling there is not going to be any complaint just the same. I just have this idea that when it comes to smiles there is not crime or sin taking place so go for it.

Now what I don't understand since it isn't illegal and all the bible thumpers are trying to keep you from doing bad things then obviously this whole thing ought to make them happy. Yeah, why not?

Well shoot this could be so much fun if you think about it. Yeah, they could make it all about thou shalt.

We could sit there in such agony of being forced to be happy. They could pass out all those little inspiration tracts that say, you will be happy!

I could handle that kind of situation, couldn't you? I could be so happy with that option just by itself.

However, I suppose it will never be quite as much fun as always making us feel depressed does it? I have a little trouble thinking this option will get them excited.

Wish it could. Oh man how much more fun this would be if we were forced to be happy all the time.


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