Monday, August 27, 2007


Oh how I wish this took place all the time. But we can't always have this. And it really isn't so much problem for me. It is al the people who work for me.

They get so trapped by this mood of being pissed off because they don't have it better. Now I ask you is that really my fault?

Honestly am I to blame for the fact that people are stuck in some bad situation. I'm not God you know?

But if you look at the way some react you would think I was supposed to be. I mean they get so bent out of shape by the fact that I can't in some way make their lives perfect.

Now I ask you is that fair, really? I never even promised I would try to make life perfect for them.

So I wish they would stop moping around and sneering at me like this is all my fault. Okay so I'm better off. Tough!

Yeah, you read that right. Tough. I really don't feel a need to listen to their whining. Now don't get me wrong here. I'm not totally heartless either.

It is just that the envy these people have is the result of their problems. And not because I caused them.

After all where is it written that we all we'll become rich and famous? I don't remember reading that anywhere.

And most of the time people do seem to appreciate that to some degree. Just never quite to the degree that is helpful.

But that's okay. I do try to listen. Well okay, I do it while wearing sunglasses so they don't know I'm napping, but I think it is the thought that counts.

The hard part is avoiding snoring. That is a major drawback to getting them to think I really listening.

I sort of learned that the hard way. Nothing ruins you charade quicker than having them hear that snoring.

In any case, I'm going to work hard to improve on such things. Not by actually doing anything helpful you understand. Just by thinking about it.

That is the big key to not feeling so guilty. Lying to yourself really makes it so much easier. And when you can do that you just end up feeling so blessed. My employees still feel like crap. But I feel better.


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