Sunday, August 12, 2007


Oh yeah this is a big problem. Empty is seldom a plus. Out of gas, out of money, they are not news items of boasting. Not to me.

And as far as I feel not being full in those areas is definitely a cause for concern. I mean NOT having stuff you are suppose to have is never a point of smiles.

Now if you happen to be you know a person who panics over silly emptiness that is different. There are way too many like that.

They fuss over the stupidest things. Honestly why stress out over things like your stupid stapler is out of staplers.

Now really just because you don't have any staples in your desk drawer is that a reason to freak out? I mean do you have to act like it is the end of the world?

Well is it? Not to me. And frankly not to anyone that I know who is remotely sane. That just doesn't work with the same degree of being important as say when you are out of money or time.

But for these folks they are as big a problem. And it can be so much worse too. I mean if these people have too many empties in one day, oh my god they will nearly die.

Such as when we are out of copier paper and say coffee. Now one of those problems is not the end of the world, but both, oh man it is the end of the world.

Which doesn't not make the world a happy place for the rest of us either. I'm telling you I can live with that agony. And you can be sure that I will do what I can to avoid it too.

I might do better at that if I didn't have so many working for me with such a distorted view of empty. Honestly I have no empty in the one thing I would rather be empty.

That is one thing I do have as a lament. How come I have to be so blessed with such insane people?

Well, I have to confess I would much prefer to avoid such options, but that doesn't happen. Nope, no matter how much I might dream otherwise, I know I'm cursed with such choices.

I do try to look upon it more positive. I figure if I am enduing such options then perhaps it is making life easier for others.

I'm not crazy about that option, but I guess I can savor the moment and feel good I'm helping somebody else. Sounds good I guess. Maybe not in a way that makes me smile, but in a way that I have learned to accept. That is sort of like you know. in the same category as doing to the dentist.


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