Friday, October 31, 2008


Well you got to appreciate how this option should be rather simple. I mean you sit there and do have to do much.

Nothing is the absence of something. A place you shouldn’t have to visit and expect anything.

Just be able to turn it into whatever you want. A nice occasion to give yourself a reason to smile.

Yep, I do love it so. Can’t get enough of these moments without pressure. And that is the key you understand.

The idea that you don’t have to worry. Not much can replace that joy. Really is such a blessing.

Well the big problem is finding good nothing places. Those with no promise or demands, they just exist.

Now the favorite place for me to do this is somewhere out of town. Yep, I need a place I’m not known.

It would be nice if some bar would serve this purpose. But there are too many distractions.

The drunks can get noisy and distracting. So that doesn’t add to my joy. Nope, not in the least.

Instead I have to consider other options. And hard to find at times. I mean places that are absolute zeros in terms of demands.

I know how some find that in parks. Nature works for others. But for me all that stuff is boring.

Mainly because you can’t enjoy it without putting up with things like insects. They are such pests.

Now I wish I could say that cemeteries are ruled out, but they are quiet to be sure. And if you work it right you get to find some widow in need of comforting.

Which truly does add to the joy. Yeah, you can end up with no demands and maybe a nice option in terms of fun.

I still haven’t mentioned all the places, but those are a start. Just one of those helpful little footnotes from you uncle Rash.

So enjoy if you can.

Thursday, October 30, 2008


A wonderful invitation. Too bad it really what the person means. Well most of the time seems to be the case.

However, you might get lucky and meet that odd person who doesn’t say it without meaning it. There are some strange ones like that.

Basically the it part is what is the problem. Telling, no big deal. Everyone does that. Just matters what it is about.

But the one thing that seems more important is that we vent. Not praise. Oh that helps, but the telling seem to need more to vent.

At least from what I have observed. After all watch the news. What do you see more, the it with a smile or with a frown?

Now perhaps we just generate more bad its that good ones. Which is hardly a cheery thought.

So maybe we need to spend more time working on improving good ones. Give people a reason to smile more.

Okay not wanting to get goofy or anything. Nope, that will never do. I just would prefer to you know concentrate on what is some form of happiness.

Wish that was a priority in life. Just never seems to be the case. We just can’t seem to make it the goal.

Do have to have a balance to be sure. Those times we truly do have the right combinations of smiles and reality.

But I do think we can accomplish it. In fact I do think we all need a chance to make it a true experience.

So I do offer my services to help the cause. Yes, I would gladly revise the news. Oh how I could make it better.

What we need is more its that offset the bad. Like if somebody passed away, we do need to admit it.

Then mention how there is a vacancy in their apartment complex. Yeah, see now that would give some hope to a few.

It is just a matter of the right kind of effort. And I think I can definitely help. Just need to get a few supporters.
Don’t think that will be hard. Depending on the price we agree upon for my services.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Well the doctors say this is important. And I will agree in principle. But the problem is that what kind is best.

Now personally if you don’t enjoy something originally you won’t do it all the time. So we just need a new definition of fitness.

That seems reasonable to me. One that will give you the chance to feel good about your health, even if you are not healthy.

See the problem if you really enjoy something then it is exercising you mind. You can say it doesn’t matter.

But you will get the picky ones who think it doesn’t matter. They are the purest who say a gym is required for exercise.

Such is the nature of how some will view it. I think it is a matter of personal choice. Well my choice is to find exercise in other ways.

Acknowledge it as a need, but find a means that really does work best for me. And the first element to that is to find a decent partner.

Somebody who enjoys doing the same form of exercise. Oh yeah, I find that most helpful and uplifting.

Then you just make time together to have fun at it. Whenever time allows for the occasion.

The whole time naturally invested with the attitude that this is good for you. Which is always is.

Personally, my favorite exercise does involve creative options. Those places some might never consider.

Which includes a motel. Heck television is a good means to be sure that you have something to keep from being bored.

Ah, naturally the kind of exercise I focus on hasn’t quite allowed me to incorporate the television into the process. But I did appreciate the alternative.

Well I’m always looking for new workout partners. Find quite a few at times. Yep, there are plenty of them available when you look long enough.

And the bars are good places to find such partners. Also those ladies at home while husbands are out of town.
Can’t deprive them of their health needs.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


There are those I suppose who would say predators are bad. They are evil and destructive.

One has to differentiate between a predator and a warrior. A predator is one that people few as a bad option.

Someone out to cause harm to satisfy their own desires or hunger. They are not there to help others.

But warriors are viewed as the saviors. The good guys who come along to defend the people from predators.

Now my objection to this scenario is that it doesn’t give any credit to the good that predators serve. Nope they get a bad rap.

For first of all without the predator you don’t need warriors. So you have to accept the do serve a purpose.

And let’s be honest outside of a few details the warrior is just a predator who has a chance to serve a good purpose. So without that purpose he would possibly become a predator.

Actually I think it is more than a probability. For both really have a combative nature. Just a matter of timing.

Yeah, that is how I view it. Not saying others will agree, but it is what I know to be true. And that is where I approach it.

What I try to do is to be the warrior for the voter, but predator when I am actually doing things. I need to devour.

And I do. I just try to make it seem like I am doing it for good reasons. Not always an easy sales job though.

But I have done my best to sell it. And most of the time with the right twist it works. So I get the fame and the meal.

But then that is part of my political option that doesn’t always happen for everyone else. Nope some can’t choose that option.

And those I call the ones I use for scapegoats. Those who you get to blame when thing don’t work out.

Hey, so they end up a martyr. Well that’s the breaks. Which naturally always work in my favor.

Monday, October 27, 2008


Election time always seems to inspire this word in my thinking. I mean I’m a politician and I think it is important.

What can I say? I think the problem here is expectation. If people would chill out on this deal of honesty things would go a lot better.

So let’s be practical here. I mean first of all who gets elected? It is either the rich guy or somebody in debt to a rich person.

Either way you know this is not going to be a case of people who are living a working man’s life. But for some reason we think they will be able to help the working guy.

And most are totally aware if they do sell us on that possibility they are screwed. Yep, forget getting elected.

Then once they do get elected we find ourselves totally being pissed if they end up being greedy. Even if they were that way all the time.

Now that is all find and good if you want to set yourself up for disappointment. Perhaps we should make an effort to face that fact more.

See the deal to me is that this whole thing just falls short of reality. It sucks when you know one thing and expect a different one.

So I think we need some adjustment in the thinking. We need to make an effort to take this to a more realistic level.

I have no idea what that will be. But I’m thinking a broader definition of civil service would help.

By that I mean one that will allow for the simple truth of how we need this joy. We need to be able to inspire.

So that means feeding the kiddie. Yeah, give that predator enough raw meat so he doesn’t come looking for more.

Then he won’t have to be a robber. See we are already doing this in practical ways. But we just pretend it is otherwise.

And that makes it all so inefficient. Which is the stupid part. This is the area we need more wisdom.

But all this requires a degree of acceptance that the system just doesn’t work. So lets readjust the program.

Then they won’t have to lie as much and the world can improve.

Sunday, October 26, 2008


EAh, the sweet rise and fall of lives. To go up in glory and then descend in shame. And never for a second thinking you will have to come down.

Yep, that is human nature. We all love the ups and hate the downs. Really do dread those trips away from fun and joy.

But they do exists. And they are a part of life we can’t ignore. Well not when we are realistic.

Can’t say at times I’m fond of that word. Nope there are too many times when I honestly could live without it.

But then it isn’t like you can make them disappeared. You have to accept that life has its elevators. Not ones we will love, but they are there just the same.

Now it is part of my job to try and make them less upsetting. To inspire hope that they won’t end in a trip downwards.

Hey, nobody says you can’t live in a high rise. All you have to do is make sure you can figure a way to survive.

That is where I come in. Yeah, I make you see that floor as heaven where you can live forever.

Course that is fantasy. But for a while I will give you hope. And that will be all the inspiration you need.

Heck, for the right fee I will even help to make you think I am going there too. I might even ride the elevator too.

And the whole time help you thing it will all be fine. That you will have no problems there at all.

Oh I will toss in a few words of hope. And then perhaps show a few things there to inspire it will be alright.

Now then at some point I will need to excuse myself. Oh I will make it convincing and that will be a good thing.

So I’ll leave you there. And the one thing I find is the trip down in an elevator that is planned is less painful.

You can really enjoy savoring how you are going to be okay because the other person will pick up the price for the trip. Can’t buy that kind of joy.

I know, I’ve tried.

Saturday, October 25, 2008


This is one of those fun songs isn’t it? I imagine when it was written by whoever they felt it was a good idea.

Another of those sentimental things to do when you love families and all the usual ideas of homecomings. But I think it might be a tad different today.

For example, she is driving a team of horses. Well forget that today. You might get in trouble for animal abuse.

And then saying we will all go out to meet her? Hmm, have to check our calendars. Hope she made an appointment.

Now the other question is why is she coming round the mountain? I think that needs to be addressed.

Hope she didn’t trespass on anyone’s property in the process. No that would be awful. The kind of situation where you need to truly be careful.

Then two the question is today would she be driving an SUV or other form of gas guzzler? Yeah that needs to be determined.

Plus if she did alter it in anyway then it might be a safety violation. Um, I wonder if she also has insurance and smog check?

Well by the time you think of all those issues then you have to figure she’s probably coming to borrow money. Now who needs that?

I can tell you one thing, by the time this all gets revised, by a more modernized method you are talking one serious problem.

You got some deadbeat relative of questionable lifestyle driving a old wreck of a car. Showing up for reasons that could cause problems.

And that would be so awful. See how life has changed? Why I imagine today we would say, she will be coming round the mountain, but we’re not home!

Yep, got to love that option. I know I do. And who else can you trust, but your own experience?

See just a matter of making sure you put it into the proper context. That is what I do. Just another joy you have to deal with in life.

But so nice to dwell upon such things in a positive way. I mean positive for oneself. Yep, got to savor that.

What else is there to view if not from saving your butt?

Friday, October 24, 2008


A wonderful theory. No where a realistic option. I mean that in my experience this doesn’t happen.

I think it is basically a question of what type of indulgence you are going to vent your needs. Yep, that appetite is going to be fed someway.

Now the critical issue is making sure you can help the people. Which is how I prefer to view it.

Essentially it is a matter of finding out what motivates. Where is their special button located.

Then you focus to make sure you don’t let them get away with excusing their obsession and pretending they don’t have one. Takes time to build that confidence.

Afterwards life gets so much easier. You take this person from their sadness to their secret happy place.

Yep, you can’t deny the benefit of that. And it is just a matter of interpretation. You have to whittle away at those excuses.

Sort of like they are a stack of dominoes waiting to be pushed over. You find the end and tap and the rest fall in place.

Got to love it. I always feel so happy when I manage to help some suffering soul earn a decent smile.

Just really does give me reason to celebrate. And depending on the person, we can celebrate together.

Now all you have to do is find some special way to nudge them out of the need to pretend. To make sure they know you are helpful.

One does have to be careful. You can’t set back and keep acting like it doesn’t matter. Which it never does in reality.

But you can’t tell them that. Instead this is one of those great opportunities to render a great service.

Which never comes for free naturally. But I don’t tell them that obviously. Nope, not for the first few times.

Only after they decide they can’t live without your help. Then comes the fee. And you have to truly enjoy the process.

I do whenever I get those green back thank yous.

Thursday, October 23, 2008


To fire a warning shot with your lips. Set off some fireworks in a person’s mind. Oh yeah that is thrilling.

But the fun part is deciding if this flare will make somebody happy or said. Will it make them excited or have a reason to panic.

Now depending on the person will determine the type of dynamite that is present. And what will make it explode.

Plus you have to be sure you don’t let it explode in a way that will get you in trouble. Such people can really be a problem if not watched carefully.

It is always the quiet ones that end up being the most explosive. Sort of like they keep their fuses hidden.

Then when the time is right they are ready to be some sky rocket. Not always the kind of thing that ends in a happy story.

Which is where you have to be skillful and when to light the fuse. Pick the right time and it will truly be a blessing.

Let it explode on somebody else and it can be magic. Yep, you can wipe out the person and an enemy at the same time.

But you have to make sure that you do it in a way you don’t get burnt. See now that is a reoccurring theme with me.

A need to be safe in the process of taking advantage of others. Without that option you never can enjoy the process.

So caution is needed. A requirement that you can be sure is very necessary in order to survive.

Which if you don’t achieve it will take away from the joy big time. Healthy choice to be sure.

Just hard to remember when the greed kicks in. Yep that can ruin the whole process for some.

So you need greed with moderation. Not the easiest thing to accomplish. I do the best I can to inspire it by example.

And let me tell you I have made my share of examples in my time. Didn’t get thanked for it.

But did have that satisfaction just the same.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Well one thing we all appreciate is that life is one big intersection. There are numerous detours.

You can talk all the time you want being careful and watching out for your options, but there will be stop signs and delays. Can’t avoid them.

Oh you can sure talk about them. You can take all the time you want trying to get their right directions and still end up getting lost.

So if you are smart you stop and ask for help. Which is not always a fund option. You can have trouble admitting you messed up.

Pride sure had made more than one person run out of gas. Yep, it can happen so easy. Never that hard.

Which is where I come in. Yeah, I do love to help be a tow truck. And to offer up some great prices.

Nothing gets them more desperate than when they are worried somebody will find out they got lost. Nobody likes to admit that part.

So much easier to find that option of a good person to help who can keep a secret. And that is me.

At least I make them believe I’m on their side. Then I give them a sense of confidence. They really love that.

And the whole time you just keep up the game. Make them think it is all working to their advantage.

The whole time they are more than willing to pick up the costs for your fees. And they will be so grateful for you services.

Later is when the fun really starts. Yeah, then after they think they are rescued, then comes the real bill.

Some might call it black mail. But in either case it is money received for keeping your mouth shut.

Oh I don’t want to bankrupt the person. Just you know, put them on an installment plan. That is much more profitable.

It is so rewarding when I can accomplish this. Just makes me happy to help my fellow man.

Which naturally has a price tag that is always subject to change.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Oh yeah, got to love it. That feeling of being riveted with pure joy. Those occasions when everything as that sense of being in heaven.

Well okay, not to offend the bible thumpers. I would say my version of heaven, which is lot so joy.

And you know that will always be a fun situation if it involves something you really love doing. Doesn’t matter what it is.

Just something that gives you all kinds of happiness. And they really do help you to enjoy life. Well to me they do.

And that is the part I do so enjoy. Just having a chance to make the world seem like a better place.

Course the condition on it is that you do it for yourself. Yeah, that is what really counts. It has to be for you joy.

Trying to do it for somebody else never works. They will always find a reason to complain.

So that will mean you have to focus on your own idea of rocking. Those great sources of joy that only you enjoy.

Now I realize that this doesn’t necessarily sound beneficial to others. And yet it really is. I mean if you are happy you will make others happy.

Well sounds good to put it that way. May not work in some people’s minds, but I like it. Has a real joy to it.

The challenge is not pretending. Lying is okay I guess. But making sure you do it in a way that feels good.

Yep, that is the important part. I love it. That is when all life seems so perfect. And you can be sure I do love it.

Now that is the part, which can get tricky. You can’t tell other the real reasons. They have to be expressed in other ways.

Mainly by making sure you come up with a suitable explanation. Which is all the joy you can muster in creativity.

Yep, that makes the difference. And I love it. Can’t think of it in any different way. Just to make it all a joy.
And I do!

Monday, October 20, 2008


Ah, well there is no better joy than finding this in people. Really is such a thrill to discover in people.

Basically because the lethargy can be counted on to do nothing. You don’t have to fret over their behavior.

Come what may you can be assured they will be of no value. Which in some situations is very valuable as an asset.

Mainly when you don’t want to have to work very hard and just want to get by. But you want to have the illusion of making it look like you did something good.

So it is all matter of image. And that matters in many cases. It is very important to find. You can savor it when you find it.

Which is made harder because so many lie about it. Oh they are lazy butts, yet don’t want to admit it.

There is a problem with that approach. There are just situations where honestly is not a the best policy.

See you can be a lot of things and nobody will care. But if you are a lazy ass they get upset.

Mainly because you can’t rely upon the person for anything. Regardless of the commitment needed they won’t provide it.

Now for me this is a plus. Because you know the person will not expect much either. That is the best aspect.

The normally are not much for being complainers. They are too busy trying to hide from responsibilities.

That works to my advantage to be sure. I love when you can deal with people on that level.

For you can make it seem like they are so helpful. Lot so lies go into making this such a blessing.

Then naturally you get all the publicity for creating this illusion. Trophies are nice. They can do some much to create the illusion the person is great.

So then when nothing happens then you can just sit back and smile. A few more lies and it is all forgotten.

Which makes it all perfect when you are lethargic too.

Sunday, October 19, 2008


Well this is joy when you can say it. To be finished with something. Have that sense of accomplishment.

The heart fills with pride and you just feel so darn great. What a terrific occasion such situations are.

But I like to think of the flip side of this. When you succeed in finishing somebody off. Oh yeah that is a thrill.

Hard to be upset over such opportunities. And really does make you so happy to crush another person’s dreams.

Providing you have a reason to feel good about it. Which I certainly do in most cases. Just is so important to accomplish this with class.

By that I mean having a chance to smile in the face of misery. Well not your own misery naturally.

Somebody else’s is so important. Have to cherish those times on so many levels. Yep, real pleasure.

Now the big chore is to be sure you keep yourself focused on this issue. Don’t end up making some bonehead choice.

There are too many who end up on that path. They just get too jazzed by the chance to have all that fun.

Now the thing is they tend to fall on their faces. Let pride get in the way of their brain and that never ends with good options.

Which naturally is why I try to not let my head get trapped by some stupid idea. I want to see somebody is well done, but don’t want to join them.

This is a matter of knowing how to be a good cook. You need to serve up the right kind of casserole.

A dash of lies a sprinkle of bribes and it will all be a blessing. That is the part that really counts.

Now I do keep my cookbook private. I don’t care to share it and risk somebody whipping up a meal for me.

Fortunately, I had skilled and detecting the smell of such dinners. So I definitely don’t accept any invitations for their offerings.

Hopefully, I never get that hungry.

Saturday, October 18, 2008


Now this is good when you are talking about your enemies. Yep, you can derive such a joy from seeing somebody frozen by some means.

Basically I am thinking of non violent means. And the best areas this applies to is in the area of money.

Just shake up somebody’s calm little paradise and they will panic. To the point they will get paralyzed.

Oh yeah that will be such a joy if it is somebody you hate. And you have to enjoy that option.

Well I have no problem. Just applying the right kind of pressure is such a joy. Brings so much thrills to my mind.

Now that is the part you have truly cherish. Making some torch breathing jerk a human icicle is so satisfying.

So the best part is to make it something you truly savor. Yep, the moments worth remembering.

Now the tricky part is making this come about as a blizzard. Some natural disaster so you don’t get the blame.

There are ways to make this real. A bit of work at times, but well worth the effort. Providing you don’t panic.

And that is the hard part. If you end up with some kind of guilt trip over the ice, then forget it.

Now for me, well that is not a problem. I love the snow. A really great place to spend time knowing the misery it might cause.

And if you work it right then wow, Spring comes and you get all the dollars. What is better than that?

Well I wish I could share some of my little frost secrets. But I can’t quite risk them being used on me.

Just trying to share the vision. And I’m sure with most people they are creative enough to sort through the details.

Well maybe not the way I would. Which is a good thing. At least to me. Yep, always grateful for that part.
Just can’t tell others who hit them with a snow ball.

Friday, October 17, 2008


Well not a long time anyway you care to think about it. Just a blink or heart beat. And never long enough to really savor it with deep thought.

But the joy comes from trying. I do that all the time. Sit back and try to give one single moment some respect.

Try to do as some might suggest and totally live life to its fullest. And it sure sounds great when I talk about it.

But somehow things always get in a way that interferes. Just really sucks. I sit there and do my best.

Honestly, I do want to make that an option so I can make it seem like I was focused and smart. Well sounds good.

Something to impress. Who, I’m not sure. But really love the idea of making it seem like I do that.

Sort of gives you a shot at being a mystic. Which is such a wonderful thing to have as your image.

That is because it adds to one’s reputation. You can make it seem as if you are some truly marvelous genius.

This will inspire others to look at you for advice. And then you can naturally be able to move them in a direction that fits your needs.

What? Were you expecting something more charitable? I hope not. That would be silly. At least if they person understood where I was coming from.

But you always have the odd ones that don’t get it. They want the sage and expect him to be above temptation.

Well, that just isn’t the way I work. And you know sometimes it never matters if I explain that to others.

They still think it terms of insight being a spiritual quality. Like you can’t have a brain without a halo.

Which never works for me. But that really doesn’t matter to be honest. I’m just content to spend time pretending.

As long as in the end I profit. Then if I work it right the person learns a great lesson. To not be so trusting.

Well that is what works for me. But then I doubt anyone doesn’t really know that.

Thursday, October 16, 2008


How nice it is when you can say this with such conviction. To be able to spell out some hope or dream with such joy.

Now I think that is an option, which really works great. The chance to spread a little joy in the process.

Yep, I do so savor such opportunities. You get a special pleasure from doing them. And even more so when you don’t have to lie about it.

That can be the tricky part. I mean the issue is confidence it is what really matters. So you have to be prepared to sell it.

The more persuasive the verbiage the more faith that is created. And that is always a blessing.

Well it is to me. I so love peddling the type of thoughts that get people enthusiastic. Yep, it makes one so happy.

And if you work it right then you can do it in a way that they get so excited the don’t even notice it is all crap. Not till you are beyond where it matters.

Yep, you need to get them convinced it will work. I’m talking to the point they become eager volunteers.

Now that is serious inspiration. All in the process of passing on some gems of hope so they won’t panic.

Which is the important part. You need to be able to take this whole process to a level that really gets results.

This is all about selling you understand. And the more sales the more joy you spread. Yep, that is really such an important issue.

But alas this is such a pain to accomplish with some. They actually would dare to question the success.

So this means working extra hard at being believable. Now that can be a challenge if you have a conscience.

I’m grateful I have managed to work around it. That is the joy of denial. Such a great joy it is.

As for the others, well they merely use that later. Yep, that is there problem. And I don’t mind saying I’m glad I have achieved success.
Just don’t think of the lies and I’m cool.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Well there is one thing you can count on in life, it is when somebody uses the word actually, it is not going to have a happy ending. Just a footnote.

But it is a joy in some ways I suppose. Those wonderful occasions when you get to do this to somebody else.

Yeah, that is a treat to be sure. Just the fabulous occasion when you get to tell some this little bomb of joy.

They get their heart all set for some wonderful expectation and then at the last moment it gets destroyed. And by this little addition of a detail.

Just a word that stabs the heart and ruins the dreams. Oh yeah, you have to love it when this happens.

Course that is my view based on my using the actually hammer. Which is not the same if we don’t have the joy of giving it the attention it deserves.

This is naturally all in theory. Which is truly something that hopefully can be so able to savor.

But then you have to derive a certain pleasure from the occasion when you see that wonderful red face. A pot waiting to explode.

Oh yeah, something to truly love. And it does bless when you can accomplish it. Which is a matter of timing.

Now the best prelude to this is when you can sit down and build a certain expectation. You make them have hope.

Oh yeah this is such a joy. To give the person the illusion things will improve and they don’t.

Yeah, I love it. Just not when it happens in reverse. That is the pain. To have those times when somebody else is a pro at this.

Got to admire the artistry. Maybe not the joy though. Now that is the part you have to savor in a weird way.

Oh well I do love when this happens in my favor. Kind of gives an odd sense of control. Only it is illusion.

However, that is fun. And when you can enjoy it then the rest just doesn’t matter as much.

Well not to me at least.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Games are fun. Games are exciting. And even more so when you win. But one thing I know, you can forgot the idea about how you play the game mattering most.

People say that to get you to go along with their rules. The kinds they make up as they go along.

Oh yeah, I know better than to buy into that idea. Winning is everything. And who wins is what counts.

Nobody remembers the losers. They sure don’t recall the runner ups either. Nope we want the champions.

It is just human nature. And I don’t see a problem with it. Not from my view. I love winning.

And you can be sure that I take the time to win as often as possible. Really do make it my choice.

As for the rules. Well I do have some. Mainly the type that I tell others to follow even though I have the end figure out in the first place.

Cuts down on the frustration. Yep, love those times when you can claim the victory and to the victory dance.

But then some have this deal about fair. Which is always when they feel they should win and nobody else.

Let’s not diminish the greed issue here. Nope you can’t do that. You need to embrace it. Get all excited about it.

Then you will be so much more happier. Well as least it sounds good and that is what counts the most.

I know I love it. Just a chance to give a few smiles along the way. And in return I expect to be compensated.

Yep, I will pass on some crumbs to you if you give me some cake in the process too. Really do expect that choice.

But some aren’t so inclined to appreciate this option. They tend to get upset over it. Which is sad.

For the whole point of the game is to have fun. It is what we need. And honestly if there is no fun it just isn’t a good option.
Well my vote at least.

Monday, October 13, 2008


Well there are a lot of things this applies to. But they are not all are worth mentioning. But they can’t be ignored.

I’m not wishing to turn this into a religious blog. That would not work for me. But there is something to be said for valued things as sacred.

Doesn’t matter what it is. Because we all have those things we thing are more important than life.

Now the reality is no matter who we are there is something we can’t live without. Oh we can pretend it is otherwise, but that isn’t reality.

It is of course my job to make it all work. To take this point of need and give it a happy ending.

I do it as a Mayor because it is expected. Now I might now offer the most ideal option, but it will work.

It just depends on the person. Yep, you have to be careful for some will not find it appealing in certain ways.

And I have to know those ways. But you know what is really true? The reality is that no matter how are we try, we are all suckers for pleasure.

And the more the person craves it, well the more I will accommodate their special interests. May even do it legally.

Yep, that is a very nice option. Just not always practical. I’m sorry, but that isn’t where I draw the line.

If I did I would be very unpopular. Yep, there are way too many who just would not let me stop at that point.

Oh well, I consider it a joy. A chance to serve my fellow man and maybe get a break in the process.

Just too bad that I can’t get more press for this in a good way. I wish I had that option. Would work great for like campaigns.

But the problem is that you just can’t speak of such things in many ways. Yeah, people want the joy, but not the price.

Learning the difference is what makes it such a blessing. I get to collect a few markers from scratching a few backs.

And I never pass those up.

Sunday, October 12, 2008


Oh my love being able to see. As long as the sight is a good one. If it sucks, forget it. I'll pass.

Now perhaps life has the joy of other reason to look at stuff. Sometimes this is not an option.

I do understand that problem. It can be such a pain. Therefore not all landscape is exciting.

But when it is, great. Nothing makes it other than appealing. When the view just is not worth the effort.

You might ask when does this happen? In many situations to be honest. Yeah, really does suck at times.

Now I'm not all that upset about it. Just not inclined to pretend either. Really what is the point?

Course the problem is not everyone has the same eyes. This does tend to complicate things.

And trust me that can get very complicated. Mainly because too many have serious problems seeing reality.

Which for me translates simply into those times of knowing real fun from stupid things. There are too many of those.

An when you live in a place where dull is the normal it gets worse. Oh yeah that really sucks.

I wish I could cure the people in my town of that kind of problem, but I can't. They are sort of hopeless.

So I have done my best to try and help them see the light. Again as so many other occasions.

I wish I had the option of passing out glasses. But I imagine that I might need eye transplants.

Might not help. With some dull is like their legacy. They seem to thrive on it. Which is scary.

However, I take the approach of tolerance. This comes down to a simple thing of not allowing them to ruin my party.

So I can see fun without them. Saves sharing.

Saturday, October 11, 2008


Ah, to be full of it. Well depends on what it is as to if it is a good thing. No personally, all kinds of things make good fillers.

But you do have to watch out for the filler police. Yep, they are out there. Lots of them. They want to always tell you what is okay and what is not.

I suppose they are tying to help. But I'm not sure I need that kind of assistance. It really isn't something I think is beneficial.

Still you can be sure they will be on the job. Lurking, lecturing and even lying. Hey, you got to fill them up somehow.

Oh well the joy comes from the times when we just savor these attempts for the stupidity they represent. And hope the one's doing the filling are using crap.

Seems to be one of the major ingredients. And you can be sure that is not a good option for something satisfying.

I should know, I do it a lot. Yep, but it is necessary. Really, what else would a politician really offer, but filler?

Oh, it might be nice you know to offer something other than air. But that would cost. And people would complain about the price.

Yep, that would not be a good thing. Now I wouldn't mind if there was a way to improve the situation.

However, for others it would work easy enough. They can you know make up whatever and it is okay.

Because we expect business to work that way. And unless they are friends then you expect the truth.

Only it better be seasoned with something good. Yep, you have to expect it to be tasty, no crap allowed.

However, there is the need for joy in life. And to often the winds of fate evaporate the good stuff.

So we need fillers. From some source. And it really doesn't always matter where. That is the important part.

We just don't admit it. We prefer to face the facts that life is other than a time of such fillers.

And that always works to my benefit when I have to sling some crap.

Friday, October 10, 2008


Yum. That is the only way I can explain this. A glorious taste from something sweet that appeases.

I'm not talking food you understand. Nope that is far too simple. I'm speaking of honey that satisfies a different kind of appetite.

First of all one that is not you know, fattening. There is so much benefit to that aspect. No having to count calories.

And you normally don't have to consume it where anyone asks questions. You just consume it without worry.

Now that is a blessing to be sure. Okay now that I have you all excited, let me keep it simple.

I'm talking about forms of pleasure that really satisfy. Not the lame kind that anybody can find.

Those are fine. Well for some. Not to me. I can savor those any old time. And they make it look good in terms of things appearing normal.

But truth is they are often boring. Oh to be sure very sweet, but boring. As in yawn, this is other than satisfying.

Now to truly find this kind of honey you need to find the beehive. They are a little hard to locate at times.

There isn't a map you understand. They normally exist in places not obvious. So you can just ask for information.

Nope, you are stuck in the process trying to find them without letting others know you are looking for them. Aware others are doing the same.

It is so much of a game. Nobody can admit they love this kind of honey. Probably because we are told that there is a risk of bee stings.

Oh yeah, heard that at times. Really is more a scare tactic. And you can be sure the person telling you that is doing it to keep you from finding the honey.

That is because they want it for themselves. Yep, learned that enough in life. Never trust the people who drool when that are talking about bees.

Just make sure you don't take their advice. That is not a good option. And if you did once, just learn from it.

I'll be glad to offer suggestion on places to find hives. For a price you understand. But I'm sure you wouldn't expect otherwise.

Thursday, October 09, 2008


Yum. Yep nothing like a nice big bowl of stew to give you a reason to smile. All those wondering simmering ingredients to make life so tasting.

Now in life there are all kinds of stews. A mixture of such fabulous items that make things so exciting.

Course perhaps some don't view it that way. They prefer simple servings. Those items that aren't full of possible secrets.

But for some of us this is an important deal. We want the blends. That way we can hide those things that might bother somebody.

Now the big deal on this is with the purest. They take time to be sure you can always know each item involved.

Nice sentiment. Totally bogus. Such people generally are the ones that eat burgers with not thinking about them.

Ahem, like those are perfect foods. As for me, taste is the big issue. I want flavor. Forget what is in it.

See I love to get into the mood. I want indulgence and nothing less. Yep give it to me. Doesn't matter if it filled with garbage.

I figure it improves the chance of enjoying things. Really is very important. At least to me.

I know some will disagree. They will never want a thing to eat you can pretend is healthy or good for you.

Oh well, I let them have their delusions. I want the stews. Give them to me. I will gobble them down and ask for more.

Why? Because I'm a sucker for pleasure. Oh yeah, I crave quantity. Now quality is good too.

But then what can I say, I just savor all the times when I can feel full. You know cure those hunger pains.

What I prefer is to keep it honest. I have an appetite. And there is only one way to make it satisfied.

Give me. No arguments or discussion needed. Toss in the stews, give me all you got. Then later we can discuss the other issues.

Yep, I will be full and the none stew people will be hungry. Enough said?

Wednesday, October 08, 2008


Ah, the joy for squirrels. That delight to snack on with beer. Such a thrill when you can sprinkle them on a hot fudge sundae.

But then there are the other kinds of nuts. Yeah, the ones that rattle around in a person's brain.

Dealing with those can be so much fun. Even more so since they most likely in no way will it be the least be sane.

Not that I worry about it. After all there are just so many situations where somebody just is cracked.

They can't help it. They try to be sane, but just doesn't happen. So instead they just waver between reality and fiction.

Which is fine on some levels. Maybe not all, but some. And I am doing my best to try and not let it get to me.

Well I do try. Not that it works, but it sounds so wonderful to say. Just never is easy to make it function.

Perhaps part of this is in the issue of expectations. Maybe it is just too much to think people should be normal.

Instead I have set my sites to appreciate how it is necessary to savor how the mind works or should I say, doesn't work. Just you know acknowledging that reality.

Now the hard part is not letting this fact get to you. Just be able to celebrate with a smile that people are different.

And doing it with a nice sense of humor. Well what can I say? Not really sure. Just trying to make it work.

Which so far it doesn't in the arena of what will ever make sense. And that is okay. At least at times.

In the meantime we must be prepared to embrace that life has to have the nuts and those are not nuts. Um, sane then.

But in order to function you just have to toil away and accept that you do need the nuts too. You can't just have candy or burgers.

My whim of choice if you will. I do like it though. Makes it all sound so much nicer in some ways.

Which is all better than pretending we don't crave nuts.

Tuesday, October 07, 2008


Well outside of the fruit symbol here is the fun idea of people acting goofy. What can I say, I like it.

Is it so delightful to see people really enjoying themselves. I savor such senses of humor. Makes life fun.

Well it does for me. And you have to really be happy when somebody gets devoted to such things.

At least I do. It gives me hope. That the world will be a better place if we can stop being so serious all the time.

I'll have you know I have taken this gospel of silliness to the world. I have tried to make all kinds of disciples.

And to some degree I have been successful. Yep, it is a source of pride to take the sour pusses of life and make them giddy.

Not always an easy challenge though. You do have to work hard at times to slowly erode that rock in their heart.

But once you have managed them life becomes a bit more sappy. An thing to enjoy and celebrate.

Now the fun part is to find the perfect times to accomplish this. This can be difficult. Not everyone has the same level of ability for going bananas.

Oh there are ways to work on improving that situation. I really do have to get creative about it.

Some times it can be such an effort if you are dealing with a person who really enjoys being miserable. They are extra hard to persuade.

An in the end the fun comes when you at least breech that wall of yawns. The dull wears of and the human underneath can be revealed.

Pity there are no ways to have personality transplants. Might make things so much easier.

Well I haven't given up. Nope, I am still working on ways to add a few bananas to the world.

Just have to keep bringing in new crops of them. And you can be sure I will find them easy enough.

Only have to look at the news, always has a bumper supply.

Monday, October 06, 2008


Ah them nice little luster joys. You just have to feel good about them. Yep, I know I do. When they are a good option.

Not crazy about them if they aren't my idea of luster. Those are the times when you deal with somebody else's idea of cool.

They come from some oyster of their mind. Buried deep beneath a sea of delusion. They don't have a clue on how much they suck.

However you can be sure they are so proud of them. And will make them into a nice necklace for their minds.

Which is find except they want you to admire them. So you listen to that drool they call wisdom.

It never is brilliant or insight, but they sure are proud of it. As for myself, I just try to not go crazy in the process.

I mean I do worry that it might be catchy. Which really seems more likely that my brain affecting them.

Yeah, that doesn't happen much. Still you can hope. I know I do. I really cling to the illusion people want to be sane.

I say it is an illusion because it is. And to be honest I'm not sure I want to change it that much.

Call me stupid, but honestly I find there to be more happiness when people have their pearls. They might be stupid, but happy.

Where I have to get concerned is when they want me to enjoy them too. Now that is the scary part.

Which never ends in a celebration. Unless by some chance I am able to sell them. But so far trying to get rid of used brain cells doesn't work that well.

I keep hoping it will change though. In terms of finding ways to market dementia. I mean other than donating the person to some organ clinic.

Haven't heard they take brains though. Might be fun. You know have a place that could recycle them.

Without it turning nuts. Which is the real down side. You know if you did find a use for the cells they might make things worse.
That is the hard part to take care of.

Sunday, October 05, 2008


Ah well you just have to love when this is real. Yeah, those times you know something is going to suck.

And then you sit back feeling like a complete idiot when it turns out you are wrong. Not quite a time to rejoice.

I do believe there is something to be gained from accepting when you do this personally. You know make a bone head assumption.

Look at something and think it is a bad thing only to find out later it was truly not bad. Yep, not a time to rejoice.

But what affects this to me is when we sit down and make the decision that it is best to just form opinions as our truth. A lot will do that.

I don't mind when somebody else decides to do it. I just hate when I do that. I should know better.

Well I do to a degree. Just never enough to be proud about. And this is where I have to do my part to improve.

Now some might decide what improvement is. I will say it is not what some think it should be.

Nope, you can not base it on what a few interpret as good. For often the really are bad in their view.

I am working on that part myself. I am trying to come up with a more definitive way of making this a reality.

I want to keep things simple. I want my hate to be realistic and well real. I don't want to make hate a mistake.

Hmm, that rhymes. How nice. Wasn't planned, but makes for a good slogan perhaps. Just not sure where it would work.

Well I think I will do what I can to keep this properly defined. Yes, that is what counts. You have to be careful not to get sidetracked.

Such a shame when that happens. And I have the solution I suppose. Which is that you lie about it.

Yep, hardly a new idea, but it sure does work. Well as long as you sort of make it the result of nice interpretations.

And that is the easy part.

Saturday, October 04, 2008


Ah, well the wonderful joy of doing what you truly love. And being able to do it whenever you want.

Now that is real freedom. Got to love that idea of love. Wish I could be more honest on that subject.

See you can love some things with no problems. And then you have to be worried about it being acceptable.

See loving it can be alright as long as others see it as something allowed. Requires a certain degree of acknowledging that you won't be crazy.

Pity too since you know there are all kinds of things that you can love that aren't necessarily socially tolerable. Yep, that is always required.

And to me that is other than fair. I mean why must my joy be diminish by a set of rules? Really sucks.

Could be so wonderful to get past that point. To be free to go for it. Whatever it was or happened to be.

Now the only problem that complicates it for me is being a Mayor. I have to avoid ruining my mask.

So that means preserving some illusion of propriety. It sucks. I hate working so hard to hide my real loves.

But then I do try and face that this is a practical choice. I have to take time to be careful. And that is a lot of hard work.

Sometimes it does get so hard taking the time to be sure I find ways to keep my real joys a secret. And that is well worth it.

After all those little detours help to keep me sane. Yep, I just can't tell others that. I really don't think it is a good idea.

So I tolerate the whole practice of saying one thing and doing another. And no, I haven't forgotten what that is called.

I think it is best to say that I am exercising my rights. Sounds so much more pleasant that saying I'm a pervert.

Don't need that kind of title. Might be true, but don't need it. Yep, prefer the blessings of just that mask.

Makes the world saner to a degree.

Friday, October 03, 2008


Awww, the joy of creating an addiction. It is such a joy. I truly love when I can accomplish this.

There is just something so satisfying about taking a person of normal desires and making them suddenly an addict. Watching their restrain go away.

I really cherish those victories. And with some people it is easier than others. Course the best ones are those who really are so innocent.

They are the types that often claim to be above it all. Who pretend they have no problem with temptation.

Then I sit back and love listening to their illusions. Takes time to find out what button to push, but I love it.

And the rule is the greater the delusion the farther they fall. Got to love it. Now that really makes me happy.

I know some would not call that a good thing. But I can't help it. I just get tired of the myths.

Those darn times when people want to pretend to be angels. How they love those fantasies.

Yep, I really have to admit for me there is joy in guiding some poor misinformed person towards the light. Normally it is a neon one.

But that is part of the fun. You have to truly love that aspect. Which I blame on all the people who keep acting as if life is perfect.

Now in this case I'm not talking about the bible thumpers. Oh there are a few of them in that camp.

But essentially, I'm talking about all the people out there that set impossible standards for life. They are the ones that get to me the most.

Because they mislead others. Always give this terrible image that life will be other than paradise.

Which is the part that I work to end. Yep, nothing makes me happier that to bring education to others.

Have to feel proud when you can do that. And you know I cherish each lesson taught. Makes me feel useful.

Just have to act like I care. That is the hard part.

Thursday, October 02, 2008



Ah yes, the joy of being special. Somewhere you can go and truly feel unique. And have others treat you as other than ordinary.

There are all kinds of places where you can find a club to join. But not all of them are quite worth joining.

If they have as their purpose for being something totally lame, then don't expect smiles. Or even fun.

Now you can definitely plenty of those in my city. I'm sorry, but a lint collectors club is not my speed.

And then there are so many others too. Man simply unbelievable what some people in my city think is a good club.

There are some I have no choice as Mayor, but to join. Just a requirement of my position.

So I join up and find it so less than inspiring when that means I have to and sit around to listen to a report. Oh yes, I've heard some crazy ones.

I wish I could say I love talking about things such as bugs. But it just doesn't help me in any way.

I don't get to make up reason to avoid some meetings. Mainly by going to a different meeting.

Hopefully one that will be more entertaining than the one I missed. But sometimes it doesn't work out that way.

What really sucks is if you get an invite from somebody that is really know for a good time. Then you find out later they were not even in the club.

Only you don't discover that fact till you show up at the meeting and the person isn't there. Too late to leave then.

Now I have been working on ways to make this work better. Mainly by creating my own clubs.

Some of course cater to special needs. Not always the kind you can brag about I'm afraid.

But still ones that need to provide a service. Just we meet at times and places that we don't tell others.

Yeah those kinds. but so cool.

Wednesday, October 01, 2008


I have learned to hate that term. It implies somebody you can like. A person you can trust.

Basically a person who is good or at least fights for good. But nobody ever seems to consider how much harder it is for the bad guys.

After all the good guys get all the breaks. They get the girls in the end and also have good stuff said about them.

So they have all the motivation to do what they do. Talk about selfish! Yeah, that is what I call it.

Being all noble and honest. It is disgusting. Really, I get so upset when I hear about this being so bias.

So I want to talk about the bad guys in that context. In the end they get nothing, but grief.

Oh maybe they get the girl. Well a girl. Most likely the ones that the good guys discarded.

You never heard about that part. Hah! Sure like that never happens. Oh yeah you know it does.

Well that's the breaks when you are a champion on the goodness team. What does the bad guy get?

I tell you what he gets, squat. I mean he works as hard as the good guy. Maybe even harder.

But does anyone bother in anyway to say, great job! When is there a parade for them? A surprise party even.

Well I would really enjoy a chance to correct this injustice. Maybe have a special tribute to them.

I know, a statue. In the park perhaps. Now before anyone gripes let me ask you this. How many times have you seen a statue in some park and had no idea who the person is?

See, so don't say it isn't okay. Just might be nice to give the bad guys a little incentive. Something to give them a little hope.

And I would even be willing to get the ball rolling by doing some promotion. Yeah, that would be nice.

Course we would have to work out the fees.