Monday, October 27, 2008


Election time always seems to inspire this word in my thinking. I mean I’m a politician and I think it is important.

What can I say? I think the problem here is expectation. If people would chill out on this deal of honesty things would go a lot better.

So let’s be practical here. I mean first of all who gets elected? It is either the rich guy or somebody in debt to a rich person.

Either way you know this is not going to be a case of people who are living a working man’s life. But for some reason we think they will be able to help the working guy.

And most are totally aware if they do sell us on that possibility they are screwed. Yep, forget getting elected.

Then once they do get elected we find ourselves totally being pissed if they end up being greedy. Even if they were that way all the time.

Now that is all find and good if you want to set yourself up for disappointment. Perhaps we should make an effort to face that fact more.

See the deal to me is that this whole thing just falls short of reality. It sucks when you know one thing and expect a different one.

So I think we need some adjustment in the thinking. We need to make an effort to take this to a more realistic level.

I have no idea what that will be. But I’m thinking a broader definition of civil service would help.

By that I mean one that will allow for the simple truth of how we need this joy. We need to be able to inspire.

So that means feeding the kiddie. Yeah, give that predator enough raw meat so he doesn’t come looking for more.

Then he won’t have to be a robber. See we are already doing this in practical ways. But we just pretend it is otherwise.

And that makes it all so inefficient. Which is the stupid part. This is the area we need more wisdom.

But all this requires a degree of acceptance that the system just doesn’t work. So lets readjust the program.

Then they won’t have to lie as much and the world can improve.


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