Tuesday, October 28, 2008


There are those I suppose who would say predators are bad. They are evil and destructive.

One has to differentiate between a predator and a warrior. A predator is one that people few as a bad option.

Someone out to cause harm to satisfy their own desires or hunger. They are not there to help others.

But warriors are viewed as the saviors. The good guys who come along to defend the people from predators.

Now my objection to this scenario is that it doesn’t give any credit to the good that predators serve. Nope they get a bad rap.

For first of all without the predator you don’t need warriors. So you have to accept the do serve a purpose.

And let’s be honest outside of a few details the warrior is just a predator who has a chance to serve a good purpose. So without that purpose he would possibly become a predator.

Actually I think it is more than a probability. For both really have a combative nature. Just a matter of timing.

Yeah, that is how I view it. Not saying others will agree, but it is what I know to be true. And that is where I approach it.

What I try to do is to be the warrior for the voter, but predator when I am actually doing things. I need to devour.

And I do. I just try to make it seem like I am doing it for good reasons. Not always an easy sales job though.

But I have done my best to sell it. And most of the time with the right twist it works. So I get the fame and the meal.

But then that is part of my political option that doesn’t always happen for everyone else. Nope some can’t choose that option.

And those I call the ones I use for scapegoats. Those who you get to blame when thing don’t work out.

Hey, so they end up a martyr. Well that’s the breaks. Which naturally always work in my favor.


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