Saturday, October 25, 2008


This is one of those fun songs isn’t it? I imagine when it was written by whoever they felt it was a good idea.

Another of those sentimental things to do when you love families and all the usual ideas of homecomings. But I think it might be a tad different today.

For example, she is driving a team of horses. Well forget that today. You might get in trouble for animal abuse.

And then saying we will all go out to meet her? Hmm, have to check our calendars. Hope she made an appointment.

Now the other question is why is she coming round the mountain? I think that needs to be addressed.

Hope she didn’t trespass on anyone’s property in the process. No that would be awful. The kind of situation where you need to truly be careful.

Then two the question is today would she be driving an SUV or other form of gas guzzler? Yeah that needs to be determined.

Plus if she did alter it in anyway then it might be a safety violation. Um, I wonder if she also has insurance and smog check?

Well by the time you think of all those issues then you have to figure she’s probably coming to borrow money. Now who needs that?

I can tell you one thing, by the time this all gets revised, by a more modernized method you are talking one serious problem.

You got some deadbeat relative of questionable lifestyle driving a old wreck of a car. Showing up for reasons that could cause problems.

And that would be so awful. See how life has changed? Why I imagine today we would say, she will be coming round the mountain, but we’re not home!

Yep, got to love that option. I know I do. And who else can you trust, but your own experience?

See just a matter of making sure you put it into the proper context. That is what I do. Just another joy you have to deal with in life.

But so nice to dwell upon such things in a positive way. I mean positive for oneself. Yep, got to savor that.

What else is there to view if not from saving your butt?


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