Friday, October 10, 2008


Yum. That is the only way I can explain this. A glorious taste from something sweet that appeases.

I'm not talking food you understand. Nope that is far too simple. I'm speaking of honey that satisfies a different kind of appetite.

First of all one that is not you know, fattening. There is so much benefit to that aspect. No having to count calories.

And you normally don't have to consume it where anyone asks questions. You just consume it without worry.

Now that is a blessing to be sure. Okay now that I have you all excited, let me keep it simple.

I'm talking about forms of pleasure that really satisfy. Not the lame kind that anybody can find.

Those are fine. Well for some. Not to me. I can savor those any old time. And they make it look good in terms of things appearing normal.

But truth is they are often boring. Oh to be sure very sweet, but boring. As in yawn, this is other than satisfying.

Now to truly find this kind of honey you need to find the beehive. They are a little hard to locate at times.

There isn't a map you understand. They normally exist in places not obvious. So you can just ask for information.

Nope, you are stuck in the process trying to find them without letting others know you are looking for them. Aware others are doing the same.

It is so much of a game. Nobody can admit they love this kind of honey. Probably because we are told that there is a risk of bee stings.

Oh yeah, heard that at times. Really is more a scare tactic. And you can be sure the person telling you that is doing it to keep you from finding the honey.

That is because they want it for themselves. Yep, learned that enough in life. Never trust the people who drool when that are talking about bees.

Just make sure you don't take their advice. That is not a good option. And if you did once, just learn from it.

I'll be glad to offer suggestion on places to find hives. For a price you understand. But I'm sure you wouldn't expect otherwise.


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