Friday, October 31, 2008


Well you got to appreciate how this option should be rather simple. I mean you sit there and do have to do much.

Nothing is the absence of something. A place you shouldn’t have to visit and expect anything.

Just be able to turn it into whatever you want. A nice occasion to give yourself a reason to smile.

Yep, I do love it so. Can’t get enough of these moments without pressure. And that is the key you understand.

The idea that you don’t have to worry. Not much can replace that joy. Really is such a blessing.

Well the big problem is finding good nothing places. Those with no promise or demands, they just exist.

Now the favorite place for me to do this is somewhere out of town. Yep, I need a place I’m not known.

It would be nice if some bar would serve this purpose. But there are too many distractions.

The drunks can get noisy and distracting. So that doesn’t add to my joy. Nope, not in the least.

Instead I have to consider other options. And hard to find at times. I mean places that are absolute zeros in terms of demands.

I know how some find that in parks. Nature works for others. But for me all that stuff is boring.

Mainly because you can’t enjoy it without putting up with things like insects. They are such pests.

Now I wish I could say that cemeteries are ruled out, but they are quiet to be sure. And if you work it right you get to find some widow in need of comforting.

Which truly does add to the joy. Yeah, you can end up with no demands and maybe a nice option in terms of fun.

I still haven’t mentioned all the places, but those are a start. Just one of those helpful little footnotes from you uncle Rash.

So enjoy if you can.


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