Wednesday, October 01, 2008


I have learned to hate that term. It implies somebody you can like. A person you can trust.

Basically a person who is good or at least fights for good. But nobody ever seems to consider how much harder it is for the bad guys.

After all the good guys get all the breaks. They get the girls in the end and also have good stuff said about them.

So they have all the motivation to do what they do. Talk about selfish! Yeah, that is what I call it.

Being all noble and honest. It is disgusting. Really, I get so upset when I hear about this being so bias.

So I want to talk about the bad guys in that context. In the end they get nothing, but grief.

Oh maybe they get the girl. Well a girl. Most likely the ones that the good guys discarded.

You never heard about that part. Hah! Sure like that never happens. Oh yeah you know it does.

Well that's the breaks when you are a champion on the goodness team. What does the bad guy get?

I tell you what he gets, squat. I mean he works as hard as the good guy. Maybe even harder.

But does anyone bother in anyway to say, great job! When is there a parade for them? A surprise party even.

Well I would really enjoy a chance to correct this injustice. Maybe have a special tribute to them.

I know, a statue. In the park perhaps. Now before anyone gripes let me ask you this. How many times have you seen a statue in some park and had no idea who the person is?

See, so don't say it isn't okay. Just might be nice to give the bad guys a little incentive. Something to give them a little hope.

And I would even be willing to get the ball rolling by doing some promotion. Yeah, that would be nice.

Course we would have to work out the fees.


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