Monday, October 20, 2008


Ah, well there is no better joy than finding this in people. Really is such a thrill to discover in people.

Basically because the lethargy can be counted on to do nothing. You don’t have to fret over their behavior.

Come what may you can be assured they will be of no value. Which in some situations is very valuable as an asset.

Mainly when you don’t want to have to work very hard and just want to get by. But you want to have the illusion of making it look like you did something good.

So it is all matter of image. And that matters in many cases. It is very important to find. You can savor it when you find it.

Which is made harder because so many lie about it. Oh they are lazy butts, yet don’t want to admit it.

There is a problem with that approach. There are just situations where honestly is not a the best policy.

See you can be a lot of things and nobody will care. But if you are a lazy ass they get upset.

Mainly because you can’t rely upon the person for anything. Regardless of the commitment needed they won’t provide it.

Now for me this is a plus. Because you know the person will not expect much either. That is the best aspect.

The normally are not much for being complainers. They are too busy trying to hide from responsibilities.

That works to my advantage to be sure. I love when you can deal with people on that level.

For you can make it seem like they are so helpful. Lot so lies go into making this such a blessing.

Then naturally you get all the publicity for creating this illusion. Trophies are nice. They can do some much to create the illusion the person is great.

So then when nothing happens then you can just sit back and smile. A few more lies and it is all forgotten.

Which makes it all perfect when you are lethargic too.


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