Wednesday, April 30, 2008


Ah, this is a wonderful thought. Knowing tomorrow will be an improvement. You know to be able to look upon the future as a bank.

And to expect it to bear interest in terms of good things. The kind that ends up with some good things definitely in the works for down the road.

Now I can savor such moments. They really are a joy. I personally do savor such things and that is the part I can always have with a smile.

Course others don't see it that way. Most likely because they don't have the same chances to see the future with promise.

I can appreciate that. So many often don't have this option. They are kind of stuck making some other person's future a reality.

See the problem is that most people can't make that many decisions that make tomorrow better. Oh we like to leave the impression we can, but it just isn't the way it works.

Unless you are a crook then well no problem. See you can always plot to steal what you need or invent some lie to try and get it.

However, that only works best when you have the opportunities that I do. And so many never do.

I am grateful though. Because I really don't want that much competition. Nope not my idea of sharing.

I do savor the times when I have the chance to like move over to the vineyard of what is yet to be and examine the ripening fruit. Just to see when it is ready for harvest.

Which doesn't happen all the time when I want. But that is okay, I am happy when that does happen.

It sort of give me such hope for the future. And for that you can be sure I work very hard. Just inventing tales to help make it all become true.

Well at least for me it works. Not for everyone. And that perhaps is not part of what will happen tomorrow.

But you can be sure I will always feel so good when it is my tomorrow. All of which gives me so many reasons to smile.

Okay some come from drinking too many martinis. But that is a good option also when you want it to be perfect.
Until the credit card bill comes or the hangover.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Oh my this is a good thing. Letting what is be free to be what it is suppose to be. Ah, the freedom this gives.

Well naturally, this is all in theory. A wonderful concept. Even better when it is true. But it is not most of the time.

Now as for me, well I love when people are you know are little inclined to be so natured. Just be capable of acting with the idea of wanting the world to be free.

Freedom is such an important gift. Pity it is something we often end up having to treat as other than a good thing.

But they are out there. The official party poopers. Oh yeah that is what really does come over us at times.

A need to be so less than cooperative on the issue of life in general. Or anyone that is other than in agreement with their point of view.

Pity when things are like that. But it does happen. And from my view it is because of people being other than willing to admit their lack of personal freedom.

Hate to be unkind about it, but that is my view. I just see so many who are other than free.

Oh they like to see themselves as this great liberator in their thinking. Which they never are.

Nope they are a lot of things, but never really free. Well it might sound good to say they are.

Just in practice it is not true. But that is okay, I don't mind them being other than free. I just mind them trying to keep me from enjoying freedom.

How do they do this? By making rules that aren't realistic. Only I don't know that is such a joy when they do that.

I so love when they make me feel so thrilled. All I know is it doesn't work in my favor. I will always dislike that part.

It just doesn't work for me when I end up getting frustrated over some deal that didn't let me allow whatever to be what I want it to be.

In any case I guess I will try to do my best to see if I can try and recoup from this moment. And that will be to set things free whenever I can.

Including myself. A nice option when I can find it. Which is never enough.

Monday, April 28, 2008


Yep, yep, yep. Such a joy this is. A chance to fix the world in concrete rules. So very well contrived.

Would really be such a joy if it was real. But it never is. Nope not in any way does it happen to be reality.

Oh we love to make it seem that way. Well it does have a certain joy to the idea admittedly just the same.

Only it would be so much nicer if that was the truth. But then I don't know it is from my view a nice dream that never will be truth.

I'm not sure if I think this was a good deal or not. I guess part of me is unsure. Oh I do like the idea of confidence and security.

Those are great options. But then not the kinds that really will be facts if we are honest about it.

Well okay, perhaps with enough excuses. Or maybe enough lies. Those always work too. But they don't equate to the end result of progress.

And really however that sounds in terms of impressive to have it be life that doesn't translate into fact. Not from my experience.

However I am always hopeful that things will be different. Which is why I do go through the process of wondering.

Still that doesn't result in this becoming any change in daily life. I guess I'm not complaining though.

Mainly this is about coping with the illusion. The one that everyone seem to want to call life.

I call it being silly. That is when you spend time thinking truth is other than truth. You think the fantasy is reality.

It all sounds wonderful in theory. Only it never seems to be a good option to make that the basis of life.

Well not to me. But it works for everyone else I guess. They seem to get all jazzed by it. And that is fine.

But I have to live with the reality as a mayor. And that means we have to spend time pretending a lot.

And that is not fun unless you make it a game. I do that alot.

Sunday, April 27, 2008


Now that is a such a good deal. Ah when something is done it is a good thing. And if it is for an accomplishment even better.

Providing it is for one that brings a smile. If it brings a frown then not a good deal. Well not to me.

Oh well that is part of the aspect of joy that I try to avoid. You know to find that point where I can be able to enjoy this.

There is no way that will ever be the way it happens though. I can wish for it, but doubt it will take place.

In any event that is not where I expect things to go. Nope, I will always wish for it, but not going to expect it.

And that is they way it has to be. Well for now. Maybe not tomorrow. And that is what I will work on later.

In any case I will move on here. I will find those great times when did is a good thing. I might no be able to rely on some because of it, but that is okay.

Which is the whole thing to me. I will naturally find my own shelf on which to place my dreams.

And that is the part that counts. Well it does to me. I am working hard on that part. Maybe not as hard as I would like, but I'm trying.

Just wish everyone's idea of did was the same. You know where they spend the time actually having completely what they claimed.

Some people have a strange idea of did. They treat did as when you sort of thought about finishing something.

Without actually having been done. That is the part they sort of forgot to mention, which is not a good thing to forget.

That doesn't quite come about in a way that you know brings a good response. It is why they have to be careful to tell me all the facts.

Well that doesn't quite work for me. I just think that needs to be focused better. And that is the important part.

Like come on people give me a break here. Come on you can do it. I know you can. Just give me the facts.
Hopefully they will work too.

Saturday, April 26, 2008


Oh my is this a good thing or what? I think so. Please do whatever you decide it a good thing providing it really does good.

Now that is the kicker. You can't have it good if you don't really have a good do. Sort of to be expect it to be positive.

But then I do appreciate that is my view. I will defend my right to hold to such opinions too.

After all, there is nothing more sacred in life to me than choice. Now naturally I give priority to my choice.

Which is to be expected. And I have no reason to stop regarding this as important. Well not anytime soon.

I think the problem is you know in the area of do. Just too many who see do as not a big deal.

Not that surprising. I mean we all want, but don't like to give. That is Rash's rule and works for me pretty darn good.

And you can be sure that I will continue to hold to this view. Because it is my sacred duty to be faithful to my calling.

That is the one for being a Limburger and not as mayor. And you know that is one I take very serious.

We Limburgers have invest our lives with the single person of helping to victimize the world. I mean somebody does have to play the bad guy on purpose

Oh I know there are plenty to prefer to pretend about it. They will play the bad guy, but lie about it.

Which gets totally absurd. That is not the way to do it. And so that is why my family is devoted to pure case of do unto others.

Very proud of our honesty in that regards. Oh maybe this is not quite some people's idea of honesty.

But we take pride in that kind of doing. Just feels so good to do unto others in a way they never forget.

Meanwhile, I think that I will head out and practice of little of this gospel right now. Oh yeah that is very good

Well for me that is.

Friday, April 25, 2008


I never treat don't as no. I see it as maybe. One of those little side roads of life that people go down.

Why do I treat it that way? Simple, because of the fact that so often they mean just that. Don't do something with a certain pause.

That pause is something that carries a hint. Like if you offer an option they will grab at it without hesitation.

But then sometimes that ends up being wrong too. Some times don't mean no way under any circumstances.

Those are the don'ts that really are trouble. They are the ones that can truly give a person problems.

And especially when you don't recognize them. Then you can really get into big trouble. I've been there a few times.

A lot of problems sure do creep into life when you read this wrong. Oh yeah that is not a good thing.

Now with the people you know this isn't as hard to understand. But with the ones you don't know, oh my it is such a crap shoot.

And let me tell you that is not my idea of something to find out later. It doesn't make me happy at all.

I just hate having to make up lies to pretend I misunderstood their don't. Oh I do have plenty.

But still I do enjoy it better when I don't have to fake it. Then it feels like I well at least can pretend I am honest.

However I do find time to you know make up for the blunders in so many ways. That is the joy of creative accounting.

And even though it isn't as much fun I do manage at times. Just a pain finding enough receipts.

Well at least the kind that will look legitimate. That can be hard to figure at times. Really is so easy to make a mistake.

I have manage to doctor them up enough to get by though. And so far that has avoid an audit.
Which you never get to say don't about.

Thursday, April 24, 2008


A hopeful step in the right direction. Which would be great if it worked out that way. But like most things with the word right, it seldom stays right.

Now if it went left that might not be so bad. Left is not necessarily wrong. It is well in a different direction.

That is okay if the direction still works. But too often it just leaves me going huh. Mainly because people are just to difficult.

They just manage to mess up and then can't quite be right on. More like right off. And that does not help.

Oh well I am working on improving. Which starts by not paying attention to anyone else's stupid steps.

Now that really makes it fun. You can let them march off full of confidence and stupidity. Then when the fall on their face, you just snicker.

Not too loud though. Don't want it to be obvious. Not a good thing. Because they do have a tendency to get pissed if you gloat.

It is the secret to success. Don't let yourself celebrate too loudly. Well not where they can hear you.

Better to do it when they are not around. That will truly make the difference. Unless you have death wish, and that is never a good option.

Still I do cherish this wonderful option of making life full of turns that don't bring grief. A few that really help.

Only problem is finding the time to not give myself grief in the process. This is hardly a good deal if it makes me miserable.

However, with the right kind of effort, no problem. I do manage to find the right on option.

Oh well that will be a matter of my choice. Got to admit that one. Not always a choice I wish would work, but one I want to have happen.

But the best part of all of it is when I can make the whole thing up. See the right lie always make for a perfect step.

One where nobody finds out till I'm done that I even took any steps. Now that is kind that works for the best.

Got to love it when you don't have to lie just step sideways while the other guy falls on his butt.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008


Would be nice if right was the same as success. At times I would settle for it being even competent.

But it doesn't work out that way. Nope doing right doesn't always bring rewards. I know that sounds great.

A terrific theory. Maybe even a fabulous type of fairy tale dreams. But not reality or even close.

All of this is common knowledge. Not that we enjoy it, but we are aware of it. And that is the part we hate.

Because we want fairness. We want to believe that following rules will get us a break and not following them will get us punished.

And making it worse we set up our legal system on the same premise. A very positive and idealistic choice.

But I do give people credit for trying. A whole of lies and delusion really goes a long way to help the fantasy.

None of which changes what actually takes place. And that is the part that I focus on, which keeps me sane.

See the core issue here is that we can't have it both ways. You can't have greed and morality and make it all have logic.

Now my way of coping is obvious. If you are in a game where there winners is fixed, then cheat.

Oh I know that sounds silly. All that business about how you playing the game being what counts.

Well I'm sorry, but I would rather win. And you can be sure I sure give that my best shot. And you know I will.

Just have to ignore this silly notion that keeping the rules is a smart option. Oh yeah, that sounds so moral.

Most likely it was said by somebody who didn't keep the rules. Yeah, that would be how I would see it.

That is okay. I can live with success as a consequence. Won't even stop pretending I will keep the rules either.
Well as long as somebody is watching.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008


A wonderful sentiment that has no basis in reality. I wish it did, but alas it doesn't work that way.

Nor does it ever change that I can think of. Why? Because of the fact that too many simply don't want it that way.

Now I say that from the simple point of view that too many to me don't want things to be done right. I say that because it is true.

If we really wanted to do it right why would we keep missing up so much and do it a second time. Like we need lot of practice at failing.

That is not quite my idea of a good option. I really don't think we would work so hard and repeating stupid if we didn't enjoy it.

I can appreciate that is not quite the way some will not agree with that opinion. To which I say, so what?

I just get tired of the silliness of pretending things are okay. That we have everything under control.

And how somehow tomorrow things will magically improve. Of course they never do. They just get worse.

Like you know we went to school and told the teacher the dog ate our homework when we never did it in the first place. Then it just somehow stays stupid.

Oh we fake going through taking the test. And we might even pass by luck. But we are still stupid.

And that is the way it stays even when we spend the time being goofy and pretending we are educated. Which we never are.

But it sounds so much better than saying, hey I don't give a crap. And I won't give a crap tomorrow either.

Why should we keep pretending on that part? I really think it would work so much better if we did find the truth.

Then we could you know savor the joy of making it all a game. Oh yeah that would be so much fun.

We could make up stupid rules for rewarding the biggest lies. And the ones that make us seem perfect even better.

Well just a thought at least.

Monday, April 21, 2008


Just a bit of humor on the gas situation:

Up Yours

Desperate times imbued the voter's minds
tired of lies and windfall oil company profits,
having to cope with OPEC and Venezuela,
elected a beer drinking, cussing blue collar worker
to White House.

Promised to shove his middle finger
in the face of any executives or foreigners
who didn't cooperate
on giving the working man a break
at the pumps.

So he punched out two board meetings
then swaggered in to Arab conference
using the diplomacy he knew
telling them knock it off
or he would shove a nuke
where the sun don't shine.

All captured on news,
voters standing and cheer,
until the consequences
hit the pumps.

Regular now costs a paycheck,
mid-grade requires giving blood
premium demands being an organ donor.

Only redeeming spot
new President made
owing a whiskey still legal.

Citizens drinking more
and driving less,
passing out great solution to crisis,
hangovers excuse to stay home.

Sunday, April 20, 2008


Now the key to this is that it is about social things and for me that is to place an order for the type you want. I like that aspect.

Problem is the order I want is never in stock. I would be thrilled to have you know a shot at say bringing a nice order for say some serfs.

I really think it is a shame that we have not had the chance to you know check into that social form more. I think it had real possibilities.

Oh I do understand how some wouldn't see it that way. But you have to admit it would cut down on the issue of unemployment.

At least think it would. You know, everyone would get a job and place to stay. We might even toss in a few clothes too.

So that would be a plus for some. But there is this silly thing about rights. And I ask you is that fair?

Now if you just stop and think about it, this makes sense too me. I mean why deprive people of employment.

And it would simplify the issue of taxes. After all if they had no income they wouldn't have to worry about taxes.

And tell me that isn't a plus? See I can tell you are thinking about it. Yeah I can tell you are wondering now.

And naturally there would be room in Rashland for knights. Plus plenty of ladies in waiting.

The knights would be out making sure the serfs were behaving. Yeah that would be a good thing.

As for the ladies in waiting, I would take care of them. Yes, it would be the least I could do.

Ah, well it is to dream I guess. Part of my thoughts of ways to improve life. Only problem is that getting others to cooperate.

Did toss out a resolution in the council chambers a while ago proposing a change in our city. Just a little restoration of Camelot.

It almost worked till they saw the part about crusades. Hey, it was just an idea. Pity it didn't happen.
I would have loved to have interviewed the ladies in waiting.

Saturday, April 19, 2008


Now this is truly a wonderful concept. When it doubt make the world crazy. It really does give a person a break.

When I say that I mean that if things are screwed up nobody is as concerned about efficiency. They make allowances for things they might otherwise complain about.

And that makes me very happy. It means less lies I have to come up with. Instead I can savor just saying, well we tried.

Some people aren't very content with that option unfortunately. They will expect more than being told, we tried.

Funny how some people can be so unreasonable. Well in my view they are. I mean I'm sorry, but trying really is a good thing.

True, maybe not the same as success. But then heck if you didn't have the joy of failing once and a while, how would you know what success was like?

But then I suppose I do appreciate the prevailing silliness that doesn't regard failure as a good thing. Which I do understand to a degree.

See I have two views on this. From one point it is an issue for me as a con man. I don't like losing.

But as a Mayor well this is a different story. I mean I need a little incompetence to cover my lazy butt.

And that is not quite my idea of fun. I mean having to lie about it. Silliness just works so much better.

Yeah, you can't get too upset when the world get sort of sideways. Then you can blame it on the view.

I just can't do it all the times. Darn it all, that would be my first option. Only I don't get to vote on that one.

Now that is the part I hate. I wouldn't hate it if I could decide how it would end up. But it doesn't work that one.

Which is fine providing I get to stir up the chaos and blame it on somebody else. That is the essential part.

And so with the joy comes the fun of nobody being able to make sense of things. And I get the joy of celebrating.
Because in a back room are kept all the files on what really happen.

Friday, April 18, 2008


Now I have a little different idea of charity than some. And I think my version makes sense.

Basically only give away things you don't really want. Never give away something you will need later.

However, if this involves somebody else's stuff that is a different story. Yep, I have no problems with being generous under those conditions.

Still the problem is getting people to cooperated. Really they have this funny notion that you shouldn't offer their stuff.

Oh I'm sure they don't mind if you volunteer. Nope, you can be assured that will not happen.

In the meantime this whole issue of giving things away still falls short of being a forgotten idea. Which really does sort of amaze me.

I mean we really have this crazy double standard. On the one hand we want to see ourselves as humane.

But we don't want it to be expensive. Or if it is expensive not from our pocket books. Just anywhere else will do.

Only problem is that everyone else feels the same. Oh yeah, pass the buck of excuses, but spare the dollar bill.

Oh yeah, oh yeah, tell me that isn't true. Because we all know it is. And that works for me.

But then I have no problem admitting this is true. I guess it doesn't matter though, but it does happen to be reality.

However, I do feel reality is a tad overrated. All that pondering and speculation just you know need the foundation of other than truth.

If we don't bother with making that a necessity then life is so wonderful. We can sit back and lie and have lots of fun.

Only without the need to pretend it all is other than a game. A very silly and absurd game to be sure.

So let's pass around all the fun. Make it seem we are really nice people. Can't hurt to keep on those masks.
Until we are alone at least.

Thursday, April 17, 2008


I might call this step here. Would work for me. Oh yeah that would really not be so bad if people cooperated.

And trust me I would sure love to have people always take time to function at this level. But that is a myth. A very nice fantasy.

However, I keep hoping and that is what really matters. For that is what makes the difference.

I can imagine the future full of yes men. Now that would truly be a heaven for me. No questions, no complaints, just do what I want.

In any case that really is so darn hard. I do wish it wasn't. Finding lackeys is not that hard. Finding obedient ones is far different.

Which is my perfect world. A place where I get to be emperor and all the citizens are serfs.

Now that would work for me. But getting the world to cooperate would be the difficult part.

I realize I've had a lot of competition for that title. I just don't know if that is part of what I can manage with the right effort.

I can give it a lot of thought. Perhaps I can come up with some kind of option that appeals.

Yeah, a grand plan to ascend the emperor stand. Oh man what a dream that will be. A great chance to be all I can be.

I personally think this is a great choice. I know I can do a great job of this if given the chance.

Yep, I love the idea of making this a reality. And I know it will be for everyone. Just another chance to serve my fellow man.

Well maybe it sounds more like a banquet coming from me. But it isn't. Nope I think this will be the best for all.

Now all I need is the right kind of inspiration to help others appreciate this fact. And it will be so easy to accomplish. Yep, no problem from my view.

And that will be so cool. I know this will make everyone so happy to have one person to abuse them. I won't even charge extra.

Well not much.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008


Perhaps this is heaven to some. When things are well, juicy and sweet. My interpretation you understand.

Can't say that applies to others the same way. But it is how I choose to view it. And you can be sure from my view that is what counts.

I just am not sure others are willing to quite accept my interpretation. I'm not complaining you understand.

Just sort of feel at times like this whole thing leaves questions in my mind. That is because of the fact that I am not willing to define like by what sucks.

Now that is the difference. I want juice from fruit that is sweet, not grapefruit. Or even lemons.

Nope that is not how I intend to keep functioning. I will prefer to always look at the times I can sample the tasty portions.

Oh I know you have to take what you can get, but it doesn't mean I don't want to take the time to savor the good parts. And that I do try to do very often.

But then that is how I figure it ought to be. See if everyone expected fruit it would make it harder to find. So why not let those who want only sour things have their wish?

I can only hope for the times when everyone is off looking at a given orchard. Then I can be off elsewhere that is not crowded.

Yep, I will cheer them when they head off to chase some given orchard and I will be elsewhere. A place I can have smiles.

Which comes when everyone else is not where I am and I can have all the fruit I want without interference. Now that is heaven.

Well okay more a fruit paradise. But it works for me. And that is the important part. I will always savor that part.

But I don't know, I do sort of rejoice at that aspect. Because there are so many with funny ideas of fruit.

And while they are all off doing their own versions of inspections, I am content to just let my own little slice of peach be tasted where I can find it. And that is anyplace I can squeeze some juice.

There are plenty of those around. Oh yeah that is the part I do cherish and you know it works for me like so many things I con to get what I want.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008


Now if this is a matter of choice, great. I can truly be content with this option when it is my option.

However, if it is forced on my for other reasons, well then it is a different matter. Of that you can be sure.

It isn't being alone that I mind. It is the sense of not being wanted. As if the whole world is at a party and you are not invited.

That is not the world I love to discover. Nope it is down right depressing. And I don't know too many people who get thrilled by that option.

Fortunately, being the politician that I am , this kind of problem doesn't come up that often. Mainly around the times of holidays.

You know, those times of family gatherings. Now my family has those, but they are hardly blessed events.

And you can be sure that is not a point of inspiration. Nope I don't quite savor when I have to greet people who depress me.

Even worse when I don't have a choice, which always applies to relatives. I'm sure that isn't true for everyone, but it is for me.

Honestly, the leeches I'm related to do not make me long for company. And that is not quite my idea of good times.

And you can be sure that I don't quite feel thrilled when this involves people I work with.
They are harder to ignore.

I have to depend upon then at times. So I have to pretend to actually like them. Which makes it even worse.

And you can be sure that is a time I don't mind being alone. Well at least from that crowd. Wish that wasn't the truth.

As much as I am not Mr. Warm Fuzzies, but still do have feelings. And that is rather important.

But in the wake of such aspects, I find being alone when it means I can enjoy quiet a good thing. If it means I need a drink from being depressed, then no.

And that is fine line between being alone and feeling lonely. One gets you peace the other a need for a drink.

Simple view, but it works.

Monday, April 14, 2008


Now depending on who has the hammer this can either be a good or bad thing. Just a matter of a whole lot of options you can't always control.

And I don't mind if the hammering is in my favor as if you know it is being done at my request to another person. Oh yeah I love that.

But if it is happening to me, well then I don't quite get excited about it. Nope that is not a good thing.

Oh well I do try and be understanding about it. You know allow for the fact that we don't always control who has the hammer.

And I for one do enjoy when I can do that. Personally, not interested in you know doing that much hammering myself.

All the effort can be exhausting at times. Just too much for me to have to mess with. I have enough challenge just to think up who needs to be hit with the hammer.

Besides it is a lot more fun when you know I get to find someone who has lots of practice at hammering and let them go at it. They just seem to do a great job.

As for me, well I do love the idea. I truly savor when I can you know see the fruit of this effort.

Just a chance to you know pass on a little of my hammering joy to others. That really does make me so happy.

But then I don't know, you do what you can to try and make it all work for the good. And sometimes that works and sometimes it doesn't.

Now you might take issue with if the good really does apply to hammering. I think it does.

Because it just happens to be such a joy to deal with. I figure lessons really do work so good in some ways.

Now I didn't say the other person feels that way. Nope that doesn't always happen. Sometimes they do happen to make it less than appealing.

But that is okay it is the principle that matter. And even though it is hard at times to appreciate that I do find it important to know.

Which all comes down to the joy of discovering. Me giving so many the joy of learning what happens if you find yourself in the mess of needing to be hammered.
A nice lesson when it happens.

Sunday, April 13, 2008


Wagers of doubt that drive you nuts. Because you can't expect to collect. Just wish you had a way to make it happen.

You they are stupid to begin so you make some ridiculous bet. And you are very quick to forget it when you lose.

Fortunately, the person you bet with doesn't care either. They are happy to have the satisfaction of saying I told you so.

Oh yeah that is the worst part. You can be sure nobody likes to be told that. It normally comes right after you really wanted to forget you were left looking like a moron.

Not quite the reward you wish for trying to be a prophet. But it never stops us from continuing to predict things.

And regardless of how many times we blow it we still are ready to do it again in another occasion. Like we take pride in such things.

But the only redeeming aspect is that nobody is keeping tract. They are not holding onto a record book to tell us when we are totally inaccurate.

I am grateful because I sure wouldn't want to have that made public. It would take too much time to create good lies about.

And who needs extra effort in that department? I sure don't. I have enough time invested in such things.

But then I guess I could stop being stupid and not do this again. I would love to decide that I could be so in control.

However, I know that isn't going to happen. Not while I still have a brain. Which sort of means for the rest of my life.

Not quite the future I had dreamed of. And you know I will always cherish when I am right.

Even though you don't get to collect on those wagers either. Same rule as when you forget your bet when you lose.

I don't mind. I love the idea of being able to play the game of betting. And even though it only costs me in terms of pride, I enjoy it.

But perhaps I'll feel about it different some day. Have no idea when. Would be before I play the jerk again.
One can hope at least.

Saturday, April 12, 2008


Now this is important, today. Not tomorrow or the next, but today. And it really could work on any other occasion.

That is really the important issue. For it means something you have to deal with right now or the whole thing is pointless.

I am glad this doesn't happen every day. Just once and awhile. And I am so glad that doesn't happen as a must do it now situation all the time.

You know just isn't quite my idea how to cope with life. And let me tell you this is not a priority most would approve.

Well at least from my point of view. Yeah, we all need our moments of joy, but we also need our moments of quiet.

Now the big challenge is with the fact that this doesn't quite happen according to our deires. Normally it sucks.

That is because the problem that time doesn't always cooperate in that regard. Not that we can change that like we would want.

I wish it worked otherwise. But so far as I can tell that doesn't happen. Instead we end up just getting stuck with the same reality, life sucks.

Now quite what we would call a joy when it has bad consequences. And that happens to often when your brain is not in gear.

Nope, I wish it was a better option. Still there is always hope. Maybe not for perfection, but for a break once and a while.

Which some will never agree with. And that is alright. I don't mind as long as this isn't every day.

Now being able to control that part is hard. I do it by making sure I don't let my needs get messed with by the stupid people.

There are too many of them lingering around. Stupid people who can't get by unless they make your today their reason to pass on some misery.

Like this gives me a reason to smile. And even more so if I can manage to make my day without it being a doomsday.

That really makes it all worthwhile when I have a today that isn't one requiring any aspirin. And those get put into a category of whew! That is one that I try to fit all days when I can.

Friday, April 11, 2008


Yep, this is loads of fun. When you face some crisis and it storms and never stops. Umbrellas don't help, being inside doesn't work.

You just know you are going to get wet. Now, that is never quite the way we want life to happen.

Oh I can handle the occasional storm. But when it doesn't stop, forget it, that sucks and nobody like it.

What makes it worse is when you have people bothering you that are trying to escape the rain. They are not helping.

They will show up and molest your umbrella, steal your hot chocolate and then want to have you pay for it. Now that definitely falls under the suck category.

Which is never going to make me happy or keep me dry. That is not my idea of help and being helpful.

But try explaining that to some jerk who thinks if you are dry and he is soaked it is your problem to fix his problem. And doesn't ask.

Those are not the ones that you want around during a storm. You might want to let them get soaked, but not help them much.

I don't mean to be cruel, but you know there are some who just will only manage to find storms. They are like magnet for them.

And if they find them they will bring them to you. So you know helping them will not improve things.

Perhaps directing them to another person who is a storm magnet will help. But otherwise forget it.

I used to operate under the delusion there was hope for such people. Until the storms never stopped.

And if that wasn't bad enough they went out and looked for more. Yeah, am I happy with that choice? Nope.

But the best way to avoid it is to keep your door locked. Er, I mean while you are inside. Doing it outside is not going to work.

Still, it is a nice way to keep your sanity. That and watching the weather channel from somewhere dry.

Another joy if you can manage it.

Thursday, April 10, 2008


Ah, spring comes and people tend to act like idiots. My view you understand, but one I feel is true.

There is just something that happens it seems when the weather changes. Not quite sure what, but a case of the stupids.

Well that is how I view it. Which I assume is a mainly due to some degree because we presume a change in weather justifies any insanity. Makes it such a great excuse.

At least it seems to work that way from my view. Not sure why, but it seems to work out that way.

You know after winter ends all of sudden we get that spring weather and suddenly start feeling a little squirrely. Which is totally part of the whole nature of life.

We just can't help ourselves. It just makes us want to do things that otherwise wouldn't make any sense.

Because it feels good. Yeah, that is as good a reason as always. And boy does it feel so good when it happens the way we want.

In any case, I do make allowances for this reality by the simple means of hiding out whenever spring comes. You know for a little while at least.

Then while everyone is going nuts, I'm off to savor the day in my own way. Normally somewhere less obvious.

Theaters are nice for that. You can hide and watch a show while the world goes crazy. That is a wise choice.

Then later after the sanity is restored I can come out into the light and feel a bit more safe. Nobody acting goofy and making me feel like they are jerks.

In any case I will do my best to savor the chance to be sane in the midst of all the craziness. That is so special.

Some will truly agree with this and some will pass around the Easter egg and write poems about spring. Somewhere later they will get over this insanity and well be decent to talk to again.

In any event I just sit back and smile. That means a lot to me in terms of feeling like I don't get this silliness infected in my brain.

And that is always a joy. One I can savor when the people act to loony because they think it is expected.

Wednesday, April 09, 2008


When I was a kid this was practically a religion. Yeah, a really important deal. As if the world would end if I miss a drop.

Course I tested that theory a few times and found it to never be true. And let me tell you I found the world survived just fine.

Boy is that a big discovery too. It is tied to finding out your parents lie a lot, it sure makes a big difference in one's thinking.

Which is the one thing I do try and face with a certain appreciation that juice isn't life. But it is fun if you drink the right flavor.

When I was a kid that revolved around drinking orange juice. And I'm not saying I have anything against it.

Other than it doesn't taste good if it is sour. A definite drawback from my view. Which is why I never quite found it that tasty.

So I tolerated it when it was less than sweet and definitely not that appealing. But that is what inspired me to do better.

Which translated in finding a juice I could enjoy. That was a challenge for a while. A very long while to be honest.

The eventually one I found that satisfied was with the addition of a little alcohol. I won't say everyone would share my view, but it sure was tasty.

And after all the important thing is that I drank my juice. Which was extra important from my view.

Didn't quite seem to work for my parents. Especially if they smelled liquor on my breath. But I did try to avoid that risk once I figured out it meant trouble.

Then I grew up and became an adult. Ah the freedom. To taste what I wanted when I wanted it.

I tell you that really made a difference for me. And let me tell you that just is so much more pleasant when you aren't force to drink it.

Part of me still wonders if orange juice wouldn't be better. But then I am happy with I get juiced.

That really makes it worth while. No a perfect solution and then what is perfect. But that is okay.

I'm coping even with a hangover.

Tuesday, April 08, 2008


This is sort of thing related to the military. But it does apply to others in the right situation.

Which is not necessarily a good thing. For me this carry on has to do with things like continuing to do the same thing.

Which is good at the work place. Providing the same thing is a decent option. If you are incompetent forget it.

That is the core of problem for me. Too many are less that efficient so they naturally do not end up actually carrying on in a way that is helpful.

But that is what I try to change. With some it isn't quite a good option. Nope they will not quite get the hang of change.

Nope, they prefer to carry on in terms of being stupid. And that is not a good carry on to keep in progress, er disrepair.

So I am happy when I can steer them towards some other aspect in terms of getting them to do other than be knuckleheads. Actually I don't mind that if they keep it to themselves.

However, they always prefer to share. Sort of like they are stuck in the mud and want tot drag you down with them.

And there is one thing I have no plans on doing it is to be stuck like some other clown. Let some other poor jerk do it.

As hard is it is to you know be content with such options, it does appeal to me. I want to be free.

I want to keep moving and carry on in terms of progress. Which is the only sane for of carrying on there is.

Still I do appreciate how it is fun at times to be dull. Well more that it is fun to lie about it.

I just don't think it works that way in reality. Not from my view. And I don't think for anyone else in reality either.

Still I am so joyful when I can let the dullards march to boredom while I sneak off for some partying. Yep, really makes me smile.

I really love when I can do this and it translates into my getting a chance to also spend a little time with the wives of the ones doing all that marching. See those gals really do enjoy not being bored either, but do like carrying on in a different way.

Monday, April 07, 2008


Not quite fun when we think of something new causing pain. Something I'm sure we generally prefer to avoid.

New is supposed to be fun and exciting. Providing it is a planned new. Some don't treat it that way.

Like say, a new wound would not be on my list of exciting. Life does have its knives at times.

And when one can avoid them it is great. But if not, then ducking helps a lot. Oh yeah that is really a wise choice.

Sometimes unfortunately you can't duck. Those darn daggers just sneak up on you from nowhere.

Really do hate those times. They just are not pleasant. And I wish there was a way to avoid them.

But so far the only thing I can do is fine an appropriate shield. Yeah, somebody if somebody has to get stabbed I don't mind letting it be the other person.

However people do tend to try and move a lot if you ask them to take a knife. Unless it is in the back and they don't know it is coming.

But those target opportunities don't present themselves that often. I wish they would come more often.

Would make life so much easier. Only just doesn't quite offer up that kind of opportunity.

So you have to sort of invent occasions. Providing you are talking from the point of view that new means abuse.

If it means blessings then that is a different story. The situation then is a matter of making sure you get the new for yourself.

And that might end up being painful to somebody else, but it happens. Oh well that is life in the big well city.

In my case the city isn't quite that big. But I do like to make it have that feel. Which is very important to the nature of making sure people experience new in the right perspective.

Ah, the price of learning can be so much fun. And when it costs somebody else other than me even better.

Sunday, April 06, 2008


Is this ever a reality? I mean is there such a thing as really kind of enough? Well, not from what I have seen.

I guess it might work if what you seek is less than the truth. Otherwise forget it. Yeah this will not work when you are talking about something as unpredictable as say helping others.

Oh yeah when it comes to being in need man forget the idea of enough. Nope it doesn't work.

Because being in need is one of those things that you live with. You are hungry, but not starving.

Then the moment you have a chance to actually have somebody help you get ravenous. Oh yeah, it because an out of control hunger.

Really gets obsessive. And never gets better. So if you help the person you stimulate their cravings for more.

Which naturally ends up with other than a thank you. Oh yeah this is not the way you want life to follow.

And it will never get better. The person will just be expecting more. Which is not good thing.

Now I am not saying I will not help the person. Just have to be sure your fingers don't get eaten in the process.

And that means there is a point needed where you have to be able to say no. Oh yeah, that will be very important.

Not that this is impossible. You just have to be careful. Pay attention to the look in the person's eyes.

Does this mean they will like drool if you flash some cash? Oh yeah that is not a good thing.

So you do have the need to just help without it being to the point you are giving blood. Some would expect it.

Not me though. But then my cries for help are always more like a Dracula. I plan up front to suck you dry.

Yep, but then for me kind enough is where you are kind enough to give me your very heart in your chest. Well in a way.

Saturday, April 05, 2008


Oh yeah this is a good thing when it works right. And provide you can depend on it. Which is not always true.

Course most of the time the people who have such instincts are other than reliable. That could be because they are weird.

I'm sorry to put it that way, but it is my experience. You know just what has happened to me when I have dealt with have been like that.

Now maybe that doesn't hold true for all. I'm sure that it might not be the case with some. Just never met them.

Perhaps this is because the ones I have deal with have always had instincts that are strange to say the least. By that I mean they get these moments of inspiration that really seem stupid.

And it is like you know that it is a second nature aspect they have to act so darn goofy. But that is okay as long as they keep it to themselves.

I can live with that. I can't live with them being insane. And even more so when it is around me.

Which is the part that I definitely don't enjoy. But the main thing I guess is that I just am not interested in hearing something that is a person's gut reaction.

Now that might work for some, but not with me. And mainly because I am surrounded by too many who have no idea what seeing the future really means.

It is like my secretary Edna Frump. A very sweet gal, but totally whacky. Oh yeah we are talking therapist level here.

She is into all this mystical stuff and reads things like horoscopes. But that isn't as bad as when she bases her decisions on such things.

Which I could handle if she was the least bit accurate on anything, however she never is. And that never keeps her from doing it again!

Talk about not having a clue to reality, she is it. However, I do try to humor it. Well to a degree.

Just not all the time. I can't handle that part. Would drive me crazy. So I accept just humoring her as best I can.

And as long as she doesn't have those days when she sees ghosts in the trash can, I'm happy.

Friday, April 04, 2008


Betting is not always a good thing. It can be fun, but only if you actually win. Losing just plain sucks.

So I don't mind wagers as long as I get to win. Which never happens unless you have some special advantage.

And believe me I make sure those are there also. Oh you can be sure that really is a great priority.

But then I have to take things to a level where I have some control over the results. I know that doesn't qualify to some as betting, but I like it.

Which is why I take the simple approach here. Wagers are best when you know you have nothing to lose.

Basically to be sure that whatever I wager doesn't come out of my pocket. Yeah, somebody else's is cool, but not mine.

Now the great joy comes from making sure I convince somebody else to foot the bill. It really isn't that complicated.

And trust me that is so satisfying. Which is the great part if I work it right. That happens most of the time.

Well sort of. Actually there are times when it doesn't, but I lie about it. Just make sure they never know I made the whole thing up.

This gets tricky when the wager turns out to be a bust. Then it leaves me with problems. Well until I can think of a good enough lie.

But you know the key is to be sure the sucker doesn't know he's been sucked. That is matter of diversion.

Got to come up with a big enough story to explain why the wager failed. And that is best done with a sincere look.

That does take practice, but I have managed. And even to the point that I can make the person think it was painless.

Now that is artistry of con at its best. Which I take pride in having it work so well. Yep, really give such joy.

You just can't put a price tag on such moments. Well I can, but since I made some poot dumb sap pay for it, I feel less than concerned on cost.

Just explaining where the tab came from.

Thursday, April 03, 2008


The occasional times when something happens you weren't expecting. Hopefully, not the type that leaves you screaming.

Nope, not my idea of a good time. And that is not a moment I care to remember. For life is not a about me hoping to find something I can dread.

Well shouldn't be at least. However I don't know that people will exactly go with my opinion anyway.

Still, be that as it may, one thing I don't vote for is surprises that make you groan. Nope, nope, nope.

I want class. I want to be smoozed. I want lies and fun. Yeah, come on give it to me. You can do it.

Unfortunately the crowd I'm stuck with don't quite get this. They seem to think I enjoy being abused.

Where is that written? Am I the designated dump for their stupid ideas? Is that how it is supposed to work?

Not from my view. You can be sure that is not working for this guy. Nope I will be sure I expect better options.

Like me getting what I want and sticky them with the tab. Oh yeah that is a now and then I like.

But it is a lot more difficult to achieve. Why? Because people are jerks. They will not cooperate at times.

Now that is the part I have to deal with. I really must work hard at making all these clowns obey.

However, the nice dream is knowing it will all work out as expected. Er, eventually. And that is the good part.

I don't know, life has its moments to be remembered. Then it has the ones you want to forget.

Hopefully they both don't happen on the same day. That is not a fun. Not to me. And that is what matters from my view.

Meanwhile the time has come for me to share a little extra gospel of thrills. I'll be sure I do that in a place that gives somebody else the chills.

Had to rhyme, why not?

Wednesday, April 02, 2008


Everyone talks about the rain as a good thing when it is raining somewhere else. If it is raining on you, forget it.

So the subtle truth in this is that we don't mind when life pisses on somebody else, but sure hate when it soaks us. Essentially, we are talking selfishness.

And that is a very basic rule of life. A great source of appreciating truth. That in the long run we are only concerned about getting our own umbrella.

Now tell me that isn't truth? Tell me in the right situation that isn't reality? I'm just being honest here.

I just wish more people were willing to do the same. But alas that doesn't happen enough.

Instead we get fairy tales. Little stories we invent to make it sound like we will always think of somebody else before ourselves.

That works for some people. A few wonderful myths to make our day feel so good. Only if it really worked.

But the prove is in the evidence. When the rains come it is every one for themselves. And I feel like including myself in that group.

Just doesn't always end up with others willing to stand in the same line. Nope that is not our option.

I really don't mind the company though. It can get kind of boring under that shelter when everyone else is getting drenched.

I suppose it would be nice to share. And I don't mind that much. Sometimes you know it is just a matter of determining the fee charged.

After all you know one needs to be realistic. Profit is important. And you can't rule out its value.

Just figure the best way to inspired generosity is to give them a little greed. Make it worth their while and they will always fork over the cash.

A receipt is needed naturally. Perhaps not the kind that you want to celebrate, but nice to have just the same.

Oh well that is how life goes at times. As for me, I don't mind. I got my umbrella where I can reach it.
Just not where you will find it.

Tuesday, April 01, 2008


This is one of those mushy subjects. Like getting back to nature, savoring the clouds and all that other stuff that ends up in a poem.

Not saying poems are bad. Got to allow for a little variety in life. Verse works for some. As for me, well I like a different kind of poetry.

The kind that involves writing under some bed sheets. Yeah, I know that is tacky, but hey why pretend?

Come on now admit it, beauty is nice, but a little bumping and groaning that leads to starch in the right places doesn't hurt either. Nothing wrong with the right kind of fire.

As long as you don't get burnt. That is very important. Because heat is cool, scars really suck. You can quote me on that one if you wish.

I think it is worth remembering. Those precious little thoughts that can curl your petunia. The ideas that are able to wilt your daffodil.

Er, guess I'm getting a tad dingy here. But something as sappy as nature admiration can make a person dingy.

Which is why I work hard to avoid such distractions. If you want to mingle with nature and mess with insects, cool.

I think I will stay home and play footsie with a different kind of nature. And that really works good when all the outdoorsmen are off loving the woods.

Then I go over and comfort the neglected housewives. Yeah, that will really be a good option.

My kind of back to nature and roughing it. And I sure have camped out in that garden a few times.

But see that is what makes life so wonderful. Happy to find a little a joy in the middle of all the fun.

Just have to watch out that all the hunting doesn't lead to the wrong kind of prey. No reason that will help.

If in the end you bag your limit and end up with extra catch about nine months later that is not cool. And you sure don't want to need a marriage license afterwards.

So just few little helpful hints to tide you over during your, er, nature walks. Now that ought to help.

Hope so at least.