Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Oh my this is a good thing. Letting what is be free to be what it is suppose to be. Ah, the freedom this gives.

Well naturally, this is all in theory. A wonderful concept. Even better when it is true. But it is not most of the time.

Now as for me, well I love when people are you know are little inclined to be so natured. Just be capable of acting with the idea of wanting the world to be free.

Freedom is such an important gift. Pity it is something we often end up having to treat as other than a good thing.

But they are out there. The official party poopers. Oh yeah that is what really does come over us at times.

A need to be so less than cooperative on the issue of life in general. Or anyone that is other than in agreement with their point of view.

Pity when things are like that. But it does happen. And from my view it is because of people being other than willing to admit their lack of personal freedom.

Hate to be unkind about it, but that is my view. I just see so many who are other than free.

Oh they like to see themselves as this great liberator in their thinking. Which they never are.

Nope they are a lot of things, but never really free. Well it might sound good to say they are.

Just in practice it is not true. But that is okay, I don't mind them being other than free. I just mind them trying to keep me from enjoying freedom.

How do they do this? By making rules that aren't realistic. Only I don't know that is such a joy when they do that.

I so love when they make me feel so thrilled. All I know is it doesn't work in my favor. I will always dislike that part.

It just doesn't work for me when I end up getting frustrated over some deal that didn't let me allow whatever to be what I want it to be.

In any case I guess I will try to do my best to see if I can try and recoup from this moment. And that will be to set things free whenever I can.

Including myself. A nice option when I can find it. Which is never enough.


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