Friday, April 11, 2008


Yep, this is loads of fun. When you face some crisis and it storms and never stops. Umbrellas don't help, being inside doesn't work.

You just know you are going to get wet. Now, that is never quite the way we want life to happen.

Oh I can handle the occasional storm. But when it doesn't stop, forget it, that sucks and nobody like it.

What makes it worse is when you have people bothering you that are trying to escape the rain. They are not helping.

They will show up and molest your umbrella, steal your hot chocolate and then want to have you pay for it. Now that definitely falls under the suck category.

Which is never going to make me happy or keep me dry. That is not my idea of help and being helpful.

But try explaining that to some jerk who thinks if you are dry and he is soaked it is your problem to fix his problem. And doesn't ask.

Those are not the ones that you want around during a storm. You might want to let them get soaked, but not help them much.

I don't mean to be cruel, but you know there are some who just will only manage to find storms. They are like magnet for them.

And if they find them they will bring them to you. So you know helping them will not improve things.

Perhaps directing them to another person who is a storm magnet will help. But otherwise forget it.

I used to operate under the delusion there was hope for such people. Until the storms never stopped.

And if that wasn't bad enough they went out and looked for more. Yeah, am I happy with that choice? Nope.

But the best way to avoid it is to keep your door locked. Er, I mean while you are inside. Doing it outside is not going to work.

Still, it is a nice way to keep your sanity. That and watching the weather channel from somewhere dry.

Another joy if you can manage it.


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