Monday, April 14, 2008


Now depending on who has the hammer this can either be a good or bad thing. Just a matter of a whole lot of options you can't always control.

And I don't mind if the hammering is in my favor as if you know it is being done at my request to another person. Oh yeah I love that.

But if it is happening to me, well then I don't quite get excited about it. Nope that is not a good thing.

Oh well I do try and be understanding about it. You know allow for the fact that we don't always control who has the hammer.

And I for one do enjoy when I can do that. Personally, not interested in you know doing that much hammering myself.

All the effort can be exhausting at times. Just too much for me to have to mess with. I have enough challenge just to think up who needs to be hit with the hammer.

Besides it is a lot more fun when you know I get to find someone who has lots of practice at hammering and let them go at it. They just seem to do a great job.

As for me, well I do love the idea. I truly savor when I can you know see the fruit of this effort.

Just a chance to you know pass on a little of my hammering joy to others. That really does make me so happy.

But then I don't know, you do what you can to try and make it all work for the good. And sometimes that works and sometimes it doesn't.

Now you might take issue with if the good really does apply to hammering. I think it does.

Because it just happens to be such a joy to deal with. I figure lessons really do work so good in some ways.

Now I didn't say the other person feels that way. Nope that doesn't always happen. Sometimes they do happen to make it less than appealing.

But that is okay it is the principle that matter. And even though it is hard at times to appreciate that I do find it important to know.

Which all comes down to the joy of discovering. Me giving so many the joy of learning what happens if you find yourself in the mess of needing to be hammered.
A nice lesson when it happens.


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