Tuesday, April 15, 2008


Now if this is a matter of choice, great. I can truly be content with this option when it is my option.

However, if it is forced on my for other reasons, well then it is a different matter. Of that you can be sure.

It isn't being alone that I mind. It is the sense of not being wanted. As if the whole world is at a party and you are not invited.

That is not the world I love to discover. Nope it is down right depressing. And I don't know too many people who get thrilled by that option.

Fortunately, being the politician that I am , this kind of problem doesn't come up that often. Mainly around the times of holidays.

You know, those times of family gatherings. Now my family has those, but they are hardly blessed events.

And you can be sure that is not a point of inspiration. Nope I don't quite savor when I have to greet people who depress me.

Even worse when I don't have a choice, which always applies to relatives. I'm sure that isn't true for everyone, but it is for me.

Honestly, the leeches I'm related to do not make me long for company. And that is not quite my idea of good times.

And you can be sure that I don't quite feel thrilled when this involves people I work with.
They are harder to ignore.

I have to depend upon then at times. So I have to pretend to actually like them. Which makes it even worse.

And you can be sure that is a time I don't mind being alone. Well at least from that crowd. Wish that wasn't the truth.

As much as I am not Mr. Warm Fuzzies, but still do have feelings. And that is rather important.

But in the wake of such aspects, I find being alone when it means I can enjoy quiet a good thing. If it means I need a drink from being depressed, then no.

And that is fine line between being alone and feeling lonely. One gets you peace the other a need for a drink.

Simple view, but it works.


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