Monday, April 07, 2008


Not quite fun when we think of something new causing pain. Something I'm sure we generally prefer to avoid.

New is supposed to be fun and exciting. Providing it is a planned new. Some don't treat it that way.

Like say, a new wound would not be on my list of exciting. Life does have its knives at times.

And when one can avoid them it is great. But if not, then ducking helps a lot. Oh yeah that is really a wise choice.

Sometimes unfortunately you can't duck. Those darn daggers just sneak up on you from nowhere.

Really do hate those times. They just are not pleasant. And I wish there was a way to avoid them.

But so far the only thing I can do is fine an appropriate shield. Yeah, somebody if somebody has to get stabbed I don't mind letting it be the other person.

However people do tend to try and move a lot if you ask them to take a knife. Unless it is in the back and they don't know it is coming.

But those target opportunities don't present themselves that often. I wish they would come more often.

Would make life so much easier. Only just doesn't quite offer up that kind of opportunity.

So you have to sort of invent occasions. Providing you are talking from the point of view that new means abuse.

If it means blessings then that is a different story. The situation then is a matter of making sure you get the new for yourself.

And that might end up being painful to somebody else, but it happens. Oh well that is life in the big well city.

In my case the city isn't quite that big. But I do like to make it have that feel. Which is very important to the nature of making sure people experience new in the right perspective.

Ah, the price of learning can be so much fun. And when it costs somebody else other than me even better.


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