Tuesday, April 08, 2008


This is sort of thing related to the military. But it does apply to others in the right situation.

Which is not necessarily a good thing. For me this carry on has to do with things like continuing to do the same thing.

Which is good at the work place. Providing the same thing is a decent option. If you are incompetent forget it.

That is the core of problem for me. Too many are less that efficient so they naturally do not end up actually carrying on in a way that is helpful.

But that is what I try to change. With some it isn't quite a good option. Nope they will not quite get the hang of change.

Nope, they prefer to carry on in terms of being stupid. And that is not a good carry on to keep in progress, er disrepair.

So I am happy when I can steer them towards some other aspect in terms of getting them to do other than be knuckleheads. Actually I don't mind that if they keep it to themselves.

However, they always prefer to share. Sort of like they are stuck in the mud and want tot drag you down with them.

And there is one thing I have no plans on doing it is to be stuck like some other clown. Let some other poor jerk do it.

As hard is it is to you know be content with such options, it does appeal to me. I want to be free.

I want to keep moving and carry on in terms of progress. Which is the only sane for of carrying on there is.

Still I do appreciate how it is fun at times to be dull. Well more that it is fun to lie about it.

I just don't think it works that way in reality. Not from my view. And I don't think for anyone else in reality either.

Still I am so joyful when I can let the dullards march to boredom while I sneak off for some partying. Yep, really makes me smile.

I really love when I can do this and it translates into my getting a chance to also spend a little time with the wives of the ones doing all that marching. See those gals really do enjoy not being bored either, but do like carrying on in a different way.


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