Friday, April 18, 2008


Now I have a little different idea of charity than some. And I think my version makes sense.

Basically only give away things you don't really want. Never give away something you will need later.

However, if this involves somebody else's stuff that is a different story. Yep, I have no problems with being generous under those conditions.

Still the problem is getting people to cooperated. Really they have this funny notion that you shouldn't offer their stuff.

Oh I'm sure they don't mind if you volunteer. Nope, you can be assured that will not happen.

In the meantime this whole issue of giving things away still falls short of being a forgotten idea. Which really does sort of amaze me.

I mean we really have this crazy double standard. On the one hand we want to see ourselves as humane.

But we don't want it to be expensive. Or if it is expensive not from our pocket books. Just anywhere else will do.

Only problem is that everyone else feels the same. Oh yeah, pass the buck of excuses, but spare the dollar bill.

Oh yeah, oh yeah, tell me that isn't true. Because we all know it is. And that works for me.

But then I have no problem admitting this is true. I guess it doesn't matter though, but it does happen to be reality.

However, I do feel reality is a tad overrated. All that pondering and speculation just you know need the foundation of other than truth.

If we don't bother with making that a necessity then life is so wonderful. We can sit back and lie and have lots of fun.

Only without the need to pretend it all is other than a game. A very silly and absurd game to be sure.

So let's pass around all the fun. Make it seem we are really nice people. Can't hurt to keep on those masks.
Until we are alone at least.


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