Sunday, April 27, 2008


Now that is a such a good deal. Ah when something is done it is a good thing. And if it is for an accomplishment even better.

Providing it is for one that brings a smile. If it brings a frown then not a good deal. Well not to me.

Oh well that is part of the aspect of joy that I try to avoid. You know to find that point where I can be able to enjoy this.

There is no way that will ever be the way it happens though. I can wish for it, but doubt it will take place.

In any event that is not where I expect things to go. Nope, I will always wish for it, but not going to expect it.

And that is they way it has to be. Well for now. Maybe not tomorrow. And that is what I will work on later.

In any case I will move on here. I will find those great times when did is a good thing. I might no be able to rely on some because of it, but that is okay.

Which is the whole thing to me. I will naturally find my own shelf on which to place my dreams.

And that is the part that counts. Well it does to me. I am working hard on that part. Maybe not as hard as I would like, but I'm trying.

Just wish everyone's idea of did was the same. You know where they spend the time actually having completely what they claimed.

Some people have a strange idea of did. They treat did as when you sort of thought about finishing something.

Without actually having been done. That is the part they sort of forgot to mention, which is not a good thing to forget.

That doesn't quite come about in a way that you know brings a good response. It is why they have to be careful to tell me all the facts.

Well that doesn't quite work for me. I just think that needs to be focused better. And that is the important part.

Like come on people give me a break here. Come on you can do it. I know you can. Just give me the facts.
Hopefully they will work too.


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