Saturday, April 05, 2008


Oh yeah this is a good thing when it works right. And provide you can depend on it. Which is not always true.

Course most of the time the people who have such instincts are other than reliable. That could be because they are weird.

I'm sorry to put it that way, but it is my experience. You know just what has happened to me when I have dealt with have been like that.

Now maybe that doesn't hold true for all. I'm sure that it might not be the case with some. Just never met them.

Perhaps this is because the ones I have deal with have always had instincts that are strange to say the least. By that I mean they get these moments of inspiration that really seem stupid.

And it is like you know that it is a second nature aspect they have to act so darn goofy. But that is okay as long as they keep it to themselves.

I can live with that. I can't live with them being insane. And even more so when it is around me.

Which is the part that I definitely don't enjoy. But the main thing I guess is that I just am not interested in hearing something that is a person's gut reaction.

Now that might work for some, but not with me. And mainly because I am surrounded by too many who have no idea what seeing the future really means.

It is like my secretary Edna Frump. A very sweet gal, but totally whacky. Oh yeah we are talking therapist level here.

She is into all this mystical stuff and reads things like horoscopes. But that isn't as bad as when she bases her decisions on such things.

Which I could handle if she was the least bit accurate on anything, however she never is. And that never keeps her from doing it again!

Talk about not having a clue to reality, she is it. However, I do try to humor it. Well to a degree.

Just not all the time. I can't handle that part. Would drive me crazy. So I accept just humoring her as best I can.

And as long as she doesn't have those days when she sees ghosts in the trash can, I'm happy.


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