Monday, December 31, 2007


Now wouldn't it wonderful if this happen all the time? I have to make allowance though. for I can't include myself in the process.

I'm not applying a double standard here. Well okay, just a tad. But the point is, I do have to cherish the idea just the same.

Because with the creeps I have to contend with at times, this is very critical. I have to be sure I can take care of myself in ways that doesn't leave my vulnerable.

Yeah, those snakes I have to deal with are such a pain a times. They really can't be trusted in any way.

Problem is you can not get involved with things like stealing people blind and expect to use just ordinary help. That doesn't work.

Well not for me. I would prefer to focus on more profitable avenues of opportunity. Which requires naturally that I have to deal with vipers. They are the only ones who have no soul.

There are those you know that spend time doing good deeds and being honest are not likely to appreciate my need for bending the law. So I need this diversion for the sake o surviving.

So I accept that means having to visit the reptile farm at times. A place where only the creepy and slimy are found.

At least you can be sure how that will turn out. Yep, there is no guesswork. Just one of the fun things we all have to accept.

I have no problem with it either. Just a matter of you know, focusing on being sure I make friends with them, but don't forget the snake bite kits.

And the real thrill is that if things get difficult I have a few rats available for feeding sessions. Rats do serve a valuable purpose in that regard.

I'm sure this is less than inspiring to those who are other than happy with such metaphors. So go ahead and pretend this isn't real life.

Which is find. In the meantime I just am sitting here counting my blessings. Those are the ones where I check my bank book.

As long as it has more dollars signs that zeroes I figure I am in good shape. And naturally I have to be sure they know it is a good thing when I have the snakes there to make a deposit.

Ain't life grand?

Sunday, December 30, 2007


Well one thing I can say about this is being on the run is better than having the runs. Yeah, that is one upside.

Just had to throw that in there for what it is worth. Yeah, we need those times of running somewhere.

It isn't like we need to excuse wanting to run off and have fun once and a while. Well actually I guess we do get stuck sometimes having to run for other reasons.

And that is a good deal in many ways. At least from my view. Which is where it counts with me.

But not something others will necessarily find as beneficial. Why, I'm not sure. I mean what is the big deal about running away?

Now some will regard that option as being afraid or giving into fear. My response is so what?

Yeah, what is truly the big problem with this is how it is perceived by others. Not a problem if you don't give a flip.

Which is not going to be an issue for me. Because you can be sure that it will never be a concern on my part.

I in fact have a whole complete set of excuses available. This is what a wonderful option from my point of view.

One I totally savor completely. And the best part is that is how it works so great since it will take place when I can't be reached.

Which is truly a marvelous situation. One that I love since I don't have to hear any complaints.

Just you know makes things go some much easier when you can't hear any complaints. You simply savor the joy of savoring those drinks.

Oh perhaps for a while you feel a tad sad when you have to deal with the sense of being embarrassed over the lack of a spine. But that does pass.

At least eventually. And that is what counts. At least to me.. Well for now this will do. I might think of it differently later.

However, that is a problem for tomorrow. Today I'm just happy to sneak a way and find time to do so without feeling like a jerk. It gets harder at times than others, but I do manage.

Saturday, December 29, 2007


Oh yeah, this describes so many things. Frankly it would apply to just about anything. So I doubt that is surprising.

Still, we do get rather focused on expecting miracles at times. Which is naturally a form of perfection.

I didn't say we find them when we want. I wish we did, but we never do. Well not often enough.

I guess if we were to make it more a reality then we could celebrate experience it regularly. But that is not going to help the rest of us.

And perhaps that is what is important in some cases. We need those situations where we can try to get a dose of reality.

I didn't say that we have to like it. But we have to cope in one way or another. Not that we will necessarily get excited about the process.

Life has too many detours like that. Way too many. So there is no sense griping about the road map when you know you can't get there from here.

Ahem, that is well to say, relax, your screwed, get used to it. Not quite uplifting I admit, but true just the same.

Which still doesn't make the world a better place. Just a place where we need more smiles.

Yeah, come on, we all know the deck is stack against us by fate. What you think you are going to live forever?

I mean a screw up as things get would you really want to? Hmmm, I bet we would all have to think that one through a little.

Might not exactly thrill, but what the heck, we all have fun if we let ourselves start behaving with the right attitude for a change. Just isn't like we have to celebrate this type of option.

Yep, that can be such a nice way to get through life. Only that doesn't mean we will sit down and think life is paradise.

What alternative do we have, honestly? I am willing to consider options. Haven't found an so far.

But that does not mean I have to give up thinking of perfect. Nope I will never do that. I might find it while in a bar, but it is a start.

Friday, December 28, 2007


Now wouldn't life be grand if every second was truly wonderful? Just a nice smile without a single complaint?

I would vote for it. In fact I normally will vote for just about anything if the price is right. Yeah, I said that. A bribe makes almost any legislation perfect in my eyes.

But then I figure that is definitely wonderful from my view. How can you have wonderful that is not truly wonderful?

You just have to you know keep it in proper perspective. I mean you can have wonderful without money. I won't say it doesn't happen.

I just isn't quite the same when you have to budget the joy. Yep, the definitely deters my meter of happy.

However, since I am in the position to impact wonderful in my life I do find it rather easy to accomplish. Just can't always be honest about it.

Voters do tend to get grumpy if they find out that you have been pursuing wonderful at their expense. So you can't just say, I blew the funds for some city project on my own personal wonderful.

Never gets a positive or uplifting response. I sure wish it did. But it never accomplishes understanding, just complaints.

So the basic rule for me is that I have to be able to find a way to pass on some wonderful to the voters. A few crumbs so they won't notice the missing loaf or even missing bakery.

Yep, I have come to appreciate the value of that option. And to be honest most people will thrive on just a little wonderful.

So often they don't get any in real life. So you show them the joys of just a taste. That would thrill them totally.

Afterwards they are so happy to have that crumb, they don't care. Which is the perfect way to avoid them noticing when you have run away with all the real wonderful.

If you work it right then you can sneak off with your mighty big sack of wonderful and nobody will care. That is the part I like.

And while they are off pretending to have a good time, bragging about being blessed, you are sitting and sharing your wonderful with a friend to help you celebrate. Yep, hopefully in my case it will be a nice young lady who knows other ways to help me get some wonderful.

Thursday, December 27, 2007


I've known a lot of really brilliant people who did have lots of smarts. They can be a walking library and yet act totally stupid at times.

I'm not saying it is a good thing. Life is not always a blessing in that regard. Being intelligent and dumb at the same time is nothing new. It happens all the time.

And to the best of us. Which is not an encouraging aspect, but one that does happen way too often.

Is there a cure for this problem? Can we salvage life from the abyss of moron inclinations? Hmmm, I like that phrase. Have to remember it.

Now as for this smarts idea, well who doesn't want to feel they are wise? I haven't known too many who that took pride is being dumb.

I have known plenty that were happy to be seen as modern day Einsteins. And if they had a string of degrees even more so.

Yep, they are very impressive. Right up to the point the do a knucklehead move and then try to lie about it.

Now that is the hard part. Because they will not admit to doing anything dumb. Which definitely doesn't improve things.

There are plenty of times when this spills over into some really stupid experiences. Like if the person is in a position of power.

That can be the worse thing when they have the ability to control others. Oh man there is nothing more terrible than that problem.

Because then you have to make allowances. Well with me that comes down to the simple problem of reality.

Yeah, you know if the person thinks they can do no wrong it really can be difficult for them to accept they blew it in the decision department. Try seeing them explain when some disaster takes place.

You get lots of double talk and excuses, but not the truth. At least not the kind of truth that ends with something sane happenings.

No that will not happen. And you can't expect a person to honestly admit it either. They won't do that.

So the fun starts. You have to bring yourself to a point that truly accepting their behavior as other than smart and then be smart enough to fix the disasters later. Hopefully in a smart way.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007


Well lots of things are good to bite. Most of them are probably thought of being as something you eat.

A perfectly reasonable interpretation. But personally I am in favor of other items. Things that you can chew on, but don't have any calories.

Some people might not look at this as a good thing. But I sure do. Reducing things down to what can be devoured is very helpful.

It is basically those items that can be consumed in one way or another. I find that to be very helpful.

Really, if it is not something you can find as useful then why worry about it? You can be sure they will not regard this as you might hope.

Let's be honest, we all do need our snacks. And not just for the stomach. We need them for other things.

Our appetite is part of life in other areas. So why we would not wish to admit it I'm not clear.

Is there some terrible problem with being hungry for other things. Apparently it is with some people.

Not me. I am totally happy being able to hunt around for those tasty morsels I love to eat. Really is part of life.

But you can just stick with your choices. I will keep plotting with it myself. As long as I have a chance.

With everyone else they can do what is best for them. Hopefully with a nice extra dash of seasoning.

Yeah, that will always give you a pause to smile. I know it does for me. And how can I bother to pass up all the stuff nobody else is snacking.

Doing so can be such a crime. So I figure it is best if we just let the others keep on their diets.

As for me I will be happy to keep grazing. Yeah, anywhere the day takes me. Oh look there is a nice meal over there.

Ah, it is so tasty. Yep and there is no meal ticket either. Just a smile will help. I can live with that part.

But then I do love to take a bite out of life.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007


Now we all need this. A chance to smile and feel thrilled with the events of life. That can be rather hard to accomplish in some cases.

Finding zest in the daily routine can be challenging to say the least. We may have a hard time discovering some reason to get excited with ordinary daily demands.

Unless you are on drugs or some other form of assistance. Then you might have any trouble at all being thrilled by the least of things.

However for those of us not so blessed, life is a chore where you have to dig for smiles. That is what we have to admit if there is to be any hope for the future.

But I have found my share of solutions to such issues. Normally it is involves making sure I find the right amount of options where I get to smile and others don't.

Now admittedly there is a reason to find this a point of friction for some. However, this is not always the case.

Just a matter of priorities. And let me tell you that is part of the focus I prefer to look as a good thing.

Well for me at least. Maybe not for everyone, but it is for me. And that is what I consider as important.

Course we can't always savor such moments. Those don't always occur as we desire. Wish they did.

It is okay though. I do find this a nice alternative to going nuts. After all we do have a need to be set up for the right kinds of smiles.

The best are the ones that come from pure satisfaction. And let me tell you that is not going to happen when we are bored.

So come on live a little. Think of something besides filling the stapler. Yeah, you can do it.

And you will definitely be so much happier when you do. That is one thing we can certainly work on.

Providing we can savor it as joy. That is not always going to be what we want it in some

Which is okay from my view. So we do our best to grin in the face of monotony and figure way to stop yawning.

Some times it actually works too.

Monday, December 24, 2007


Now some would regard snacks as food for the stomach. A quick fix for hunger that hopefully tastes good.

But you see, I have a different point of reference. First of all, I prefer to not limit myself to thinking only in terms of food.

That is very important in my way of thinking. To me a snack is anything that satisfies some type of hunger.

And that really expands the possibilities. Which is part of what I enjoy. I don't want to have to go to some stupid grocery store for my thrills.

I want to get them from all kinds of places. The bank, the pockets of the tax payers, those special treats from grateful lady voters when their husbands aren't home. You know the types of snacks that really make you smile.

Yeah, you can have the ding dongs, I'll take those treats that will keep the smiles flowing and not expand the waistline.

Which is really important when you are in my position. For it truly gives me such joy to be able to savor all those great moments.

Plus I don't like to deny people a chance to share those snacks. I hate to be ungrateful or hurt anyone's feelings.

So naturally I just prefer to give honor to all those who so willingly provide me so many wonderful snacks. Why should I deny them that joy?

I just can't bear that burden. So reluctantly I savor the moment when I can make so many happy.

It just feels so good to do it. Which will always make m so proud to participate in this process.

Ah the joy I get from those occasions when I am able to move city funds around so they end up in my pocket. Such a joy that is.

And such a blessing to pass on more taxes to the people to compensate. I feel it gives them a chance to be able to share with them that opportunity.

No, there just is no joy as that one. And even though I can't always speak to this gift i have made for others in that regard, I am grateful for the snacks.

So grateful that I might even retire early some day. So I can have a chance to take time to truly reflect on these snacks that I get out of overseas secret checking account.

Sunday, December 23, 2007


Well now this to me is an exciting possibility. Yep, got to love it. A chance to savor the opportunity to cut off or slice away some part of another person's life.

I don't get to do that very often. Just doesn't happen for me. Wish it did. That would be worth cherishing.

But in real life it never works out that way. Well not most of the time. Just some occasions.

However there is always hope. Yep, you can plot and con. So it makes it all okay. And let me tell you that is worth all the wait.

Providing it happens when you want it to. For that is the part that we do have cope with at times.

But that is half the fun. Keeping this in perspective. Which is naturally a very critical aspect of the whole deal.

For if you have to be able to not get sidetracked by fantasy. That is not a good part. It is the part that sucks.

After all if you don't have your facts straight, you can not possibly manage to get this right. You will just act on the wrong facts and then you will be totally screwed.

I know, I've done it and it is never a good thing. So come on and do yourself a favor and think this through.

For the one thing that will not make this work is if you don't understand the person you are trying to cut off. Plus you can count on if you don't do it right you will suffer later.

This is the reality that nobody wants to talk about. It just doesn't seem to help or improve the situation.

Which is fine because you can't say you were told. That is important too. If you forget that part it will get messy.

And you can count on this to be truly a lesson you won't forget if you don't listen. Such is the peril of ignorance.

Plus you can also count on the fact that if you don't work it right somebody else will. And then the cutting will happen to you.

Now isn't that a cheery thought? Enough said? I imagine it is. Well until the next time when you screw up.
Then I can't help you.

Saturday, December 22, 2007


Now this is a great. The times when you feel like a survivor. In a good way you understand. Not a bad one.

There is enough bad crap in the world. I don't wish to add to it. And so I would prefer to just have the joy of looking at what is left over and feeling good about it.

That is the upside. Yep, a nice reason to have a smile when you think things are falling apart.

Only in a way this does fall under the category of the half a glass thing. You know if you think it is half empty you are a pessimist. If you see it as half full then you are an optimists.

It still translates into it being a half a glass of whatever. And that you can't change. Not sure I really care either.

I'm totally happy just being able to take the clutter that doesn't get wiped out by my antics and feeling good about it. Love being creative with what is left.

Yep, that works for me. Honestly I do confess that is important in my view. Some reason it really does inspire me.

Just guess that makes it all seem okay in my view. A chance to take it all in my thinking and make it feel good.

Yep, if you can't do that then life really does suck and I do prefer to avoid that option if possible. Which comes from the simple option of making things simple.

Just take that stupid glass and get on with your life. Pleaaasee! Yeah, shut up about the stupid glass and give us a break.

Another tidbit of advice from one who thinks you need to know the truth. And since I never tell the true then perhaps it is best to find it elsewhere.

Which is a truth in itself. Isn't that special? I think so. And I am very happy when it works out that way.

I just have to avoid the people who get hung up on this. There are too many out there. And I have started a list.

It seems to get longer all the time. Which doesn't make me very happy. I can get writers cramps from all that writing.

Grateful to have it out there where I can just enjoy though. For that is what makes life worth another smile.

Friday, December 21, 2007


What a wonderful idea this is to me. A chance to take care of the little miscellaneous issues that don't fall under a specific category.

You just have to be able to concentrate on getting these little details in the right order. That is the big part.

Well it is to me. Maybe not to everyone, but it works for me. And in reality lots of them do.

It is just a question of exactly how much you want to get picky on something like this. And for me that is no problem.

For I always love to focus on making small items into perfectly organized things. Even if they do seem to suck at times.

Which is fine because that means other will not. That makes it more fun for me. Ah the joy of being right.

Only you can brag about it though. For people get annoyed if you have a victory where they think you ought to suck

Therefore you have to plot ahead at your own pace. Never surrender to the silliness. Yep, I said silliness.

For to me it will always be silliness when you don't get it right. I know since I have done this enough.

But any more. I am focused, I am proud. I so the right thing with the little details. And I been proud to have done so on plenty of occasions.

Maybe not as often as I would like, but enough so I'm happy with the results. Providing nobody bothers to question my success rate.

That doesn't work. For it doesn't result in success. Just in more questions I don't want to answer.

See the issue here is honesty. Too much of it can be very much of a problem. So you have to avoid it when possible.

And that really does require lots of effort. Which is why I have to keep the this and that on various lists.

It just looks more impressive that way. And that is really the most important thing. Well it is to me. Maybe not others, but it is to me.

Thus I have blessed myself with order. As long as nobody asks me to explain.

Thursday, December 20, 2007


Ah, who can not savor this idea as cool? Well, okay I do admit that if you are all alone in some alley and can see a big gang of brutal killers coming your way, that is not the time you will be dancing.

But then life does have those moments we can truly cherish when being in the shadows is a blessing. I love it.

The occasions when you sit back and smile, feeling so good because you know that no one is going to see you and find out what you have been doing. Oh yeah, now that is a thing of real beauty.

The trick of this is being sure you are able to get away with this and not being caught. Oh yeah that is not a good option.

So there are times when you might have to explain why you are there. That can be the challenging times.

Because they will not accept when you are in my situation as a Mayor that is was a good thing I was lurking in the shadows. Lurking is a big issue here.

You can stroll, mosey, gaze into eternity with such a profound look and they will think you are cool. But if you are in the shadows you can't do any of those, so you better have a good reason.

I've managed the truth. None of them true naturally, but they are fun to talk about. Yep, I must confess I savor those creative challenges.

I didn't say I wasn't happy when I didn't get caught either. And since this to be really fun means you need pals, then you better make sure you pals don't rat you out.

This is really a major consideration. It is very critical such people are trustworthy. That is not easy with the crowd I hang with.

They are something less than honorable. So our goal here is to be sure they are also as guilty as I am.

That way none of us gets the idea we can turn traitor. Which on a practical level is why I savor my private times when ladies in other relationships.

They are less likely to want to tell when they risk to get in trouble too. Ah, that is the pure genius of it all for me.

And that is what I do love about the process. A nice way to hide without worrying you will get in trouble. Just another tidbit of advice that hopefully will help get you past the little times you are thinking about the shadows.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007


This can be many thing, but for me it has to do with the amount of crap you have to step in. And that is totally dependent upon you know how many lies I have to tell.

The more I have to spread, the thicker the crap gets. Keeping it from stinking is the hard part.

That can take a powerful amount of explaining. Even more so if you are dealing with someone who knows crap when the smell it.

Those are the ones that you have extra trouble telling them there is nothing in the air. They can be so annoying when they start asking for things like facts.

That is when I really have to grin and bear it. As in make up a bigger lie and make it look like I'm telling the truth.

Oh man does that risk making me sweat. And if there is one thing that doesn't make my lies easier it is when I'm sweating.

Nope, that never helps my credibility. I normally have to come up with some stupid explanation like I just came from the gym.

That one gets harder and harder to get them to believe each time I end up having to buy a bigger pair of pant. And those excuses that I have a problem retaining water really doesn't help.

But I am hopeful. I do savor the moment when I can just pile it on without hearing a grown. And even better when I am able to do with it a smile that isn't trying to hide some snickers.

It really does give some nice moments when this all doesn't end with my slipping on a pile of my own crap. That can hurt.

I have been able to avoid that most of the time. Primarily by making sure somebody else falls in it first.

Hard to do when they are other than cooperative. Yeah, they truly can prove to be such a pain if they start questioning everything.

Once and a while it does work though. Always grateful for such occasions. They do help to make up for the other times.

It is just a matter of how often I can get away with it. Often works best when they are fertilizing some lawn or near a dairy.

Just hard to be sure those happen when you need them.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007


Well we all know life can get that way a times. Actually it is that way the majority of the time.

But it is nice to imagine it more perfect. Maybe not enough for it to happen, but enough for us to savor it as a joy.

Just those rare occasions when we toy with the illusion we have reason to smile for good is coming our way. It might never come, but we sure can hope.I know I work very hard on this possibility. Not that it always comes out the way I hope, but still it is worth the try.

But then that is because I do choose to try and make this whole thing work to my advantage. And the way to do this is for me to take the time to make others think it can happen.

Oh yeah, that is so much fun. You dangle that carrot out there. One that says, "hey, buddy this will work, honest."

The honest part is what really counts. It isn't true, but sounds great. Really a blessing if they belief it too.

Which happens in some cases. Not all you understand. Some are not that gullible. I hate that part.

Fortunately, they are not the majority, for that I am grateful. I just focus on the times it does work.

Actually perfection when you think about it might even get boring. Yes, I said boring. Why? Well that is easy, because it would be the same thing every day.

I don't care if you get to eat steak every day, sooner or later you want something different. So why wouldn't that apply to perfection.

I mean when you think about it what are we so sure heaven is perfect? Ah, now I got some worried.

Well maybe I will make a few think about it for a change. Not enough to prefer any other choice, just enough to get them to sweat a little.

Personally, I don't mind at all. For the way I see it when you have a whole eternity to fix things, who cares about a few mistakes?

Rash's rules you understand. I love them to the point, I write them in chalk so if they don't work out I can lie about them not being good.

Monday, December 17, 2007


Now not everyone is willing to admit this is a good thing as I would interpret it. Nope, that is just not a joy they are going to agree with.

Why, because my idea of loving it does not conform to their interpretation. Yep, when it comes to loving things, my list is slightly different than some.

I'm not saying that I don't respect the traditional views. All I'm saying is that I do not savor only the average concepts of what loving it might imply.

My portfolio of loving it truly does not conform to what I think others would expect. And the reason I am spending so much time on this is because I do feel it really is important.

Why? Well mainly because there are just so many times it is misunderstood. Which wouldn't be as likely if people weren't so anal on this whole deal of loving it.

That is the part I am working hard to correct. For I feel it is incumbent on me as er, an incumbent to be sure that I did what I could to free people from their misunderstandings.

Somebody needs to see people free. We're talking to be able to truly savor the joy of not having to lie about their cravings.

Which is something that I am working so hard to make better for all mankind. Oh I don't get any thanks for this service, but I do it anyway.

What I feel we need is more smiles. A lot more. And let me tell you that is no going to happen by passing out milk and cookies!

You need to be more realistic than that. We need a liberation party. A real genuine opportunity to be more than a drone. For once in life be the person you claim you are not.

Come on you know you want it. I can feel it. And you know you can trust to your Uncle Rash will make it all better.

All you have to do is just get with the program. I promise to make it as painless as possible.

Of course freedom is never without a price. But you will feel so much better once I have managed to rescue you from that valley of frowns.

Sound tempting? I bet it is. I know I'm getting excited just imagining the possibility gets me so happy. And for that I feel so blessed.

Now it just depends on you if you will feel blessed. I guess it will depend on how you feel after I show you those photos I took with a hidden camera.

Sunday, December 16, 2007


Now this for me is where you do things on impulse because they sound good or might feel good, but end up causing disasters. Oh yeah there are plenty of them.

Not that we want to advertise the fact. Nope, nobody likes to admit when we intentionally want to be stupid.

We are more prone to enjoy the moment and pray to God nobody finds out when we blew it. Just be able to savor the time and smiles and forget the consequences.

Yep, we do have to worry about the bill that comes from being stupid. It is really hard to always appreciate though.

I mean disasters sort of lead to screaming and panic. There is just such a joy in that regard from not having time to think about how stupid we have acted.

Such is the nature of life. Not the one we will admit to. But I sure do savor the times when we can rejoice over such idiocy.

There really are times when we can. Not always, but once and a while the disaster is so bad we honestly have to sit back and laugh about it.

And you can be sure that I do savor those moments so often. Not all the time, but more when this happens to somebody else.

Yep, I can really enjoy such moments. Oh I won't tell the person that. It would be so tacky.

Much better to just wait and talk about the person behind their back. That is more fun anyway.

Yeah, I will admit that seems kind of tacky. However, you take the joys of life where you can find them.

Maybe life might be more fun if we had more chances to laugh at our stupidity. But we seem to only savor such moments when it is related to somebody else

Which is not all bad. Just not that great to some. For me, heck I love to laugh and that brings such joy when I didn't screw up.

Funny how it is always the little things that give us reasons to smile. I will always savor such experiences.

And I won't admit it openly you understand. Nope just keep talking about it behind your back. That just really is a time to dream and cherish. And we all love those times whether we mention them or not.

Saturday, December 15, 2007


There was a saying once made famous by Dr. Martin Luther King, "I have a dream." And he gave a wonderful speech about his dream.

But while it is a great phrase and a great speech, for the rest of us dreams might be something we don't have a chance to see come true. Or they are so perverted that we actually don't want to talk about them anyway.

As for actually having them come true, now that is really tough at times. Depending on the dream naturally.

They can be so terrific if there is a chance the person will actually see the dream come true. Which is the big problem in most cases.

Still, they are fun to imagine. Maybe not as much fun as if they really took place, but we can always hope.

In the meantime I do feel it is also a great occasion when we stop dreaming. I know that might sound odd, but the big problem I have observed is too much dreaming.

That is when people become so consumed with dreaming that they stop living. Which is really annoying if they get stuck in fantasy and never spend time in reality.

Which often works in my favor though. For the more the people spend time in that realm, the less they are likely to need to worry about things like facts.

And when you have them able to ignore facts you can really make stride with lies. They don't ask important questions and you can concentrate on making crap up.

As politicians that is very much of a good thing. Now the hard part is to be sure you keep people between complete despair and utter fantasy.

Basically you know in a land of wasteland hope where you don't have any real life. So you don't look towards tomorrow as a blessing.

Then people broken down by such situations are really pliable. They will listen to almost anything.

And that is best place for me to have them exists. They can be counted upon to have given up on their dreams.

So they will listen to other dreams instead of the truth. Just works so well and I love it. I can peddle my own demented layers of lies and be happy for doing so.

You just can't buy that kind of abuse of the spirit any other way. That makes for such a blessing in my book.

Friday, December 14, 2007


Now this for me is where you do things on impulse because they sound good or might feel good, but end up causing disasters. Oh yeah there are plenty of them.

Not that we want to advertise the fact. Nope, nobody likes to admit when we intentionally want to be stupid.

We are more prone to enjoy the moment and pray to God nobody finds out when we blew it. Just be able to savor the time and smiles and forget the consequences.

Yep, we do have to worry about the bill that comes from being stupid. It is really hard to always appreciate though.

I mean disasters sort of lead to screaming and panic. There is just such a joy in that regard from not having time to think about how stupid we have acted.

Such is the nature of life. Not the one we will admit to. But I sure do savor the times when we can rejoice over such idiocy.

There really are times when we can. Not always, but once and a while the disaster is so bad we honestly have to sit back and laugh about it.

And you can be sure that I do savor those moments so often. Not all the time, but more when this happens to somebody else.

Yep, I can really enjoy such moments. Oh I won't tell the person that. It would be so tacky.

Much better to just wait and talk about the person behind their back. That is more fun anyway.

Yeah, I will admit that seems kind of tacky. However, you take the joys of life where you can find them.

Maybe life might be more fun if we had more chances to laugh at our stupidity. But we seem to only savor such moments when it is related to somebody else

Which is not all bad. Just not that great to some. For me, heck I love to laugh and that brings such joy when I didn't screw up.

Funny how it is always the little things that give us reasons to smile. I will always savor such experiences.

And I won't admit it openly you understand. Nope just keep talking about it behind your back. That just really is a time to dream and cherish. And we all love those times whether we mention them or not.

Thursday, December 13, 2007


Ah, this is such a delight. The times when you know good is coming. Oh yeah, it just rolls around in the mind and makes you want to drool.

But hopefully, you don't do it in a way that gets people to notice. There is such a critical need to be sure that you don't brag about such things.

That is very important. For if you start making such things obvious others then it is like sending out signals saying, "hey, I got a windfall coming, why don't you rip me off."

I know because it is what I would do. I truly do savor the joy of being able to search and destroy those who hard harboring some looming good news. Just makes me feel so thrilled to pass on my opportunity to bless them.

I consider it a blessing if I can do that. Teaching a person a lesson is truly a wonderful and noble thing to do.

Makes me feel so blessed when I can accomplish such things. It truly gives me a reason to celebrate when there is a chance to be a money vampire.

And I don't even rely upon a fake vampire accent either. Just make sure I hide my fangs! Yeah, that is a big option.

One I know that I cherish, from ripped of sucker to ripped off sucker. Having enjoyed the opportunity to gleam one more occasion when nobody profits, but me.

Oh the joy I find in such memories. It truly does leave me with a reason to feel good about life.

As for the rest, well I hope after they file bankruptcy they feel better about the loss of debt. You can't buy that kind of education that easy.

Which I am happy to feel is a good thing. And as I look back it does make me so proud to see all the people who I have helped, I can do nothing, except smile.

It really is the high point for me of some days. A chance to sit back and feel grateful. And to know that no matter what happens, I can feel at least once I did some good.

That really helps on so many night when I sit alone and all those voices come into my head. They keep trying to convince me that perhaps my priorities are off.

At least I am able to put away enough bourbon to get them to stop talking. It might take all night, but I eventually accomplished it.

Thank goodness I don't hear them that often. It does not make my day. Which is a good thing for me that I have plenty of booze just in case.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007


I do consider these to be two great options. Where you have the joy of taking it or taking it. Plain and simple. Not that complicated.

True, this doesn't come up as often we would like, but it is such a great option when it happens. And I love it.

Basically, it is when you have the gun pointed at someone's head and you give them the choice, either they can pull the trigger or you can. Like those are great options.

They are if you are the one who is holding the gun. It is definitely a good option from my point of view.

Only trick is being sure you are able to pull it off. And from my point of view the really good part is when you get to have the person actually hand you the gun.

You might be inclined to think this doesn't happen, but it really does. It is like, say, you know I think I remember them mentioning how there are criminals running around the neighborhood. Do you have a gun by chance? Great, why don't you go and fetch it.

Wow, that is a big gun. Oh say, do you mind if I just borrow if for a minute? I've been told sometimes they are defective.

Let me see here, oh by the way do you have any bullets. It makes checking it so much easier. Great, now let me add them.

Oh do you mind checking the end of the barrel to be sure nothing is obstructing it. Fine, just take a good peek.

OOPS, butterfingers me I accidentally pulled the trigger. Darn the luck. Oh I hope that hole in your head doesn't hurt too much.

Gosh do you have any napkins, we might want to clean up the blood. There isn't that better?

This boys and girls is my object lesson for this time. A chance to be sure you see how easy this can happen.

So beware that you must always assume this reality. One can not ignore the call of clarity.

Such is the necessity of life. A cherished time to be savored by all. Which we all need to feel totally grateful about.

Now I hope you do all manage to learn from this. For I will expect some compensation for this service.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007



Now for me the key with this is the word "another." That means you have more than one. Which is definitely a good thing.

Of course another dollar is also you know important in terms of how many you already have. That can be so important.

For if you are talking about having only one dollar at the time, one more just may not get you too excited. Unless, you are like able to say figure a way to make it multiply. Then no biggie.

Still, I do have to say that I savor the idea of being one dollar short of a million. I guess these days that isn't quite that impressive.

So perhaps I need to be thinking in terms of something like ten million. That has such a nice ring to it.

I'm ready for it. Just a few dollars short. Ten million is not perhaps easy to accumulate at the rate of one dollar at a time.

Guess I will have to take a more positive approach then. By that I mean I will focus on getting every dollar I can when I can get it.

And that allows me the joy of looking into the situation of how I can honestly get another dollar. I don't see anything that suggests you can't be obsessed with that part.

Now some you know would look at thing and act as if you have to treat this thing as basically luck. Like that is a good thing.

Not to me. I want to be able to savor the opportunity to make this happen when I want it to happen.

Which is the way I feel best makes it a good option. And for the most part I am grateful not too many are of the same inclination.

Keeps the whole reality so much more appealing from my view. Which really does count for something.

Then that is naturally my view. Which I think works very well. And I'm so happy to be so liberated on this subject.

For that truly does make the difference between a chance for a smile with cash in your pocket and just thinking about it. Just a nice little side road to follow.

Meanwhile life does go on. And for me that will always include the glorious thoughts of how to embrace another dollar my way.

Monday, December 10, 2007


The optimum reality is of this subject is that we are talking about another day. Which is a very good thing naturally.

For the lack of another day would hardly be a good thing. And thank goodness that isn't something hanging over our head.

I don't think I would personally be thrilled by this idea. Waking up some day and suddenly being told the day didn't happen.

You know you open your eyes and it is still dark at say ten am. That would be a real clue that something is wrong.

Thank goodness this doesn't occur in our lives. I'm sure if it did somebody would be inclined to mention the fact.

I have to admit that I have pondered sometimes what would happen if God decided to pull the plug without any warning. I can sort of picturing him doing that.

After all it isn't quite like we are that deserving of more time. Look what we do with the time we are given?

Ahem, sorry not trying to be preachy here. But that is part of life I guess. Hard to avoid in this climate.

Which is okay by me. I like the idea of speculating in that sense. You know taking things to the point where you can feel so good imagining all the shocked faces if the world suddenly stopped.

Then God come over some loud speaker in the sky and shout, "we did warn to knock it of and you wouldn't listen. So there!"

Ah, the last second cries of "but" would not doubt filled the skies. A few last second prayers too I imagine.

In the end, the lights would be out, out butts totally wiped out and eternity our chance for scratching our heads. Isn't that such a lovely picture?

Don't I just make you feel so happy with that image? Well cheer up kids, that is just my idea.

Now you can go back to being yourself and not worry about it. I didn't as you shouldn't think about it.

Just everything you get to fat and lazy, then that is the time to remember my little tale and be grateful. Well pretend at least.

Sunday, December 09, 2007


Oh yeah this was so cool. A time and way to make sure you get can get a chance to use somebody else's buck for your purposes.

It really is such a great option when you have the chance to spend somebody else's funds and not have to squander your own. That truly is wonderful as an option.

If only we could control when that happens. Ah, now that would be heaven. Only like to many times in life we don't always get this chance when we want it.

Now the best time for this to take place is when somebody is totally of the mindset that they can do no wrong. Sort of like pride comes before a fall deal.

All you have to do is just wait. And then give them some option where you can lure them into thinking they are getting a good deal.

Only it really sucks. If you work it right they never realize until it is too late that they blew it.

By then the good news is that you have their wallet and they end up getting the shaft in more ways than one. Which is the best part of this whole program

There is just something so mystical with this process. A jerk gets taken down a notch and in the process also ends up paying for the thing.

Who could ask for more than that? Not me. Well, okay I could ask for more. The more being that not only do they pay for the whole thing, but end up with you being able to capitalize on the misery by taking their other goods too.

This is the part that I savor. It is that little extra icing on this deception cake that I savor so much. A wonderful dessert.

Too bad I can't get it as a snack more often. The problem is that there are some real honest people out there who are also modest.

I can't believe it at times, but it is true. They do exists. Glad that I don't have to deal with it any longer, but they are there.

In any case there are more than enough folks prone to larceny that I don't fret the times when I get stuck dealing with some honest people. Sort of inhibits my creativity though.

However life goes on. And I love to graze among the true sheep who keep me so happy since they beg to be fleeced.

And the nice thing is that they end up with handing you the sheers to cut their wool then pay for you time to cut it. Now that is heaven.

Saturday, December 08, 2007


Now this is really a wish more than a reality. People experiencing luck aren't likely to want to share.

Would be nice if that was the case, but isn't. Perhaps if luck wasn't so rare it might be different.

But we all know it doesn't happen when we want. Hopefully when we need it though. Now that would truly be a blessing.

Only it never seems too work out quite as we desire unless a miracle happens. And those don't exactly take place every day. Well that is providing you are not someone like the Reverend Analbe.

He insists he talks to God personally, so naturally he sort of figures he is entitled to them kind of like an employment perk. Not quite the kind the rest of us get, but there are one's he seems to enjoy.

Of course in his case it does seem to relate a lot to the issue of food. I'm personally convinced we all would look upon that as the best form of miracle, but it works for him.

I guess as long as it makes him happy then that is a good thing. Personally I suppose considering how much joy he gets out of good then I can't blame him.

And I imagine there is something to be said for such views. At least I know he enjoys something.

I have to admit that there are times I would have reason to wonder in his case. Seeing how he is always alluding to how so many are face with eternal damnation.

I wonder if any donut shop owners would be included on his list? Not sure I want to ask, I would rather not know.

In any event I am grateful that my frame of reference rises slightly above that level of thinking. I want the good stuff.

Yeah, I mean the kind of luck that makes you smile in a great way. Like when you see somebody have a complete disaster and know isn't going to happen to you.

That is a luck that makes me have a reason to celebrate. Essentially we are talking the type of luck where it is the absence of bad luck.

You see it happen to somebody else and have a reason to feel great. Oh you might not see this a perfection, but it does give you cause to feel blessed.

Hey, whatever works and with this I think luck is a many splendor choice of definition.

Friday, December 07, 2007


Yep, yep that is what I said. Please pass the monkey. But the one that is on your back. Now I didn't say I planned on putting it on my back though.

Nope that would never do. Honestly, how could I offer to do this for another? I wouldn't do that. I would make you feel better about the hope you could pass the monkey, but not
by saying I will do it for you.

That just isn't going to work for me. I will cry with you, I will offer the opportunity to dream of deliverance. But I will still not take that monkey away.

Still I will talk about passing the monkey. So you will feel better. Isn't that a nice consideration on my part.

Now monkeys in this case being a symbol for the problems a person faces that have such a strangle hold on the emotions. It isn't they are worse than any other problems in life, but they feel worse.

Because they generally are not something we end up expecting and really annoy us in the process. So we live with them. Only we hate them too.

Which is where I as a politician try my best to give a person the idea that somehow they can find a banana to lure the monkey else where. They normally don't exist, but we hope.

So my best advice is when I can I try to offer a place to put that monkey. Mainly by the chance to pass it on to somebody else.

Ah yes, nothing gives more smiles than a chance to spank that monkey by being sure it gets toss on another person. More fun is when they get tossed on a person who has plenty of their own monkeys.

Which makes sense if they have others. That means they have lots of practice dealing with them.

And what is better than to be sure monkeys get trained? Which will happen a lot with people who show them monkeys who are the boss.

I don't do that very well, but others do. And I do admire them to a degree. Only to the point that I can figure out the best way to pass my monkeys onto them.

Oh it does take some effort at times, but I manage. Which is not always that easy to accomplish, but I am happy when it happens.

I do find those moments most precious in life. And one's I keep cherishing when faced with another monkey. That is the big problem with monkeys they do multiply. So you know there will always be new one coming around eventually.

Thursday, December 06, 2007


This is not always terrible. I know the word makes things sound awful. But there is an upside when one cares to look for it.

Now who can ask for you to look upon something bad and see some good? Me, who else?

Why would I bother or even thing that way? Because there are times when a person just have to have a reason to smile instead of cry.

I know that might seem silly and trite, but it was a good thing in my book. After all you can sit and be upset all you want, but it won't improve things.

So come one learn to laugh a little. Make it happen and enjoy. You'll feel better in the morning.

True, I'm sure there are plenty that would sneer when I say that. If you are on a ship in a storm and it is sinking, you will not want to hear somebody say, remember the sunshine.

That much I'm pretty sure is a given. And I'm really not offering that as an alternative. What I'm trying to suggest is that there might be a plus to maintaining the hope and thought that some day things will improve.

Or even remembering when they didn't suck. And naturally I get thrills from thinking how somebody might be getting the grief they deserve in the process.

Now that is something I truly savor. A chance to know that no matter how miserable I am that will not compare to what some other jerk is going through.

So roll up your sleeve and let those scars show through. For in the end we can savor the joy of when it comes to a point of grief for somebody else.

Okay for example, suppose some bully is beating the snot out of you. Think of the joy of remembering how tired he is going to be later?

Sound silly, well it isn't. Not to me. The point is any excuse that works is better than only remembering the pain.

Which is the part that can give me a reason to smile. And if I am able to take the time to also figure a way to get some revenge better.

Like with that bully scenario. I can smile of thinking about how when he's not thinking I can do anything to him, I will plan my revenge.

Normally it will involve something sneaky and cruel when his back his turned. And thatn makes me have a reason to smile.

Wednesday, December 05, 2007



Why is this hard for some people to understand? I do have to ask. Honestly, I have to wonder why some people have to ask why?

Does there have to be an answer to everyone problem in life? I don't think so. Heck, I'm happy when I don't get answer to all problems. Makes things simple that way.

At least it does to me. And that always makes me have a reason to smile. Perhaps not permanently, but most of the time.

I do ponder what it is that makes so many people decide they need to for some reason know everything? Is your life going to be perfect if you know everything?

Personally, I think it would just depress me. Because you know there are bound to be plenty of things that are screwed up.

Without knowing that we have at least the hope they will improve. And that really is important in so many cases.

After all if things could be perfect that would make it different. Knowing all the information would only make you feel things are going to get better.

However, if finding out the facts makes you get extra depressed, I doubt it will help. You will just feel worse.

Which is the reason I don't want to know all there is to know. I understand how with some the won't appreciate this.

There is always that thing about the public's right to know. But let's face it that is a nice comment and philosophy, yet hardly realistic.

So we just have to embrace the joy of not knowing for our own benefit. So how come we can't just be happy with being ignorant?

I think it is the fault of the dull and boring people. They are the ones who are to blame. With too much time they are always thinking up crap.

Now if we could get them busy doing other stuff that would really be so much better. Oh yes, that would give me reason to smile. A truly blessed situation.

Just hard to be sure we always make that a priority. So mosey along and let it be a smile. Don't let it get to you.

Then we can be sure it is all find and wonderful. At least somewhere. not sure it really matters does it?

Not a reason to ask why either.

Tuesday, December 04, 2007


Borrowed is a great thing. You really do have so much fun when you can enjoy getting something for nothing.

Yes, I said for nothing. Because you have to plan to not pay anything for what you borrowed.

This can be tricky you understand. For not everyone quite feels that borrowing should be for free.

They are inclined to think borrowing means it doesn't cost anything. But that's okay, I jus avoid such people.

That can be so annoying with the right person. Some are just so unreasonable in that regard.

For those folks you just don't waste the time. They can just sit back and savor the illusion that life doesn't ever need any help.

Meanwhile, for the rest of us sane people things are different. We sit and cherish the wonderful taste of life as it is suppose to be lived.

This is where you need a little helping hand from time to time. Okay, more like a hand out.

Just a nice handful full of something that will make the future seem hopeful. For me that is a good thing.

Which is because I am the one who does all the borrowing. Oh I have those who try to borrow from me, but I generally find ways to stall them.

Until I find somebody else to borrow from then I just make sure I can pass on the cost accordingly. For me that is a good thing.

After all there is no bigger joy in life than being able to sample a nice trophy that belonged to somebody else before you pass it on to somebody else. This is a good deal from my view.

Some don't seem to share my vision though. They are less that interesting in such details. Instead they like to merely savor the joy of knowing that somebody else is picking up the tab for whatever.

And that makes life so interesting at times. I didn't say it was always fun, just merely interesting in that regard.

I'm just grateful for the fact I do more borrowing that those who borrow from me. Feels like victory.

Monday, December 03, 2007


Ah, this is so precious. A nice lust for the joy of ownership. Only this is not just about buying property, thank you very much.

Nope it is about a whole lot more. I'm talking about lusting for just about anything you can own. And even about the stuff you can't own, but want to.

Now that is the really special delight. A chance to imagine owning the world if you could.

I didn't say you would actually own the whole world, just that you wish you did. Which is the attitude I like to respect and enjoy.

Just too bad the same doesn't hold true for the rest of the world I suppose. They aren't to inclined to get too excited by the option of one ruler.

So I do have to keep that in mind. Which is not perhaps the way I would like it, but then I do have to make allowances for reality.

Not that I enjoy it, but I do make allowances just the same. For me it all comes down to the simple fact of need to be sure that I focus on what is important.

Namely that amounts to knowing you have to take time to properly assess the worth of things in life according to your own greed. Can you figure a way to maximize the greed?

Oh yeah that is very important. One truly has to embrace the depth of greed for its merit if you are to truly make this work correctly.

And that all comes down to the central joy of being sure you can take it with you. Yep, that is critical to the whole process.

I do figure it is worth the effort. In the end if you get yourself a chance to imagine owing the world that is the important part.

And if you manage to do so with the joy of knowing one little hunk make a difference that is the important part. So that is the best aspect.

And we all know if you see the joy in a small part then you can be happy with any icing. That always makes me day.

But then so many things do work for me most of the time. And for that I am grateful. Just hard to say how often I get a chance to get the icing.

Which might not be as often as I wish, but I do the best I can to find it whenever. That is better than not at all.

A smile please if you agree.

Sunday, December 02, 2007


Ah, this might seem impossible to believe, but you know there are times when some things can truly be wonderful and boring. How is this possible you might ask? And especially coming from me?

Well for me it is the times when you are using something totally dull as an event in order to hide. Yeah, this is really something that I do have occasion to utilized.

What happens is that I find myself in the awkward position of having to accept some lame event to attend in order to avoid dealing with someone. Yep, is that silly and cowardly I supposed too. Of course I manage to avoid calling it a lack of backbone by resorting to one of many excuses.

My personal favorite is that temporarily distracted from my duties by a need to take care of a priority. It sounds so impressive. The priority naturally was that I didn't want to risk getting my butt in trouble.

I do prefer putting it that way to some other options. Sounds do much more complimentary.

The fun of it all is when I can manage to handle all of this with a smile. Okay, it is one of those picture kinds of smiles you create to look happy if when you aren't.

But it does work for me. Actually most things work for me to some degree. And that is what is the most important.

However, while I sit and ponder if there might be occasions when actually telling the truth could be a good option, I have enjoyed not thinking in those terms. Just too darn depressing.

So option B works the best for me. Which I have to admit can be so darn frustrating if I get to some event, which is a feast of yawns and begin to panic.

What causes the panic is the fear that I might risk being infected with the dullness. Now that is truly scary.

Oh yeah, it really does scare me at times. After all what if I hang around them too long and end up thinking just like them?

Then where would I be? Fortunately, I have succeeded in avoiding this risk up till now. Which truly makes me happy.

Still, I do have lingering fear this will change some day. Thank goodness I do manage to get over that.

Sometimes it does take plenty of booze, but I make that sacrifice.

Saturday, December 01, 2007


This is one of those things, which gives so many groans. The place where you get the attention of somebody whose idea of help just gives you a headache.

And let me tell you that does not lead to smiles. Nope, not in my book. It does lead to groans, but those are never a source of joy.

At least they never are in my way of looking at things. Instead they bring about aggravation, which I don't really need.

Essentially, the problem is with this relates to the issue of what exactly constitutes reasonable help. I think it centers around doing things that actually benefit the person.

All of this is naturally opinion. But from my view help that ends up causing your grief is never a good thing.

So this comes down to communication at times. For the people who often manage to achieve this are most often the ones focused on things like their version of aid.

Which often is not aid at all. It is more like something that makes you want to scream. For it always ends up causing more problems than help.

We have this one person at the office who thinks that donuts cure everything. She is a sweet old gal, but just figures sugar improves any problem.

So anytime somebody offers to mention a problem, she is ready to run to a donut shop. She is such a steady customer there she gets a discount for frequent purchases.

The big problem is that all that sugar makes people hyper. Which doesn't not solve their problems.

It does make them act weird. And for a while they do manage to you know buzz around the office and go extra work.

Then comes afterwards. That is when they go on this downer. Become totally sluggish and ready to take a nap.

Brother is that a headache. Man you can forget having them get any work done at that point. They will be lucky if they can function at all.

That does not make life easier at work. Which never inspires my gratitude. And the person who passes out the donuts is not incline to appreciate such efforts.

My only option is to stuff myself full of donuts too. Doesn't solve any problems, but does make me feel better. For a while at least, until the sugar wears off and then I really feel depressed.