Monday, December 03, 2007


Ah, this is so precious. A nice lust for the joy of ownership. Only this is not just about buying property, thank you very much.

Nope it is about a whole lot more. I'm talking about lusting for just about anything you can own. And even about the stuff you can't own, but want to.

Now that is the really special delight. A chance to imagine owning the world if you could.

I didn't say you would actually own the whole world, just that you wish you did. Which is the attitude I like to respect and enjoy.

Just too bad the same doesn't hold true for the rest of the world I suppose. They aren't to inclined to get too excited by the option of one ruler.

So I do have to keep that in mind. Which is not perhaps the way I would like it, but then I do have to make allowances for reality.

Not that I enjoy it, but I do make allowances just the same. For me it all comes down to the simple fact of need to be sure that I focus on what is important.

Namely that amounts to knowing you have to take time to properly assess the worth of things in life according to your own greed. Can you figure a way to maximize the greed?

Oh yeah that is very important. One truly has to embrace the depth of greed for its merit if you are to truly make this work correctly.

And that all comes down to the central joy of being sure you can take it with you. Yep, that is critical to the whole process.

I do figure it is worth the effort. In the end if you get yourself a chance to imagine owing the world that is the important part.

And if you manage to do so with the joy of knowing one little hunk make a difference that is the important part. So that is the best aspect.

And we all know if you see the joy in a small part then you can be happy with any icing. That always makes me day.

But then so many things do work for me most of the time. And for that I am grateful. Just hard to say how often I get a chance to get the icing.

Which might not be as often as I wish, but I do the best I can to find it whenever. That is better than not at all.

A smile please if you agree.


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