Monday, December 17, 2007


Now not everyone is willing to admit this is a good thing as I would interpret it. Nope, that is just not a joy they are going to agree with.

Why, because my idea of loving it does not conform to their interpretation. Yep, when it comes to loving things, my list is slightly different than some.

I'm not saying that I don't respect the traditional views. All I'm saying is that I do not savor only the average concepts of what loving it might imply.

My portfolio of loving it truly does not conform to what I think others would expect. And the reason I am spending so much time on this is because I do feel it really is important.

Why? Well mainly because there are just so many times it is misunderstood. Which wouldn't be as likely if people weren't so anal on this whole deal of loving it.

That is the part I am working hard to correct. For I feel it is incumbent on me as er, an incumbent to be sure that I did what I could to free people from their misunderstandings.

Somebody needs to see people free. We're talking to be able to truly savor the joy of not having to lie about their cravings.

Which is something that I am working so hard to make better for all mankind. Oh I don't get any thanks for this service, but I do it anyway.

What I feel we need is more smiles. A lot more. And let me tell you that is no going to happen by passing out milk and cookies!

You need to be more realistic than that. We need a liberation party. A real genuine opportunity to be more than a drone. For once in life be the person you claim you are not.

Come on you know you want it. I can feel it. And you know you can trust to your Uncle Rash will make it all better.

All you have to do is just get with the program. I promise to make it as painless as possible.

Of course freedom is never without a price. But you will feel so much better once I have managed to rescue you from that valley of frowns.

Sound tempting? I bet it is. I know I'm getting excited just imagining the possibility gets me so happy. And for that I feel so blessed.

Now it just depends on you if you will feel blessed. I guess it will depend on how you feel after I show you those photos I took with a hidden camera.


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