Tuesday, December 25, 2007


Now we all need this. A chance to smile and feel thrilled with the events of life. That can be rather hard to accomplish in some cases.

Finding zest in the daily routine can be challenging to say the least. We may have a hard time discovering some reason to get excited with ordinary daily demands.

Unless you are on drugs or some other form of assistance. Then you might have any trouble at all being thrilled by the least of things.

However for those of us not so blessed, life is a chore where you have to dig for smiles. That is what we have to admit if there is to be any hope for the future.

But I have found my share of solutions to such issues. Normally it is involves making sure I find the right amount of options where I get to smile and others don't.

Now admittedly there is a reason to find this a point of friction for some. However, this is not always the case.

Just a matter of priorities. And let me tell you that is part of the focus I prefer to look as a good thing.

Well for me at least. Maybe not for everyone, but it is for me. And that is what I consider as important.

Course we can't always savor such moments. Those don't always occur as we desire. Wish they did.

It is okay though. I do find this a nice alternative to going nuts. After all we do have a need to be set up for the right kinds of smiles.

The best are the ones that come from pure satisfaction. And let me tell you that is not going to happen when we are bored.

So come on live a little. Think of something besides filling the stapler. Yeah, you can do it.

And you will definitely be so much happier when you do. That is one thing we can certainly work on.

Providing we can savor it as joy. That is not always going to be what we want it in some

Which is okay from my view. So we do our best to grin in the face of monotony and figure way to stop yawning.

Some times it actually works too.


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