Friday, December 07, 2007


Yep, yep that is what I said. Please pass the monkey. But the one that is on your back. Now I didn't say I planned on putting it on my back though.

Nope that would never do. Honestly, how could I offer to do this for another? I wouldn't do that. I would make you feel better about the hope you could pass the monkey, but not
by saying I will do it for you.

That just isn't going to work for me. I will cry with you, I will offer the opportunity to dream of deliverance. But I will still not take that monkey away.

Still I will talk about passing the monkey. So you will feel better. Isn't that a nice consideration on my part.

Now monkeys in this case being a symbol for the problems a person faces that have such a strangle hold on the emotions. It isn't they are worse than any other problems in life, but they feel worse.

Because they generally are not something we end up expecting and really annoy us in the process. So we live with them. Only we hate them too.

Which is where I as a politician try my best to give a person the idea that somehow they can find a banana to lure the monkey else where. They normally don't exist, but we hope.

So my best advice is when I can I try to offer a place to put that monkey. Mainly by the chance to pass it on to somebody else.

Ah yes, nothing gives more smiles than a chance to spank that monkey by being sure it gets toss on another person. More fun is when they get tossed on a person who has plenty of their own monkeys.

Which makes sense if they have others. That means they have lots of practice dealing with them.

And what is better than to be sure monkeys get trained? Which will happen a lot with people who show them monkeys who are the boss.

I don't do that very well, but others do. And I do admire them to a degree. Only to the point that I can figure out the best way to pass my monkeys onto them.

Oh it does take some effort at times, but I manage. Which is not always that easy to accomplish, but I am happy when it happens.

I do find those moments most precious in life. And one's I keep cherishing when faced with another monkey. That is the big problem with monkeys they do multiply. So you know there will always be new one coming around eventually.


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