Tuesday, December 11, 2007



Now for me the key with this is the word "another." That means you have more than one. Which is definitely a good thing.

Of course another dollar is also you know important in terms of how many you already have. That can be so important.

For if you are talking about having only one dollar at the time, one more just may not get you too excited. Unless, you are like able to say figure a way to make it multiply. Then no biggie.

Still, I do have to say that I savor the idea of being one dollar short of a million. I guess these days that isn't quite that impressive.

So perhaps I need to be thinking in terms of something like ten million. That has such a nice ring to it.

I'm ready for it. Just a few dollars short. Ten million is not perhaps easy to accumulate at the rate of one dollar at a time.

Guess I will have to take a more positive approach then. By that I mean I will focus on getting every dollar I can when I can get it.

And that allows me the joy of looking into the situation of how I can honestly get another dollar. I don't see anything that suggests you can't be obsessed with that part.

Now some you know would look at thing and act as if you have to treat this thing as basically luck. Like that is a good thing.

Not to me. I want to be able to savor the opportunity to make this happen when I want it to happen.

Which is the way I feel best makes it a good option. And for the most part I am grateful not too many are of the same inclination.

Keeps the whole reality so much more appealing from my view. Which really does count for something.

Then that is naturally my view. Which I think works very well. And I'm so happy to be so liberated on this subject.

For that truly does make the difference between a chance for a smile with cash in your pocket and just thinking about it. Just a nice little side road to follow.

Meanwhile life does go on. And for me that will always include the glorious thoughts of how to embrace another dollar my way.


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