Saturday, December 29, 2007


Oh yeah, this describes so many things. Frankly it would apply to just about anything. So I doubt that is surprising.

Still, we do get rather focused on expecting miracles at times. Which is naturally a form of perfection.

I didn't say we find them when we want. I wish we did, but we never do. Well not often enough.

I guess if we were to make it more a reality then we could celebrate experience it regularly. But that is not going to help the rest of us.

And perhaps that is what is important in some cases. We need those situations where we can try to get a dose of reality.

I didn't say that we have to like it. But we have to cope in one way or another. Not that we will necessarily get excited about the process.

Life has too many detours like that. Way too many. So there is no sense griping about the road map when you know you can't get there from here.

Ahem, that is well to say, relax, your screwed, get used to it. Not quite uplifting I admit, but true just the same.

Which still doesn't make the world a better place. Just a place where we need more smiles.

Yeah, come on, we all know the deck is stack against us by fate. What you think you are going to live forever?

I mean a screw up as things get would you really want to? Hmmm, I bet we would all have to think that one through a little.

Might not exactly thrill, but what the heck, we all have fun if we let ourselves start behaving with the right attitude for a change. Just isn't like we have to celebrate this type of option.

Yep, that can be such a nice way to get through life. Only that doesn't mean we will sit down and think life is paradise.

What alternative do we have, honestly? I am willing to consider options. Haven't found an so far.

But that does not mean I have to give up thinking of perfect. Nope I will never do that. I might find it while in a bar, but it is a start.


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