Tuesday, December 04, 2007


Borrowed is a great thing. You really do have so much fun when you can enjoy getting something for nothing.

Yes, I said for nothing. Because you have to plan to not pay anything for what you borrowed.

This can be tricky you understand. For not everyone quite feels that borrowing should be for free.

They are inclined to think borrowing means it doesn't cost anything. But that's okay, I jus avoid such people.

That can be so annoying with the right person. Some are just so unreasonable in that regard.

For those folks you just don't waste the time. They can just sit back and savor the illusion that life doesn't ever need any help.

Meanwhile, for the rest of us sane people things are different. We sit and cherish the wonderful taste of life as it is suppose to be lived.

This is where you need a little helping hand from time to time. Okay, more like a hand out.

Just a nice handful full of something that will make the future seem hopeful. For me that is a good thing.

Which is because I am the one who does all the borrowing. Oh I have those who try to borrow from me, but I generally find ways to stall them.

Until I find somebody else to borrow from then I just make sure I can pass on the cost accordingly. For me that is a good thing.

After all there is no bigger joy in life than being able to sample a nice trophy that belonged to somebody else before you pass it on to somebody else. This is a good deal from my view.

Some don't seem to share my vision though. They are less that interesting in such details. Instead they like to merely savor the joy of knowing that somebody else is picking up the tab for whatever.

And that makes life so interesting at times. I didn't say it was always fun, just merely interesting in that regard.

I'm just grateful for the fact I do more borrowing that those who borrow from me. Feels like victory.


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