Thursday, December 27, 2007


I've known a lot of really brilliant people who did have lots of smarts. They can be a walking library and yet act totally stupid at times.

I'm not saying it is a good thing. Life is not always a blessing in that regard. Being intelligent and dumb at the same time is nothing new. It happens all the time.

And to the best of us. Which is not an encouraging aspect, but one that does happen way too often.

Is there a cure for this problem? Can we salvage life from the abyss of moron inclinations? Hmmm, I like that phrase. Have to remember it.

Now as for this smarts idea, well who doesn't want to feel they are wise? I haven't known too many who that took pride is being dumb.

I have known plenty that were happy to be seen as modern day Einsteins. And if they had a string of degrees even more so.

Yep, they are very impressive. Right up to the point the do a knucklehead move and then try to lie about it.

Now that is the hard part. Because they will not admit to doing anything dumb. Which definitely doesn't improve things.

There are plenty of times when this spills over into some really stupid experiences. Like if the person is in a position of power.

That can be the worse thing when they have the ability to control others. Oh man there is nothing more terrible than that problem.

Because then you have to make allowances. Well with me that comes down to the simple problem of reality.

Yeah, you know if the person thinks they can do no wrong it really can be difficult for them to accept they blew it in the decision department. Try seeing them explain when some disaster takes place.

You get lots of double talk and excuses, but not the truth. At least not the kind of truth that ends with something sane happenings.

No that will not happen. And you can't expect a person to honestly admit it either. They won't do that.

So the fun starts. You have to bring yourself to a point that truly accepting their behavior as other than smart and then be smart enough to fix the disasters later. Hopefully in a smart way.


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