Monday, December 31, 2007


Now wouldn't it wonderful if this happen all the time? I have to make allowance though. for I can't include myself in the process.

I'm not applying a double standard here. Well okay, just a tad. But the point is, I do have to cherish the idea just the same.

Because with the creeps I have to contend with at times, this is very critical. I have to be sure I can take care of myself in ways that doesn't leave my vulnerable.

Yeah, those snakes I have to deal with are such a pain a times. They really can't be trusted in any way.

Problem is you can not get involved with things like stealing people blind and expect to use just ordinary help. That doesn't work.

Well not for me. I would prefer to focus on more profitable avenues of opportunity. Which requires naturally that I have to deal with vipers. They are the only ones who have no soul.

There are those you know that spend time doing good deeds and being honest are not likely to appreciate my need for bending the law. So I need this diversion for the sake o surviving.

So I accept that means having to visit the reptile farm at times. A place where only the creepy and slimy are found.

At least you can be sure how that will turn out. Yep, there is no guesswork. Just one of the fun things we all have to accept.

I have no problem with it either. Just a matter of you know, focusing on being sure I make friends with them, but don't forget the snake bite kits.

And the real thrill is that if things get difficult I have a few rats available for feeding sessions. Rats do serve a valuable purpose in that regard.

I'm sure this is less than inspiring to those who are other than happy with such metaphors. So go ahead and pretend this isn't real life.

Which is find. In the meantime I just am sitting here counting my blessings. Those are the ones where I check my bank book.

As long as it has more dollars signs that zeroes I figure I am in good shape. And naturally I have to be sure they know it is a good thing when I have the snakes there to make a deposit.

Ain't life grand?


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