Friday, December 21, 2007


What a wonderful idea this is to me. A chance to take care of the little miscellaneous issues that don't fall under a specific category.

You just have to be able to concentrate on getting these little details in the right order. That is the big part.

Well it is to me. Maybe not to everyone, but it works for me. And in reality lots of them do.

It is just a question of exactly how much you want to get picky on something like this. And for me that is no problem.

For I always love to focus on making small items into perfectly organized things. Even if they do seem to suck at times.

Which is fine because that means other will not. That makes it more fun for me. Ah the joy of being right.

Only you can brag about it though. For people get annoyed if you have a victory where they think you ought to suck

Therefore you have to plot ahead at your own pace. Never surrender to the silliness. Yep, I said silliness.

For to me it will always be silliness when you don't get it right. I know since I have done this enough.

But any more. I am focused, I am proud. I so the right thing with the little details. And I been proud to have done so on plenty of occasions.

Maybe not as often as I would like, but enough so I'm happy with the results. Providing nobody bothers to question my success rate.

That doesn't work. For it doesn't result in success. Just in more questions I don't want to answer.

See the issue here is honesty. Too much of it can be very much of a problem. So you have to avoid it when possible.

And that really does require lots of effort. Which is why I have to keep the this and that on various lists.

It just looks more impressive that way. And that is really the most important thing. Well it is to me. Maybe not others, but it is to me.

Thus I have blessed myself with order. As long as nobody asks me to explain.


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