Saturday, December 01, 2007


This is one of those things, which gives so many groans. The place where you get the attention of somebody whose idea of help just gives you a headache.

And let me tell you that does not lead to smiles. Nope, not in my book. It does lead to groans, but those are never a source of joy.

At least they never are in my way of looking at things. Instead they bring about aggravation, which I don't really need.

Essentially, the problem is with this relates to the issue of what exactly constitutes reasonable help. I think it centers around doing things that actually benefit the person.

All of this is naturally opinion. But from my view help that ends up causing your grief is never a good thing.

So this comes down to communication at times. For the people who often manage to achieve this are most often the ones focused on things like their version of aid.

Which often is not aid at all. It is more like something that makes you want to scream. For it always ends up causing more problems than help.

We have this one person at the office who thinks that donuts cure everything. She is a sweet old gal, but just figures sugar improves any problem.

So anytime somebody offers to mention a problem, she is ready to run to a donut shop. She is such a steady customer there she gets a discount for frequent purchases.

The big problem is that all that sugar makes people hyper. Which doesn't not solve their problems.

It does make them act weird. And for a while they do manage to you know buzz around the office and go extra work.

Then comes afterwards. That is when they go on this downer. Become totally sluggish and ready to take a nap.

Brother is that a headache. Man you can forget having them get any work done at that point. They will be lucky if they can function at all.

That does not make life easier at work. Which never inspires my gratitude. And the person who passes out the donuts is not incline to appreciate such efforts.

My only option is to stuff myself full of donuts too. Doesn't solve any problems, but does make me feel better. For a while at least, until the sugar wears off and then I really feel depressed.


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