Saturday, December 08, 2007


Now this is really a wish more than a reality. People experiencing luck aren't likely to want to share.

Would be nice if that was the case, but isn't. Perhaps if luck wasn't so rare it might be different.

But we all know it doesn't happen when we want. Hopefully when we need it though. Now that would truly be a blessing.

Only it never seems too work out quite as we desire unless a miracle happens. And those don't exactly take place every day. Well that is providing you are not someone like the Reverend Analbe.

He insists he talks to God personally, so naturally he sort of figures he is entitled to them kind of like an employment perk. Not quite the kind the rest of us get, but there are one's he seems to enjoy.

Of course in his case it does seem to relate a lot to the issue of food. I'm personally convinced we all would look upon that as the best form of miracle, but it works for him.

I guess as long as it makes him happy then that is a good thing. Personally I suppose considering how much joy he gets out of good then I can't blame him.

And I imagine there is something to be said for such views. At least I know he enjoys something.

I have to admit that there are times I would have reason to wonder in his case. Seeing how he is always alluding to how so many are face with eternal damnation.

I wonder if any donut shop owners would be included on his list? Not sure I want to ask, I would rather not know.

In any event I am grateful that my frame of reference rises slightly above that level of thinking. I want the good stuff.

Yeah, I mean the kind of luck that makes you smile in a great way. Like when you see somebody have a complete disaster and know isn't going to happen to you.

That is a luck that makes me have a reason to celebrate. Essentially we are talking the type of luck where it is the absence of bad luck.

You see it happen to somebody else and have a reason to feel great. Oh you might not see this a perfection, but it does give you cause to feel blessed.

Hey, whatever works and with this I think luck is a many splendor choice of definition.


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