Sunday, December 09, 2007


Oh yeah this was so cool. A time and way to make sure you get can get a chance to use somebody else's buck for your purposes.

It really is such a great option when you have the chance to spend somebody else's funds and not have to squander your own. That truly is wonderful as an option.

If only we could control when that happens. Ah, now that would be heaven. Only like to many times in life we don't always get this chance when we want it.

Now the best time for this to take place is when somebody is totally of the mindset that they can do no wrong. Sort of like pride comes before a fall deal.

All you have to do is just wait. And then give them some option where you can lure them into thinking they are getting a good deal.

Only it really sucks. If you work it right they never realize until it is too late that they blew it.

By then the good news is that you have their wallet and they end up getting the shaft in more ways than one. Which is the best part of this whole program

There is just something so mystical with this process. A jerk gets taken down a notch and in the process also ends up paying for the thing.

Who could ask for more than that? Not me. Well, okay I could ask for more. The more being that not only do they pay for the whole thing, but end up with you being able to capitalize on the misery by taking their other goods too.

This is the part that I savor. It is that little extra icing on this deception cake that I savor so much. A wonderful dessert.

Too bad I can't get it as a snack more often. The problem is that there are some real honest people out there who are also modest.

I can't believe it at times, but it is true. They do exists. Glad that I don't have to deal with it any longer, but they are there.

In any case there are more than enough folks prone to larceny that I don't fret the times when I get stuck dealing with some honest people. Sort of inhibits my creativity though.

However life goes on. And I love to graze among the true sheep who keep me so happy since they beg to be fleeced.

And the nice thing is that they end up with handing you the sheers to cut their wool then pay for you time to cut it. Now that is heaven.


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