Saturday, December 15, 2007


There was a saying once made famous by Dr. Martin Luther King, "I have a dream." And he gave a wonderful speech about his dream.

But while it is a great phrase and a great speech, for the rest of us dreams might be something we don't have a chance to see come true. Or they are so perverted that we actually don't want to talk about them anyway.

As for actually having them come true, now that is really tough at times. Depending on the dream naturally.

They can be so terrific if there is a chance the person will actually see the dream come true. Which is the big problem in most cases.

Still, they are fun to imagine. Maybe not as much fun as if they really took place, but we can always hope.

In the meantime I do feel it is also a great occasion when we stop dreaming. I know that might sound odd, but the big problem I have observed is too much dreaming.

That is when people become so consumed with dreaming that they stop living. Which is really annoying if they get stuck in fantasy and never spend time in reality.

Which often works in my favor though. For the more the people spend time in that realm, the less they are likely to need to worry about things like facts.

And when you have them able to ignore facts you can really make stride with lies. They don't ask important questions and you can concentrate on making crap up.

As politicians that is very much of a good thing. Now the hard part is to be sure you keep people between complete despair and utter fantasy.

Basically you know in a land of wasteland hope where you don't have any real life. So you don't look towards tomorrow as a blessing.

Then people broken down by such situations are really pliable. They will listen to almost anything.

And that is best place for me to have them exists. They can be counted upon to have given up on their dreams.

So they will listen to other dreams instead of the truth. Just works so well and I love it. I can peddle my own demented layers of lies and be happy for doing so.

You just can't buy that kind of abuse of the spirit any other way. That makes for such a blessing in my book.


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