Saturday, May 31, 2008


Ah, well what is better than to you know have the time when things have a certain rhyme quality. Sort of link together in a way that give life almost a lyrical quality.

Well it does sound good. And even better when it happens. Which is not that often compared to what one would prefer.

But that is okay if somehow in the midst of it all one has the capacity to have it make some kind of sense. Just for a while.

Yep, that really does matter. We can take the insanity for a while, but it is a whole different aspect when it is constant.

So my way to deal with the whole thing it to figure the best means to give everything some worthwhile aspect. You know so we will feel better about it.

Very nice when this happens. I feel so accomplished when it occurs. Course since this is not all the time that does cause certain problems.

We do like when things go well. Gives us such a great feeling. Like the world is perfect and worthwhile.

However, if it gets bent a little, well then we have a problem. Oh yeah, that is not a good alternative.

Only problem is that does come up way too often. And let me tell you the best part to this is not letting it drive me nuts.

I mean is there any reason we would not want this to be our option? Come on be honest here.

Don't you think that silly and insane have a certain place in life? I do. And I have definitely made it part of my agenda.

Which is made easier by the number of times this seems to work. All the result of having so many crazies working for me.

Now I didn't say they viewed themselves in such a manner. Now quite how they perceive themselves.

Oh yeah, they will regard themselves as normal. And that makes it all the more lacking in rhyme.

Because you can be sure it will not appear sane and in balance or harmony as long as nuts are involved. Which is most of the time.

But that makes it all such a joy in terms of entertainment.

Friday, May 30, 2008


Ah, this is a great concept. It can inspire such noble concepts. But then it can also invite guilt.

And that is not a good thing. Not that I am complaining. For the conscience does serve a purpose.

Maybe not the kind we want at times. But still does serve a purpose. However the one thing I do appreciate that we need to keep clear of this option when possible.

Just so hard to do at times. So you figure ways to accommodate life's little contradictions.

Which are many naturally. Way too many. How one adjusts to the need to whitewash most of life is a matter of definition.

You have to be able to focus. I really do sort of hate to mention that word. It implies some kind of mental exercise.

But when tailored to the issue of greed and lust then it makes more sense. Because those are practical applications.

Well my view you understand. And since it is my blog that is to be expected. All opinions are strictly condoned by management, which is me!

Now how we take care of this in a realistic setting is to offer a dress up service. That way we can take any crap and make it look great.

It is a simple process. Illusion is everything. Just a matter of being able to balance what is real with what we want to be real.

Now some have problem with this concept. They insert the issue of truth. And to be honest truth is not really an applicable aspect.

Oh it is to some. But the truth is most situations is frankly depressing. Because people really don't want to face their problems.

And if one of their problems is being imperfect in a way they think they should be perfect even worse. Only they don't want to hear about that part.

It is far too depressing. Yep, it can really be such a difficult thing to deal with for some. And that is my specialty.

I am able to provide the best type of whitewash paint. They type that not only paints, but covers up the smell.

What can I say, I am there when you want lies that don't stink.

Thursday, May 29, 2008


Oh yes, this is such an uplifting concept. Just a nice way of saying no without saying no. You leave the hope that things ill improve.

But normally I have found not today, means never. The person is just being clever or too scared to admit the truth.

Now in the dating arena, not today means you're dead. It means forget that plan for getting lucky later.

But that also means you save all that money investing in that person. So free meals, no telling them stories, just move on to the next candidate.

Sort of like no sale, then look for a better bargain. Normally with enough effort it can be found.

And the nice thing with booze it is no problem. The more one infests in that option the better the odds.

It is just a matter of the right strategy. Yep that really makes a difference. And then with the right effort the comments change.

Sometimes not today becomes let me think about it. Or then moves to, what does the room look like?

The key is getting past the Not part. After that is really more a matter of timing. And the number of lies you end up having to tell.

Course they are not so bad if you end up winning. A nice way of talking about scoring. Home runs are nice to be sure.

Being sent to the dug out without getting a chance at plate really is not fun. That is when something calls off the game.

Of course that often happens because of some meeting. I hate those moments. You get all excited over some chance for playing sports.

Not like I'm into other forms of sports that much, but I do appreciate how it is fun when you go home the next morning feeling like a champ. A winner.

Have to revised it a times. You do have to allow for the problem. Always need those great stories.

The ones you tell in the locker room. Complete fiction, but sound good. Beer makes them work better.

Ah the memories.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008


Now this presumes you felt like crap to start with. Oh yeah that is a cheery thought.
One that truly makes me feel so darn happy.

Well, I know for myself feeling better is preferable to feeling worse. And it is really nice when I can do this without any pain.

That definitely is a plus. Which naturally is very important. Having any kind of pain can be so annoying and well, painful.

But that is okay, I have managed to savor that great joy of imagining the wonderful times when there is no annoyance or aggravation. Those I really cherish.

I don't know there is something to be said about the precious times you can look back and honestly feel things are improving. And to feel you were responsible in some way.

Which might even be better if that actually happen. But too many times I think it is mainly luck.

Oh I wish I could take credit for things improving, but lots of time I can't. That only makes it even more annoying.

But that is part of the joy of making stuff up. You can pretend you never felt bad. And that would for me really be a good deal.

I guess some would consider it not so good. But what can I say? I like the lack of headaches.

That always makes me feel better. Well not really, but as long as I lie about it then it doesn't seem to matter.

Now what I am doing is trying to move on and do what I can without making problems for myself. To do that, I really have the fun of making stuff up.

And naturally another big offset is when I am able to see to it that I feel better while somebody I hate doesn't. That has a certain medicinal benefit.

Now for anyone who thinks this is by chance you know too much of a repeat of other themes, what can I say? I never said it would get better did I?

So that has to be worth something I would imagine. Not sure to who, but I still think it is a good thing.

For now, I am moving on and will keep feeling better. Just a question of who has to not feel better before I do.

Not that I will let that spoil my fun.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008


Aww, this is such a great thing. A problem that was, but is gone. Oh yeah, this I do cherish.

Now what is not so cool is when say you have to deal with something that you really enjoy that goes away. This is not the best part of life.

Well unless you want it to disappear. Then you can pretty much count on it being something you won't wish to have happen.

And that is where one has to be able to savor the joys of adjusting. Or maybe you call it coping.

I think of it as one of those things where you just focus on you know the joy of moving on. Well I call it a joy.

Just not sure how others view it. But I can say that it was not quite what I expected when I was working on the idea of tomorrow.

You know, a cool end to problems. A nice time when things get better. Well it is my hope at least.

Just doesn't always work that way in real life. Would be great if it did, but it doesn't. And that is okay, I don't mind.

Providing there are times when this really is not an option. Not sure it really is much of an option on other occasions, but I keep hoping.

However, the great part is when we focus on the good part. You know when no longer leads to joy.

Just keeping that focused can be difficult. We have to do what we can to try and make it work.

Now sometimes this works and sometimes it doesn't. But I like to play the percentages. Namely that if you keep doing it long enough then it will end up right sooner or later.

However, that doesn't happen when I want it too. So I have to plot to make it real. And that can be such a pain at times.

Which is not quite how I wish to focus my attention. But that is okay because I am able to say that when I have the chance I can simple avoid even thinking about it.

Until the time comes I figure that I will at least take time to focus better on ways to see the no longer that really do work. At least a few of them.
Or I will make them up.

Monday, May 26, 2008


What sweet words these are. The beautiful measure of heaven's precious amusement seconds.

Oh yes, that is something to cherish. When that becomes an option. And there is no reason for it not to be.

Just a matter of working at it. Which really is a great strategy. Providing you take the time to focus on it right.

This comes down to a very simple issue. Making fun a priority. How hard is this to appreciate?

I have no problem with it at all. Just requires the willingness to give more concern to having smiles than frowns.

That might sound too predictable, but it isn't. Nope, not at all. There are just too many who do not view fun in the right frame of reference.

It is basically an issue to me that one simply thinks enjoy life is a bad thing. And who says that is true?

Not me. And not most of the people I know, but it is how some view it. And those are the ones that need help.

I do try you understand. To make the world a more friendly environment. Only problem is this does cost.

I mean is that so bad? I don't think so. We should have the right to charge for entertainment.

I don't think that is unreasonable. Seems like a reasonable request. Of course to do this right I do have a certain overhead to.

Which again would not be necessary if people were more cooperative. But that is hard to get from some folks at times.

That is why I focus on helping the ones that truly can be help. The ones that have party animal in their nature.

There are a few of those out there. Oh yeah they can be found with the right effort. Just maybe not as many as I would like.

But the numbers are encouraging. Yep, we do find this something where we are making progress.
Just can't boast about the numbers to those without a liberal approach to the law.

Sunday, May 25, 2008


Well this being an election year we do appreciate the party being held is about politics. And somebody when it is all over it going to think they have a reason to celebrate.

Whether the public feels that way I guess will depend on how much the bill is when it comes. You can always count on a bill.

Oh I'm all in favor of it you see. As a politician myself I do cherish this aspect. I want my cut of the cake too.

Just so savor when the tax cake gets baked. Yep, it means a lot and you can count on me to do my fair share to add icing to my pocket.

Now of course in my fish pond I never treat it as my fault. No, no, no. That will never do.

I have this image to preserve. Okay not a real one, but I don't tell people that part. I have to concentrate on doing it for the right reasons.

Oh maybe some don't appreciate that fact. People can be so darn picky in that regard, but why mess it success?

Okay some might not call it success. Well in terms of helping the public. But somebody has to cater the banquet.

And they do get paid. True I don't serve the whole meal. Maybe just an appetizer, but it works just the same.

So I need to be compensated along the way. Have a few bucks for the effort. Shoot I might even make the appetizer tasty.

Well I would make it seem so. Isn't that nice? I hope so, mean it to sound like I care, even if I don't.

I do want to have you enjoy yourself. And that is want really counts. We all have a god time.

We can worry about the hangover and other problems later. They can be addressed when we have time.

Maybe while asleep. That does seem to be a good time for most of us. We do work so hard to find our sleeping pills.

Like internet and cable. Just pass the snack of denial. Yum. Hey, tell me it doesn't work that way?

Okay pass the illusion and we can all keep lying.

Saturday, May 24, 2008


Well if you are not on some drug this can be a good thing. Unless it is some ghost you pissed off.

Then it might not work out so hot. For me I don't mind echoes if they come for a good source.

But if they come from a bad source forget it. And that can be a real problem if they are say from some person you once had as a partner who you have tried to forget.

Yep that can be a pain. They keep coming back for more. And always drop some hint that if you don't cooperate they will rat you out.

This is not a good thing unless you by chance have time to say use them up again. Sometimes that happens.

Just not always when we want it too. I tell you that is not the kind of voice from the past that I like.

I mean say to hear from some hot chick who happens to come back into your life and wants to make your dreams come true, great. But if it is some mooch, forget.

After all if you have one of those times when life is say other than perfect. So you took the time to sell your values to use some slime as help.

Then you pay for their services wish them well and hope you can forget them. They were helpful, but that is over.

So now be a nice troll and move on. Find another person to suck dry. There are more than enough to go around.

Yeah, what is the problem with that? It should be a business transaction. A simple case of payment for services rendered.

I don't think that should be hard to understand. But once and a while you get the person who decides he or she want more.

They never can imagine why you don't care. Why you just don't need their blood sucking lives messing with your life.

Course this works best when you can send them in the direction of somebody else. Then they can really have fun.

Just don't let them know you are giving them such a blessings. People can be so difficult about understanding when you pass the buck.
Even more so if it is at their expense.

Friday, May 23, 2008


A title from a very classic and well cherished flick. Course it was not exactly reaching eternity though.

At least not for the actors. None of them earned any immortality for being in the picture, though not sure they were expecting it either.

Not sure if they expected to be either. But might have been a thought for them. In which case they were probably disappointed.

Now who can really talk about from here to eternity without pondering life after death. Personally I think it would be great if we could have a DVD to check out on the subject.

You know a travel guide that shows your options. Is that really too much to ask? Plus it would be nice to make reservations.

Sure would make thing easier. A chance to have the mystery and questions taken out of the situation.

That way you would know when afterlife tour guide to take serious. You know to be able to tell the ones that are nuts from legitimate.

No offense intended here for all the people who think they are experts on things like life after death, but they can be so confusing at times. If only they had some proof.

Like a few photos or some souvenirs. Oh that would sure help a lot. At least to me. But they just want you to take their word for it.

Like that ever works. I mean we don't believe those special time share offers we can actually visit so why believe somebody with no evidence. And all those threats don't help either.

Now if they were to get smart for a change they would tell you about all the advantages. Yeah, now that would be a plus.

But it is more like, believe me or burn forever. This is considered a good sales pitch? We are supposed to warm up to that idea?

And can't they come up with better travel package option than a coffin? You could maybe install a television or something.

Well would help to make this whole deal a little more sane. Then we could all have a chance to get inspired and excited about the choice.

In a way we could all talk about it and pick out our buddies to hang with. Pity we can get them to appreciate that choice. Guess I will let the worry about that part.

Thursday, May 22, 2008


Why is it so hard to make this easy to accomplish? I mean we are talking about pleasure. Is that a difficult concept?

I do think so at times. When you look at how hard people work to try and enjoy life then you do have to wonder.

First of all, fun should not be painful. That clear so far? Yeah if it involves pain then you need to rethink it as fun.

It shouldn't be boring either. Dull doesn't go with fun that well. Don't give me any stuff about how this is a good way to make the full fun.

That very comment doesn't cut it. That is not a way to get this moving off the ground. Nope we need a more practical approach.

So for starters we need to be sure we don't go crazy with fluff. What is fluff? It is the lies one says about entertainment.

Such as hours of fun? According to whom? Not to me. And not according to anyone I know of likes fun that is really fun.

I mean let's be fair here. Can some stupid box full of plastic crap that a kid uses really produce hours of fun?

Well maybe to some degree, but I imagine that is not always true. Nope not the way I look at it.

But then life is a problem in that regard. It is so hard to always keep this stuff straight. Unless you lie a lot.

Which can be sort of important at this point. We need to just keep focused on the issues. And I don't mind.

Only if people will give me some slack on the whole deal of what qualifies as fun. If people would just be willing to take my advice I am confident things would be great.

True we need to relax certain standards. Maybe reducing the legal age for certain things. That way we could train people in life earlier.

And then give a broader definition to what is acceptable behavior. Perhaps a little more liberality in terms of other areas too.

I will gladly volunteer to take over being in charge of entertainment. Yeah that would definitely be a plus.

Well if I can get some attitude adjustments.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008


Now carrying on in my basic theme of fun, I do want to touch base on good entertainment. In a different mode than last time.

To that end I want to broaden the scope of what is pleasure. Don't you get tired of having it define by others?

Which is why I want to create the ultimate theme park. I will call it Limburger Heaven. And in Limburger Heaven I will have a special ride for Rash's private pleasures.

Oh we will have all the usual treats that you would expect from a thrill park. With a few twists.

You know normal laws will be excluded from Limburger Land. And as its Governor I will be happy to pardon any who think they needed it.

Price of bribe will be included in admission. Which will come with a list of pardon sins. Then a lists requiring extra bribes.

Oh this has so many possibilities. Just full of joy and things that will make us so happy. Imagine the ways you can relax.

I'm really excited about this project. Now I will have to start a fun raising program. Perhaps even a bond to two.

Imagine that, a bond for something good for a change. Now that I think has all kinds of possibilities.

Yep, I see this as a great option. Just can't wait to put it into practice. And I'm sure I can run it pass the voters.

What the heck do we need to waste all that money on education for anyway? Heck I've heard that education is the best teacher.

So we will let the little tikes in too. Now that would really bug me if I didn't figure it would add so many smiles.

Hmmm, may have to work on ways to reduce the issue of voting age. Oh yeah a whole lot of happy teenagers would be a good plus at the polls.

By golly this will work. I'm going to push for this as soon as I can. Maybe even around election time.

Yep, the voters visiting Limburger Land would bound to be appreciative. And later we can branch out.

Perhaps a whole group of franchises. It is to sigh.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008


Well we can be sure that this is NOT something to be ignored. It is more like it has a red light and siren and unless you want to look like an idiot don't act like it doesn't matter.

Funny how people can be morons about the obvious. You know sit back and watch a tidal wave coming and wonder if you need an umbrella.

Yeah, I have met more than a few that were that dumb. Pity I guess if you need somebody who is reliable and dependable, but that is the way life is at times.

Now what is worse is the clown who is smart enough to know something is significant, but doesn't mean they have a clue on what it means. So that is absolutely worthless.

Course they won't admit it. Why would they? Such people are devoted morons and they never admit to anything.

And it is made worse when they work for the government. Now that is such a nightmare. Really is such a pain.

In more places than one too. Oh man is this a big headache. That is because you can't get these types to improve.

That makes it really bad. Because we're talking about people who are lifers with the government.

They will be there until they die. And maybe even after that! Yeah, you think I'm making that part up, but I am not.

I know you might find it hard to believe, but some of these people are amazingly gifted at making incompetency an art form. And they are actually proud of it.

So that does not in any way result in hope. Insanity always, but not hope. And who wants to live like that?

Well let me tell you I sure can't. So that is why I do not pretend or ignore the times of significance.

Let some other jerk have fun of getting caught with his pants down. And then suffer the consequences.

I will listen and duck if necessary. Oh I will be happy to send flowers to the funeral. Providing they have a lunch afterwards.

I mean I think that is fair. I can dine while those dead before they died get a taste of the real thing.

Yep, my kind of significant.

Monday, May 19, 2008


This is one of those grab the throat comments. Not to be taken lightly or ignored in any way.

Somebody prepared to say this knows they are holding a pistol with a bullet having your name. And you know the person does plan on squeezing the trigger too.

So best you can do is duck. That's right throw them off so they end up missing. Or give them a better target.

Now that might sound cruel, but heck that is no big deal. I mean people can enjoy being victims.

Well you might have to entice them a little. Make it sound like a good thing. But then it is hard to always be convincing in that regard.

However, with practice and the right application of guilt it can work. Heck with the right practice you can even get them to volunteer too.

There is something very satisfying in that regard. Yep, I will admit that I find it a good and rewarding effort when that happens.

Just come away feeling that special joy from knowing you performed a service to your fellow man. My interpretation naturally.

And the best part is being able to savor when this is properly timed. Oh yes that is the critical element.

You have to approach people who are in the mood. Not at a time when they are stressed out or defensive.

More at times when they are extra greedy. Then they really are more prone to listen to the sound of actually.

If worked correctly it is a wonderful dagger. You stab them right in the middle of their dreams.

Now that is so effective. Providing the really have dreams. And some people do not have the best dreams.

Oh they will imagine crazy stuff, but never realistic things. Now you might think dreams are not real.

But that is the whole point. You should be able to imagine things you could actually accomplish with effort.

And that is the key to this. You got to build up the heart to dream then you can stab it to bleed it dry. A good practice for when you have that special person you hate more than any one else.

Sunday, May 18, 2008


Oh yeah this really makes me day. Dealing with people who can't make up their mind on stuff.

Really is so annoying at times. You think you are dealing with somebody who is dependable and then, wham, they suddenly become like a ghost.

Always hate those options. Really is not a good choice. Not to me. I would prefer to just you know deal with the sane ones.

Only they are rare to be sure. Not where you can find them very often. And in my city even more so.

But I do make allowances and try my best to find them when I can. Just weeding through the nuts and unstable gets tough.

They are do dominate at times. Really is amazing how the weird seem to be everywhere. And that is very time consuming.

I am doing my best to try and focus on not letting them rule. I wish they would invent a pill for such people.

Well I guess there are mellow pills out there. Not sure where find them at times. At least in terms of legally.

But that is okay. I'm prepared to do what is necessary to give this whole deal some balance.

I think that for me translates into stuffing on the unstable people somewhere appropriate. Like say a nut ward.

Okay, I know you can't expect to find that every often. Wishful thinking I guess. But I do like the idea.

And I do my best to come up with good options. It is called sending them off to deal with somebody else.

Nothing makes heaven in my world that not dealing with the red tape demons. I love getting rid of them when I can.

Just doesn't happen quite as often as I like. But the nice thing is that just is not a means to improving the day.

I am hopeful though. I am going to work on this from the point of spiking the water cooler at work.

Well won't admit it though.

Saturday, May 17, 2008



Nothing more annoying than to be short enough to do any job. Boy is that a pain. Always hate when you have that big hope for success and it ends up being foiled by a short pocket book.

Yeah, that bites. You get all set for success and you end up with nothing. I hate that so much.

But it is okay, I have my ways to offsetting such disappointments. And naturally too little really means taking it to a very creative level.

Which naturally translates into something very focused in terms of money. You need to be sure you can eliminate that too little.

However, that is not always easy. Well if you worry about things like the law. If you are just okay with getting it by any means no problem.

I have that option from my view. Just make the effort to be sure the priority is getting the too little fixed.

Well I think it is pretty important. Though some might not. Which is the main issue here, you have to allow for what is important.

That gets all muddle you see when you sit down and take time to actually worry about other issues such as morals. Now I ask you does that really make sense?

All that fuss and mess is sort of pointless if you have to do it for the right reasons in terms of making it sound good to others. Why can't they just lie like everyone else?

Simple enough to me. Just obvious others don't see it that way. And that I why I think I need to be put in charge of this whole deal.

You know have the final say on solutions. I feel it would work better with me in charge. Yeah, everyone would benefit that way.

Oh maybe they might not see it that way at first, but it would work out if they just gave me a try. As in trust me.

I realize some might consider that to be an issue. But I could fix if they gave me a chance to do so.

Just a matter of time and the right opportunity. Well that all comes down to me making the opportunity to end the too little.

I just need to have the right inspiration. Money will do it every time even if you have the nuts who say the rules matter.

Friday, May 16, 2008


Well my interpretation of this is that it is a lot and good. In an uplifting way. Oh I know how very much can be the pits if it involves something such as pain.

But I really think the upside of this term dominates the interpretation. For me it is what I prefer.

I mean I would rather have something to look forward too than something to hate. Call it silly, but I like smiles.

Oh yeah that is a good thing from my view. Mainly because like is depressing enough by itself.

I don't need to help it. And I sure don't wish to make it a habit of looking or the very much that causes head aches.

One can easily avoid this option in my opinion. Just take the right effort. And you can truly achieve it with effort.

And why shouldn't we be able to focus on the good side? What is wrong with that? Nothing to me.

But with some people you could forget the word happy. They couldn't find very much with a map and compass.

You could even drive them to the spot and have signs posted saying this is it and they would go huh? Pathetic, simply pathetic!

However, I chose to reflect on only those with help. They are the ones who are redeemable.

Oh yeah those are the ones I live for. To mold and shape into something of promise. A gem to sparkle in the sun.

But then I do that for a simple reason. It helps me find those who I can later fleece after I have fattened them up.

Yeah, would you expect other from me? I mean really would that be realistic. And I thank you very much for the thoughtfulness.

Now if you wish to have the right kind of very much, I will be hosting seminars later. Just bring your checkbook.

I'm sure you will be very blessed from my lecture. Well maybe the booze I put in the punch too.
But got to have the very much in some way.

Thursday, May 15, 2008


We pass through the door to our future in different ways. It takes time and effort to move ahead.

And some times we aren't always able to progress the way we want. But then we have to find a special key.

That comes from luck's locksmith. Well unless you can find the choice in opens that will open the door.

Oh yeah a skeleton key is always a good thing. You just have to know where to find them.

I keep a very special list of such places I can get such keys. Oh yeah they are everywhere.

And to find them is not that hard. Mainly you have to talk the right kind of option. We are talking bribes naturally.

Oh that can be so hard to fine for some people. Which I will naturally be glad to make available for the right price.

So a bribe to me to get a list of alternate bribes. Isn't that wonderful? Now I imagine there are plenty of those who would not accept such options.

Which is fine I guess. They are entitled to their view. Go ahead and be stubborn, I don't mind.

For the sane then I will provide a nice catalogue if you wish. I will be happy to include the right prices.

Well that is my goal you understand. To be sure to provide a good service for the right fee.

And make sure everyone who is ready will get a shot at any door they wish. Now isn't that a good thing?

See I bet you are thinking yes. And I can imagine that will be no problem for some. If you say yes, then cool.

Just feel they are the ones that will benefit from this posting. I figure it is best to know you market with sales.

And I have even more joy in that regard. A chance to share the wealth. We my version o it.

Which is always from another person.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008



Love dealing with desperate people. They are so, well desperate. And this really is such a plus when you are trying to victimize suckers.

Okay that sounds terrible, but it isn't. Not really. I know some would say it is, but it really isn't.

Mainly because I feel I am performing a service. What kind of service you might ask and my answer is education.

Now what could be more noble and thoughtful than that? Nothing I can think of. At least at this moment.

But unfortunately it can be challenging to always help desperate people out in such situations. Now I realize some might not think this is helping.

But I do. People are basically in desperate situations prone to expect the worse. And when the imagination kicks in they really go overboard.

Oh this leads to things like excessive worrying, anxiety attacks and all other kinds of problems. None which improve life.

So my approach is to make it easier on them by letting them experience some disaster. Then they can enjoy seeing what trouble is like and relax a little.

Nor more worry since the worse did happen. Then they can know it really isn't as bad as they feared.

This inspires confidence. And durability as well as stamina. Which I think is a good thing.

Not sure everyone share my view on that. I know so many who might regard it as other than a joy.

But you can't always expect gratitude from such folks. Still they do benefit. And that ought to be worth something.

In any case I will do my best to keep on smiling and doling out the joy. Yep, such a valuable service to my fellow man.

Well it goes in my book as such. Maybe not to everyone else, but for me it works that way.

Still I will cherish those times of being a common sense mentor. Just does me so proud. And I will keep being that way regardless.

Until they tell me it won't work any longer. But I won't admit to it anyway.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008


The people who talk about this always seem to not apply the idea to themselves. It is more a theory best used on others.

Well at least that seems to be the case. Based on so many I have dealt with. So of one of those cases of do as I say, not as I do situations.

Anyone ever buy that one? I know I never did and still don't.. In a way it does sound good. An attempt to give advice.

Which never works out since the person seeing you tell them to say no when they have said yes just doesn't cut it. But it happens all the time just the same.

Now as a politician this is almost a law. A standard of behavior that is rather hard to avoid.

Not that too many of us try. We have too much fun making it seem like we are being noble, which we are not.

Only it would never work that way in other situations. Just has a special quality for the old political game.

At least as a Mayor it is how I view it. Not that all people regard it that way. Some will just get upset.

Meanwhile I stand at the threshold of change and ponder the ramifications of our political system. Hmm, sounds pretty good.

I will have to remember that for down the road. I'm sure it will fit into a speech somewhere.

Oh yeah, speeches are the best form of therapy that never works, which one can imagine. I love that option.

Hard to get people excited about it at times. They expect a little action to go with the words.

The sillies. Oh yeah that is really such a joy. Having to make up crap so you don't have to deal with it.

And then making it seem sincere. Talk about such fun. I sure don't enjoy those moments.
But then I'm sure I will get over it.

At least with another lie to make it all better. Nothing finer than a nice lie for a liner. Yup, that works so good.

Well on paper at least.

Monday, May 12, 2008


One thing I appreciate is how this never means okay. People say it, but never truly feel that way.

And if you take it for face value that is fine. Only problem is that you often never get them to confess the truth.

It is like they are afraid you will get upset if they say they are pissed off. Yep, that is normally what happens.

Oh they will sort of drop a few hints about being lies than thrilled in life. But not enough to truly let it become a confession.

So you have to dance around the truth. And that can be a very boring waltz. I just wish at times they would get on with it and explode.

Might be nice for a chance. Well providing they don't do it at me. That is not cool. And I really am not thrilled by that option.

Fortunately, this detour seldom comes my way. It generally lingers out there as a possibility, but doesn't end up being a problem.

I am grateful for the times I can just ignore a grumpy person who says everything is okay. No word means no response required.

And that is where I leave it unless they finally decide to spill their guts. Which I definitely never encourage.

In any case, I mosey along, content in my bliss and ignorance. Really is such a special time of peace.

And the trick is to try and gauge when they might be inclined to cross over. Meaning when they elect to try and up the stakes and make it known.

That is the kind of knowledge I can live without. I really will not volunteer to ask either, which is the most important part.

So instead I play the fake and shake method. Fake them out with some lie and then shake the candy of some other ear who will listen.

That is the best part. Making sure they never get that chance to bore. Hate to you know to get all disturbed about this.

Just not my idea of a good time. And after all life sucks enough so we need as many of those as we can have.
Just finding them can be a chore when so many are complaining.

Sunday, May 11, 2008


Now this is an important concept. Being able to identify the places were you can push people off to their doom.

Not in a physical sense you understand. Nope, that is too gruesome. I'm speaking more of the type of cliffs that bring disasters.

The kinds of disasters that leave a person totally brushed and handicapped in terms of hope, but not in any other way. No visible scars being the key.

Now that is achieved by making sure the person is only gets able to function, but no longer has any dreams. This can be tricky.

You have to work it in a such a way the person starts out with some expectations. You know that tomorrow will be better.

If you work it right then you can actually spend the time being able to get them to commit a few bucks to the whole illusion. To go into debt to try and image some dream will come true.

Only it never does. Because the whole thing is based on a lie. Only they don't find that part out until it is too late.

That is the fun part. I really do enjoy seeing that happen. You know that is when it really stings.

Nothing leaves its mark like debt. All those months and years of having the pocket book smacked makes a great cliff for them to fall off of.

And I cherish when I see them take a second or third job in order to pay for falling. That makes it even more special.

Something to be said for that kind of joy. A chance to truly find pleasure from the little things in life.

Now true it is at somebody else's expense, but then you know that you get to savor this cliff diving for a long time.

So of like a Broadway play that continues running for a very long time. Yeah, and the actors don't even get paid.

Yep, I really like when I can have a few refreshments and just enjoy the show. Watching another's misery is so stimulating to the appetite.

And that is really such a great time to savor the meal of victory when it comes with the price of somebody's grief. Even pass them a weeping towel.

Saturday, May 10, 2008


Well let me tell this is not a good option. I think it is the type of fire that really doesn't appeal at all.

It is to be downright pissed off. Yep, when somebody toasts your mood in a way that really gets you so upset.

Unless you did this on purpose to someone it probably won't make anyone happy. And it isn't intended as such.

But then I don't know quite if this is a good deal for everyone. A way to celebrate the joy of being upset.

Well it will be a joy in my book. If you do this to another on purpose and that is something that really gives you joy.

However, if it happens to you and you didn't want it then forget it. That only leads to grief.

At least from my view. I've been working on ways to make it happen to. You know to organize it.

I think with the right approach this could be monitored and legislated. We could even tax for it and issue licenses.

I can see it now, a stress tax and rules about when you are allowed to actually be a pain in the butt. Why, we could even make people go to school for it.

Yeah, that would be even better. Just an opportunity for us to treat this will some degree of realism.

Wouldn't that be best of all concerned? Just a chance to approach this in a way that gives everyone some simple solutions.

It is all any of us need. Okay if we are going to you know make life miserable for the world then let's make it profitable.

Fair enough? I think so. But then not everyone is quite open to the joy of trying different things.

That can be such a sad aspect. We need to help them become enlighten. Yes, I think it would help.

Who knows that might even become the beginning of a great blessing. Yeah, something we could all take pride in knowing.

Well sounds good at least.

Friday, May 09, 2008


Well this is not going to be about the usual things you would associate with a cathedral. However interesting that might seem to some, that is not my focus.

I want to talk about something else. Essentially the edifices that are erected to inspire a different kind of worshipping.

Speaking of things such as banks. Yes, I said banks. Maybe you might not think of them in that terms, but I do.

Now tell me that none of you ever see money as something deserving of being treated as a form of deliverance. Bet you thought I was going to say god huh?

Well I wasn't. I didn't need to. Enough people think that way already. They just don't bother to admit it.

Which is the reason I mention it. I think we would benefit from more honesty on this subject.

What we need to do is get them motivated to see money as a religion. Let's make bankers into priests.

Then banks could be churches. Which to me would make things so much easier. I really like the appeal of drive through worship services.

Then you could have ATM's serve as confessional. You know speak into the hidden microphone and then for a small transaction fee you are forgiven for any sins.

Plus if that isn't work for you. Then you could handle the whole thing on the internet. You got to admit that would be a plus.

I do think we need to have a little more balance on this. And one could even offer the option of paradise.

Okay, true this would come in form of tickets to an amusement park. Honestly, that is the part which I think would truly appeal.

Yeah, you get forgiven for you sins and also a chance to ride the rollercoaster as a bonus. Now wouldn't that be cool?

Well, I can appreciate how some might not agree to see it in such away. Alas that is a problem.

Still I think it has merit. And that is part I would think really be a plus for so many. Just a question of how much fun we want to have.

And that I imagine would work for a lot if we are willing to give it a shot. But can't say if that will work till we put a few pews in a bank.

Thursday, May 08, 2008


Take a plunge and prepare to drown. Oh do I paint a wonderful feeling or what? My point being swimming is only good if you know where the sharks are located.

Now it is okay by me if people decide to go swimming in shark infested waters and not pay attention to the warnings. Just don't complain later.

Yeah, enjoy yourself if you can, but please don't bore me with your making a big deal when you get your butt bit off. That simple enough?

Should be, but never is. Some strange need people have to want to risk and then complain when it doesn't work out.

Swimming in this case being an image for risk in my book. Which again be sure you know what up front you are facing as dangers.

If you aren't prepared then rent a video of Jaws and stay home and don't worry about it. Leave the swimming to others.

That is all I ask. I don't want to know about it, I don't want to hear about it, just either swim and enjoy or keep quiet about it.

Well I know that won't happen. People are not cool enough to act that way. Nope won't work.

Oh I have to admit that I would be happy to buy the person a ticket on a cruise ship if they just kept their complaints to themselves. Well it might be to the Titanic, but no big deal right?

However, I know how this will end up. A bunch of people will find themselves shopping for a surfboard. And some fins.

Maybe even some scuba gear. Perhaps take time to even you know take some swimming lessons.

Then study up on life preservers and just in general become an expert on swimming. But not in a way that will get them any smarter on sharks.

Yeah it happens. Oh my that is such a fun time. And that will only get worse with time. But it isn't going to change.

Except for me. Yep, I'm selling tickets to the swimming pool. Mainly during times when the sharks are in season.

In risk that is everyday! Enough said? Hope so. Okay no get your rubber ducky and head for the tub then.

Wednesday, May 07, 2008


Oh yes the little aftermath times when you are other than impressed. And they seem to come so often in life.

Not by choice or reservation that is for sure. I wouldn't vote for them. But then I don't get a choice.

What I do get is a chance to smile and say it doesn't matter. Nope I won't let the jerks give me grief.

That really is so important. And you can tell that this is not always view as important to others.

Alas so much for the fun of remembering. Just have to visit those places at times to know why not go back.

Yep, I really do cherish such options. A chance to just reflect on when somebody decides to be uncooperative.

Now I do have to preface such situations as being ones where they were cooperative before. Yep that really does matter.

I suppose if they never were helpful it would be different. But you come away thinking this time will be different.

Only naturally they manage to surprise you in a way that leaves you going huh? And that always is other than joy.

Well the best way to avoid this risk is to be sure you take time to stomp on everyone enough times. Yeah, crippled people are less of a problem.

Well depending on if you are actually taking time to you know improve and be sure the possible rebels are all shot. Does make it s simple.

If for some reason you try to complicate it you will end up blowing it. So don't dwell on things, just make sure you are ready to pounce.

Because it will always be the joker who you think is a sheep that will turn out to be a lion at some point. And who needs that?

Still I guess there is fun in it all. Something to smile about if you can find a means to avoid getting shot or stabbed.

Which sort of helps to get through the day. Does for me that is for sure. Only as long as you keep the nuts out of the equation.

Which is the fun part of pretending it all doesn't matter even if it does.

Tuesday, May 06, 2008


Anybody want to say this sounds like a good thing? Well it can be at times. Which I'm sure you might say, no way!

However if you are famous for something crappy, doing something to tarnish a bad image is a good thing. My slant you understand.

See that is part of what I try to do. Give people appreciation that what you fear and hate may not be all that bad.

And believe me that sure is important in life. We all need hope. And even if it is just a myth we need it.

I try to share a glimpse into that hope with my ideas. Always trying to find those little moments when the world doesn't suck.

And what better what to do that than stick some other clown with the tab? I think that is always a good option.

Which I truly enjoy. Just that joy of making some other dude pick up the pieces of life so he has to bend over in the process.

Then naturally that brings the wonderful occasion of people having to wonder what happen when they get caught doing something shocking. Which happens a lot.

That is the fun part. See I really don't have to work at revenge very much. So many just manage to screw up regardless.

And I just savor the way they succeed in doing it without help. Now that is the real joy in life.

Some might call it being selfish, but I don't. I just figure it is a matter of good math. The simple art of calculation.

One little plus sign in terms of screw ups can last for ages. And who is going to complain about that?

No one that is truly human. We just truly love the idea of seeing an idiot pay for his stupidity.

Well enough of that joy. I think this is just a matter of the right kinds of smiles. They are easy to come by.

Just a matter of watching and waiting till the morons bloom in their pure stupidity. It can be such a pleasure.

Yep, all the joy.

Monday, May 05, 2008


Now this is not the times I really list under great or good. They are the ones that leave you scratching your head.

Like what the heck happen. Oh yeah, you got to seriously wonder about the merits of such times.

But they still happen. The occasions when life sort of goes on vacation and insanity took its place.

Gets really absurd when this happens. And you can't control it or stop it. That is the part, which really drives one crazy.

I wish I could say this was fun. I wish I could say I have a party to celebrate such events. But I don't.

Oh I might tank down plenty of booze to try and forget, but never would really help me forget. Just wouldn't care that much.

I guess the most aggravating place of this is with people. You think they are sane and capable of acting normal, but then they surprise you.

Like the dude who is ordinary. He's a devout dullard. Never had a single creative thought in his life.

So you figure that there is no way this clown will ever do a smart thing in his life. You just toss him in a boring box and wait for the burial.

And then one day, the man totally goes insane. He does something smart and different. And it works too.

Now that is the scary part. It is like he was faking being boring. And that really pisses me off.

I ask you is that fair? I work hard to find the party animals in my town. With most being about as exciting as a root canal I need all of them I can find.

But these darn closet clowns don't play fair. They are so sneaky and that definitely gripes me.

What is worse is when somebody you know fake being a fake. That really is even worse and makes me even madder.

That is when you get some jerk who says he has some cool idea for a party or whatever. You get all excited and thin fun is coming.

Then he ends up showing off his vacation slides from visiting some museum. Oh yeah they will get you every time with that ploy.

Sunday, May 04, 2008


The wonderful moments when the world sucks. And that never really gives us much occasion to smile.

The not likely times of life are when you want sometime, really need it in some cases, but it ain't happening. And won't happen.

Now that is the really pain the butt. Because you dream about it, expect it to happen and nothing takes place.

But you really do keep on trying. Which is sort of the good aspect. Providing you keep it focused.

See the problem isn't with the possibilities. It is when you aren't realistic. Then you have a problem.

Now I have solutions of my own idea. I look at it and say, I'll give it a shot. Yeah, that is what makes the difference.

To keep trying even if it doesn't seem to work for others. Then you can smile and be happy.

Well you at least lie about it. And that is what matters most. At least to me. But we all need these times.

At least if we are to try and make it all seem realistic. And that will make it all have the difference.

In any case this is the part that I have focused on. Trying to be sure the not likely moments don't ruin my day.

I do this in part by trying to toss out the problems for others to get stuck with. The more not likely that I can pass on somebody else the better.

I do admit that is my main strategy at times. But what the heck, why shouldn't it be? I have a right to live too?

Just hard to get everyone to agree on that part. For others seem to think that they should be able to get rid of their not likely toos.

Well that is all fun. Only not the way it works. My best approach is to take the broken crude and dump it on others.

Oh yeah, that makes my day. And you can be sure the countless not likelys that I leave for somebody else makes me happy.
Always worth the smile.

Saturday, May 03, 2008


Ah, the ultimate dodge. The perfect hideaway from the truth. A place to go where nobody can bust you.

Well that is my interpretation. Which is because it works for me best to face it life this way.

I just love the artful dodge. The chance to point the finger at somebody else. It is a real joy.

And you never know when this will be such a blessing. I know I savor it for all those qualities.

This is one of the basics of survival for me. An elemental aspect to getting through any crisis without getting a knife in the back.

But then you know this is one of those parts of being a person that some don't want to accept. And that is a shame.

As for me, well I do manage to focus on the important parts. I mean you can spend your life imagining that it is all worth it.

By that I mean truth. A lot of people see that as essential. However, it falls short of actually being realistic.

You can speak all day about values and morals. They are noble ideals, but they won't pay the bills.

And it doesn't matter at times when you have values if you are broke. That really is not a good feeling.

So I prefer to take time to assess what will help my bank book survive. And nothing does that very well except bucks.

And if that means you have to sacrifice a few lies and values to get ahead then no big deal. Just be happy you can do it.

Well it sure does make things simple. Yep, a little math of self will do it every time. Add it up right and then you can smile.

Make a mistake and you're in big trouble. Because your bank will be overdrawn and all your values won't help.

Alas this is the truth we must accept. That money is not everything, but neither is being broke.

Case closed in my book, which is in the black!

Friday, May 02, 2008


Always a joy when you know somebody else blew it. Oh yeah this is the fun of life, a time of pure dreams.

You just can't put a price tag on these gifts. Nope, it is not a thing you can look at and really feel bad about.

Now the only problem is not being able to find the right occasions when this happens. It just doesn't come up enough.

The problem can truly be challenging. You just have to work very hard to be sure you can locate these gems of guilt.

That really is the key element. Just being able to identify all the best candidate for being prime form of screw ups.

And trust me they are out there. A lot of them. Pity they don't function with signs. Now that would really help.

It would also be nice if they were listed with some kind of government agency. I mean that would really make it so much easier.

Then you could just go on the net and look at the listing a pick an appropriate person for your needs. Maybe they could even give a rental rate.

Oh heck let's even go farther and say that with the right effort perhaps we could refine the whole process. Yeah make it official.

Have it printed up and available to sell to others. Then could order a copy as needed and if possible get the person's name and address.

I really think this would truly make life so much simpler and fun. And for the people who are so good at screwing to get a chance at fame.

Now I would really love that. I mean there are just so many times in life with you need a scapegoat

It is just hard to you know always have to deal with lying or framing somebody. So much nicer when they are guilty.

Now that is the part that makes it all so much more worthwhile. I really do savor that kind of joy.

Just hard at times to honestly find those moments without a lot of work. And you know I will find them when I have time.
If not I fake it and find some clown to blame.

Thursday, May 01, 2008


Well if more than tomorrow is a good thing, less than tomorrow sucks. Unless you are talking about it for somebody else.

Then no problem. I mean I sure if this means less for me, well then I will not be happy. But then you know I don't always get a choice in that part.

However, if I do have to choose and it means more for me while less for others tomorrow, I will normally vote for it. There are so few things I vote for without need of a bribe.

But for this kind of choice, no problem. I can deal with it. Just if I can give me a choice, you know so I can do what I can to like be sure nobody else gets their choice too.

Yeah, I know sounds crappy, but excuse me for deciding my butt is more important than the next persons. You expect me to ignore that fact?

I'm sorry for being the type of person who thinks I deserve my own slice of heaven. So that is part of how I treat it.

And that means if I need to do some creative math to make sure it comes out by my calculation good. I like that kind of math.

I even have a special computer program just for doing the math. It has all pluses for me and none for the other person.

Oh I keep this all very statistical. I even use an adding machine tape to make it look more official.

Hey, it works for me. And if I am in a generous mood then I will add a few notes on the tape about how the person has certain values.

Then you know I add in the minuses or should say deduct them. It is all very scientific. Er in a sort of con job way.

I mean that just sounds so much better than to call it a take away process. Might be the same, but when I add a happy face it is so cool.

In any case it does make me happy. I get to plan for my future and take away whatever little gems are necessary to see if it will make my day better.

Oh it always does you understand. They sure have so many fun ways to let me make it become magic with my program.

Pity that it all doesn't quite work the way I wish at times. I mean you know I do have to fudge a little a times to make it seem a good thing. But as long as the math adds up who cares?