Wednesday, May 28, 2008


Now this presumes you felt like crap to start with. Oh yeah that is a cheery thought.
One that truly makes me feel so darn happy.

Well, I know for myself feeling better is preferable to feeling worse. And it is really nice when I can do this without any pain.

That definitely is a plus. Which naturally is very important. Having any kind of pain can be so annoying and well, painful.

But that is okay, I have managed to savor that great joy of imagining the wonderful times when there is no annoyance or aggravation. Those I really cherish.

I don't know there is something to be said about the precious times you can look back and honestly feel things are improving. And to feel you were responsible in some way.

Which might even be better if that actually happen. But too many times I think it is mainly luck.

Oh I wish I could take credit for things improving, but lots of time I can't. That only makes it even more annoying.

But that is part of the joy of making stuff up. You can pretend you never felt bad. And that would for me really be a good deal.

I guess some would consider it not so good. But what can I say? I like the lack of headaches.

That always makes me feel better. Well not really, but as long as I lie about it then it doesn't seem to matter.

Now what I am doing is trying to move on and do what I can without making problems for myself. To do that, I really have the fun of making stuff up.

And naturally another big offset is when I am able to see to it that I feel better while somebody I hate doesn't. That has a certain medicinal benefit.

Now for anyone who thinks this is by chance you know too much of a repeat of other themes, what can I say? I never said it would get better did I?

So that has to be worth something I would imagine. Not sure to who, but I still think it is a good thing.

For now, I am moving on and will keep feeling better. Just a question of who has to not feel better before I do.

Not that I will let that spoil my fun.


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