Tuesday, May 20, 2008


Well we can be sure that this is NOT something to be ignored. It is more like it has a red light and siren and unless you want to look like an idiot don't act like it doesn't matter.

Funny how people can be morons about the obvious. You know sit back and watch a tidal wave coming and wonder if you need an umbrella.

Yeah, I have met more than a few that were that dumb. Pity I guess if you need somebody who is reliable and dependable, but that is the way life is at times.

Now what is worse is the clown who is smart enough to know something is significant, but doesn't mean they have a clue on what it means. So that is absolutely worthless.

Course they won't admit it. Why would they? Such people are devoted morons and they never admit to anything.

And it is made worse when they work for the government. Now that is such a nightmare. Really is such a pain.

In more places than one too. Oh man is this a big headache. That is because you can't get these types to improve.

That makes it really bad. Because we're talking about people who are lifers with the government.

They will be there until they die. And maybe even after that! Yeah, you think I'm making that part up, but I am not.

I know you might find it hard to believe, but some of these people are amazingly gifted at making incompetency an art form. And they are actually proud of it.

So that does not in any way result in hope. Insanity always, but not hope. And who wants to live like that?

Well let me tell you I sure can't. So that is why I do not pretend or ignore the times of significance.

Let some other jerk have fun of getting caught with his pants down. And then suffer the consequences.

I will listen and duck if necessary. Oh I will be happy to send flowers to the funeral. Providing they have a lunch afterwards.

I mean I think that is fair. I can dine while those dead before they died get a taste of the real thing.

Yep, my kind of significant.


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