Monday, May 26, 2008


What sweet words these are. The beautiful measure of heaven's precious amusement seconds.

Oh yes, that is something to cherish. When that becomes an option. And there is no reason for it not to be.

Just a matter of working at it. Which really is a great strategy. Providing you take the time to focus on it right.

This comes down to a very simple issue. Making fun a priority. How hard is this to appreciate?

I have no problem with it at all. Just requires the willingness to give more concern to having smiles than frowns.

That might sound too predictable, but it isn't. Nope, not at all. There are just too many who do not view fun in the right frame of reference.

It is basically an issue to me that one simply thinks enjoy life is a bad thing. And who says that is true?

Not me. And not most of the people I know, but it is how some view it. And those are the ones that need help.

I do try you understand. To make the world a more friendly environment. Only problem is this does cost.

I mean is that so bad? I don't think so. We should have the right to charge for entertainment.

I don't think that is unreasonable. Seems like a reasonable request. Of course to do this right I do have a certain overhead to.

Which again would not be necessary if people were more cooperative. But that is hard to get from some folks at times.

That is why I focus on helping the ones that truly can be help. The ones that have party animal in their nature.

There are a few of those out there. Oh yeah they can be found with the right effort. Just maybe not as many as I would like.

But the numbers are encouraging. Yep, we do find this something where we are making progress.
Just can't boast about the numbers to those without a liberal approach to the law.


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