Thursday, May 22, 2008


Why is it so hard to make this easy to accomplish? I mean we are talking about pleasure. Is that a difficult concept?

I do think so at times. When you look at how hard people work to try and enjoy life then you do have to wonder.

First of all, fun should not be painful. That clear so far? Yeah if it involves pain then you need to rethink it as fun.

It shouldn't be boring either. Dull doesn't go with fun that well. Don't give me any stuff about how this is a good way to make the full fun.

That very comment doesn't cut it. That is not a way to get this moving off the ground. Nope we need a more practical approach.

So for starters we need to be sure we don't go crazy with fluff. What is fluff? It is the lies one says about entertainment.

Such as hours of fun? According to whom? Not to me. And not according to anyone I know of likes fun that is really fun.

I mean let's be fair here. Can some stupid box full of plastic crap that a kid uses really produce hours of fun?

Well maybe to some degree, but I imagine that is not always true. Nope not the way I look at it.

But then life is a problem in that regard. It is so hard to always keep this stuff straight. Unless you lie a lot.

Which can be sort of important at this point. We need to just keep focused on the issues. And I don't mind.

Only if people will give me some slack on the whole deal of what qualifies as fun. If people would just be willing to take my advice I am confident things would be great.

True we need to relax certain standards. Maybe reducing the legal age for certain things. That way we could train people in life earlier.

And then give a broader definition to what is acceptable behavior. Perhaps a little more liberality in terms of other areas too.

I will gladly volunteer to take over being in charge of entertainment. Yeah that would definitely be a plus.

Well if I can get some attitude adjustments.


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