Thursday, May 15, 2008


We pass through the door to our future in different ways. It takes time and effort to move ahead.

And some times we aren't always able to progress the way we want. But then we have to find a special key.

That comes from luck's locksmith. Well unless you can find the choice in opens that will open the door.

Oh yeah a skeleton key is always a good thing. You just have to know where to find them.

I keep a very special list of such places I can get such keys. Oh yeah they are everywhere.

And to find them is not that hard. Mainly you have to talk the right kind of option. We are talking bribes naturally.

Oh that can be so hard to fine for some people. Which I will naturally be glad to make available for the right price.

So a bribe to me to get a list of alternate bribes. Isn't that wonderful? Now I imagine there are plenty of those who would not accept such options.

Which is fine I guess. They are entitled to their view. Go ahead and be stubborn, I don't mind.

For the sane then I will provide a nice catalogue if you wish. I will be happy to include the right prices.

Well that is my goal you understand. To be sure to provide a good service for the right fee.

And make sure everyone who is ready will get a shot at any door they wish. Now isn't that a good thing?

See I bet you are thinking yes. And I can imagine that will be no problem for some. If you say yes, then cool.

Just feel they are the ones that will benefit from this posting. I figure it is best to know you market with sales.

And I have even more joy in that regard. A chance to share the wealth. We my version o it.

Which is always from another person.


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