Sunday, May 04, 2008


The wonderful moments when the world sucks. And that never really gives us much occasion to smile.

The not likely times of life are when you want sometime, really need it in some cases, but it ain't happening. And won't happen.

Now that is the really pain the butt. Because you dream about it, expect it to happen and nothing takes place.

But you really do keep on trying. Which is sort of the good aspect. Providing you keep it focused.

See the problem isn't with the possibilities. It is when you aren't realistic. Then you have a problem.

Now I have solutions of my own idea. I look at it and say, I'll give it a shot. Yeah, that is what makes the difference.

To keep trying even if it doesn't seem to work for others. Then you can smile and be happy.

Well you at least lie about it. And that is what matters most. At least to me. But we all need these times.

At least if we are to try and make it all seem realistic. And that will make it all have the difference.

In any case this is the part that I have focused on. Trying to be sure the not likely moments don't ruin my day.

I do this in part by trying to toss out the problems for others to get stuck with. The more not likely that I can pass on somebody else the better.

I do admit that is my main strategy at times. But what the heck, why shouldn't it be? I have a right to live too?

Just hard to get everyone to agree on that part. For others seem to think that they should be able to get rid of their not likely toos.

Well that is all fun. Only not the way it works. My best approach is to take the broken crude and dump it on others.

Oh yeah, that makes my day. And you can be sure the countless not likelys that I leave for somebody else makes me happy.
Always worth the smile.


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